Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Ghost Adventures "Pasadena Ritual House"

                                                Image result for ghost adventures pasadena ritual house
Why do these episodes all have a 'ritual house' tag anyway and yes they're also associated with Satanic rituals, demons and something dark.  Why don't they come up with more catchy titles (ha).  Also I found this episodes rather repetitive in content, as though everything happened on cue.  Maybe it does the paranormal being so unpredictable and sure as that happens, Aaron has his first and last seance with using the Ouija board and his name comes through, or as close as possible, "GODWIN" with a woman saying she's been waiting for him.  A shame the question of who she was and why she wanted him wasn't asked on the Puck either.  Or perhaps it was, but we just didn't get to see that part.  It was easy to see that's what the letters would spell out.  Also a question as to why it was spelled "God" and not with two 'o's.

Then again as regular as clockwork, there are three knocks from Richard's bedroom wall.  Again as we've discussed on occasions, they don't necessarily have to be associated with the Holy Trinity and mocking it.  They could just as easily be three knocks which is commonplace for people to use when they knock on a door.  Wonder why they didn't let Jay in on the seance, giving his past history with the Ouija board.  I just find that part more than just coincidental.  As Aaron was the one sitting next to Richard and holding his hand.  Why didn't Zak sit next to him or Billy.

Patty Negri brought them to the house and tells them about Richard, a friend she's met the last year and has participated in a seance with him.  He's a psychic medium as well.  She saw the darkness from behind and figures and she doesn't know if they were demons.  This 1890 Victorian home appears to be a mystery as to why it's so highly charged and Zak speaking with Richard.  He claims to be haunted himself as well as the house being haunted before he arrived here.  He's a Satanist and he believes in "inter-dimensional beings" and the devil.  He conjures and he closes the door afterwards.  The events open with tapping or the chandelier shakes.  The original owner of the house has communicated with him and a woman who asked for a seance and she spoke of her son and wanted to cause him harm.

Dawn, a room mate, spoke of a man getting into bed with her and suffering sleep paralysis.  It could have been the original owner, Victor.
Zak believing her bedroom is a portal.  As they use the SLS a figure appears on her shoulder.  As well as having an attachment.  Which appears as he uses the word "darker."  Oh stop calling her a woman, her name was Dawn, you can't just forget their names so easily.  A figure also stands on the seance table and on the chair by it.  As the equipment makes a buzzing sound.  Zak takes a Polaroid photo.  When he looked at the Polaroid with the white mass, it appears to be a hooded man, or at least it resembles some sort of a figure.  Apparently it appears the energy in the house has changed and there's a full moon too.

Using the digital recorder a voice comes through saying "have a drink."  It's when Zak talks of the chair, that's what they do when they take part in the seance and drink as pointed out by Billy too.
During the seance the table rocks. Billy and Zak hear a hissing sound later in one of the bedrooms and the jar on the dresser rattles. On the Direct Link which Aaron is holding, a woman says "coming" a different voice says "for you."  "The enact? will haunt Satan" is what I heard when the man comes through, not "you will want Satan."  Which doesn't really make sense, he doesn't want Satan.  Though listening to it over it sounds like "will upon" and not "haunt."
The 'unexplained woman's voice' on the Direct Link at approx 31 minutes, says "she's here, I'm sure."  Probably in reference to the woman coming for Aaron.  As there are lights seen at the same time.  Then after listening to this a few times, she sounds like "sit there, I'm sure."  Aggh so frustrating!

When Zak takes photos by the bathroom on the Polaroid there's a face captured in the light anomaly.  Took this pic with the phone and it resembles a proper man's face rather more than a clownish face in the Polaroid.

Here Billy gets a stabbing pain in his head.  Aaron want to go into the room and get angry at them. 

"Who are you attached to?" Zak asks on the Puck.

"What do you want to tell Aaron Goodwin?"
Devil  Is Aaron a demon in disguise?  Just joking.

Hematus comes through: an ancient deity from Ancient Babylon, whose name means 'secret'.  Known as a demon now.  The Puck turns off and something was touching Aaron's hand.  Way to scare Aaron with him going to be affected by this long after they leave here.  But he is used to this kind of activity though not directed all towards him.  Who is Tom??

Emailed those pics to post here and the one with the anomaly on the chair didn't go through.  Yikes, also when I opened up the face one to upload all I saw were two creepy eyes staring at me??!!

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