Saturday, 2 November 2019

Ghost Adventures Hallowe'en Special "Curse of the Harrisville Farmhouse"

                                              Image result for ghost adventures the harrisville farmhouse
The Harrisville Farmhouse, Rhode Island, investigation proved to be as disturbing as was promised.  The curse upon the Arnold family from a century ago and the black mass seen in 1973 which led to this paranormal activity.  Seen by the Perron family to the point where a seance led to the mother of the family being thrown across the room in her chair.  Zak brought back the daughter of the Perron family, Andrea, to the house. Currently the present family Corey and Jen, who bought the house in 2019 are concerned for their son, Kyler who also witnessed the black mass; as did their friend Bill.  Kyler refused to return to the house for two weeks.  Zak wanted Andrea to show them inside the house, who was grateful to Zak for his work.  She advised caution with something that Lorraine Warren unleashed.  She told Andrea she didn't know that she and Ed were "in over their heads forty years ago."  The story being made into the films The Conjuring and now number 3 is on the way.

Andrea could hear footsteps outside their room and her sister got into bed with her the first night they moved in and could hear voices.  The farmhouse going back decades and also how there are seven dead soldiers buried in the outside wall.  The library was her parent's bedroom, where Zak felt unbalanced and anxiety.  Feeling no anger until he entered that room.  The Perron children witnessed the seance and saw their mother fly across the room.  As well as the table lifting from the floor.  Billy and Jay getting so phased out and seeing figures. 

Carl and Keith Johnson were investigating the house before the Warrens arrived there.  They could feel electricity around the area when they arrived and saw something dark by the bedroom at that time.  The drone caught a black mass in the screen area of the porch.  Also a storm approaches. Footsteps are heard upstairs, potentially, as Zak takes Polaroids.  Carl uses an old cassette recorder.  Feeling a transient cool breeze.  When a prayer is read a growl is heard.  A creaking sound from the chair can be heard.  A black mass passes in front of Billy when he is downstairs alone and is captured on his camera.  As Zak sits in a rocking chair upstairs two stick figures appear.  One appears to be on the ceiling with the second one reaching out to it. 

In the Polaroid a black mass appears at the bottom of the photo which is gone from the next photo taken immediately afterwards. 
Zak feels pain on his side where his kidney is located, like a knife.  In the same room where Carl felt a stinging in his fingers.  Zak finds himself unable to speak when he tries to tell us this is where they saw the flickering light in the photo. 

Zak decides to investigate by the river as he believes this is where some from of activity takes place.  Another growl is heard.  Receiving a message on his phone which he swears he switched off: "are you dead?"  What was uncannily funny, unintentionally of course, are the words under which say: "I don't have the answer for that.  Is there something else I can help you with."  The voice Zak catches on the parabolic mic says "reverse back" almost automotively, like it was something from a car or truck.  And sees a ball of light in the woods.  Using the thermal he sees a mass move across one of the windows which Aaron says is the window of the library. 
Not so clear on this photo, as my screen shots aren't working, but there seems to be a figure circled in red in the next window.  Go back and rewatch if you didn't see it.  I didn't pay attention to it at first. The black figure was in the window on the left.

Aaron doesn't want to go any further.  As Zak calls Cody to ask if Jay can carry out a conjure ritual   in the basement and he can close it afterwards.  Using salt to form a circle, he and Aaron sit inside the circle as Zak heads to Andrea's old room and Billy investigates in the dining room.   "Cellar; lasting; blaze" show on the Ovilis.  Billy hears footsteps in the library or seance room and can't move.   A loud thump can be heard by all of them.  As Billy checks on Zak, Billy then captures hangers moving on the closet railing.  Jay comes to find Billy and Zak but feels like he's in another time as he hears walking upstairs.  He then closes the ritual and buries the ashes outside. 

At his museum, Zak sits on the Devil's rocking chair feeling a shock and days later says he's got a pain in his back. 
Explaining to Kevin, the ET reporter who visits the museum for a second time; he was violently ill after this investigation which lasted for around three weeks.  Kevin refuses to touch the chair and Zak tells him he's mocked it and it's then he says he feels a pain in his back and isn't sure what caused it.  Zak invites him back to the museum next Hallowe'en and to spend the night alone there by himself, which he replies would break him.  Zak adding then they'd investigate as to what happened and why.  At the 26.59 mark there's an orb that flies over Kevin's head which appears to go into the top of his head. 

Don't know if that's why he felt a pain in his back or if the orb appeared from elsewhere in the museum.  Heck I'd spend a night there, but on the provision someone else could be brought in with me.  Well you need back up incase something goes wrong, even if you would be filmed.

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