Tuesday, 13 October 2020

NYCC Metaverse Batman: Death In the Family Panel

Bruce Greenwood loves voicing Batman again and over the years and it was fun for him. Though he can’t say the same for the audience. Aww always and his voice was great having the right depth to bring out his character.  But you know at least he got to play his voice in an animation considering Bruce shares his name with Bruce Wayne.  So from one Bruce to another.  Let's hope he gets another vehicle to showcase more of his talent.  Musical Batman I'm thinking 'ey?? 

Brandon Vietti saying the Blue Ray will take everyone back to Jason's backstory.   He wanted today’s fans to experience the interaction that was done with the early comic and decide on the choices they make. Can’t do the same on the digital release though. 
Zehra Fazal loves the character of Talia al Ghul. The character brings motivation in the interaction.

Bruce was excited to check out all the routes they can do down which can’t do in TV shows or film where the director chooses what will happen.  Thus they can draw their own conclusions and add their own makeshift narration on how they want the story to turn out, without just getting what the creators would have taken the story route.  Joined also by Vincent Martella who voices Jason.

Tala and Bruce Wayne are both similar especially of their family values, family and team building.
Brandon sees Batman as a father figure and the way Bruce brought him out in that way. Even from Under the Red Hood. Batman has always been broken” and his longing for family brought out his vulnerability but in a different way to before.

"The impossible is just the unthinkable lying in wait” one of Zehra’s fave lines and how it was played by Bruce.

You can also see footage from Under the Red Hood here too.
Bruce on John diMaggio's character of the Joker how he was "a monster and so amazing.  Aesthetically his face is really lived in."  
"Working with beloved characters see different sides of a character they love and being a part of this story" is what Brandon hopes.

Bruce wants everyone to "enjoy the ride and the choice they make.  To have ownership of what happens and have a knot in stomach and what they say about me in their first choice." Bruce: "I hope they appreciate that danger." 

Zehra " the road to hell and life doesn’t always operate that well."

At least we can interact and fully enjoy the outcome of the story and let's see what choices we do end up making and for what reasons, will this also reflect ourselves and our own thought processes and character whist choosing those roads.  Or will we just chose a route for the sake of it without being emotional.

Would've loved to have been able to have interacted with the cast particularly Bruce or even taken a few questions from the audience.  In that sense the panel was limited and they didn't have any opportunities for meet 'n' greet packages or autographs and video messages.  This was sorely missed and a shame!  Still great watching Bruce who always has so much to say on his characters and everyone else's too!

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