Sunday, 10 February 2019

Hellier 1.5 "The Heart Of It" Review

                                            Image result for hellier the heart of it
They undertook to conduct an experiment to "enhance any latent psychic abilities" which Greg carried out.  It involves the" senses are blocked out which give you input... Placing ping pong balls on your eyes and put white noise in the ears.  A form of sensory deprivation."  Leaving him to focus on his thoughts and you can't hear anyone around you.  He thought he was on a train and going through a tunnel.  Which is where they were before and still there now.  Karl hears a voice " guys."  Greg sees a grey alien with blue eyes and someone on YouTube comments, Anziroth42  mentions the book, Whitley Streibers' Transformation references this to a book on Greg's shelf with a photo on the cover resembling what he saw.  So did he see this for real, or was it just a thought resonating in his mind relating to this book, what he had already seen before.

Maybe it's just me but I feel the use of more equipment might've helped, such as Infra red cameras or the use of more static cameras pointing in different directions.  Something to capture what the eyes wouldn't see or the ears wouldn't hear.  Perhaps a more balanced form of investigating too.  Yet again I'm not being critical, just some suggestions!

Dana saying there was something watching them and was curious and making noise to show something is there.  Karl felt too comfortable with the surroundings which he said shouldn't be happening.  Dana did a Tarot reading in the tunnel: "loss of comfort, stability, material possessions."  Re the Hangman card: "looking for answers which were turned upside down."  Since what they started out looking for: goblins, they end up with spirit box sessions and hearing voices, relating more to the paranormal phenomena of ghosts/spirits. 

Connor does another spirit box session, again we don't get to hear it, which is a shame.  At least parts of it would've been audible to us, just to for more of an explanation of what was happening and what he was hearing coming through.  They find a girl may be there, or a boy.  Which doesn't explain their initial quest for goblins etc.  With a name such as "Ivan" coming up.  Greg saying some spirits were coming through and how it was all random, as well as some spirits they thought felt familiar.  Again what was this session turning into?
However they felt they had got what they came for.  It was more than just goblins.  Connor felt the same as Karl, "comfortable." Using the phrase "celebrate activity" he heard on the spirit box and they felt they found the caves and things and the "investigation made sense" to them.

Greg met thoughtful people through his work as an investigator, looking at things introspectively.  He met John Tenney when he and Dana made fun on the Internet about him.  Stating they didn't think much of his opinion.  Later they met him and they got on so well.  He's "one of the smartest people I know when it comes to paranormal phenomena."  He investigates using his own methods and ways of looking at such phenomena, explained Greg.  
John: "it's not about solving that mystery...but the experiences are to reinforce the fact that these experiences happen."
They wouldn't get "closure" here and they knew that.  As Greg remarked it's people who decide on closure whether they get it or not.  It's not real.  However one day they might find that this is what they found today and how it might affect them in the future.

Cincinnati, Ohio

The Newkirk's apartment and Connor finds a book by John Keel Flying Saucer to the Centre of Your Mind, edited by Andrew Colvin.  The first page was an article from 1972 Anomaly Magazine relating to different sounds that people hear at times of  "high strangeness," John wrote of audio hallucinations: sounds of a baby crying (amongst UFO and monster witnessing) and unseen car door slamming."  Connor explains that's what the residents of Hellier heard and told them about: a baby crying.  The car door slamming which was the sound of a car door locking for them, when they were in a cave tunnel in a Kentucky forest.

October 2017

Synchronicity can be used for psychic phenomena.  "Synchromysticism" was developed, again from the writings of John Keel.  

Loveland, Colorado

Karl looking through The Mothman Prophecies again in November 2018, referencing to the bi-ped extract, assumed they were confronting demons...left footprints behind...chimera described them..." also referring to "animated tin cans."  Andrew saying "a chimera can take the form of a tin can..."  This was written 50 years ago, but they came across a tin can in the tunnel.  Another form of a synchronicity?  

Greg their Hellier story "was similar to David's..a stranger and the phenomena drives you out..."  He'd want David to contact them and Terry too, since he appears to have started all this.  Someone watching this doco may lead to someone else finding something new one day, perhaps goblins, whatever, and maybe get a breakthrough in the longrun.  

As much as this was interesting, I'd like them to apply some same methods to investigating a location which is more haunted and less to do with goblins and UFOs, applying their experiences to more ghostly hauntings.  Yeah that's just me again!! 

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