Saturday, 9 February 2019
Hellier 1.3 "Trapped In A Maze"
As they were lighting candles for the elementals and they hear a "woody knock." Which I didn't hear and I'm always on the ball with sounds! Spirit box may be controversial, but it has been used by many investigators and no I don't believe you hear what you want to hear and I've written about this elsewhere. So why couldn't we hear what was coming through. I'm not being sceptical or overtly critical, but it's all part of the process of knowing what's happening if you're doing this kind of investigation and running experiments, you need to be more open about it. It's not just for personal investigation purposes since this was a doco being filmed. Anyway, that's my opinion and what I believe, you don't have to agree with it.
Connor saying he heard 'Karl' a lot with the random words during the session.
The Estes Method has been tried by others too. I haven't heard it being referred to as this method. Nick and Katrina have used their 'version' of it in a Paranormal Lockdown ep as he did with Elizabeth Saint in a Ghosts of Shepherdstown ep. [S2 I'm Your Greatest Fan.] Where they asked questions and then waited to hear what answers one of them would get and whether they got any correlation.
Karl and his synchronicity about the lead Joey came up with and the lead on the three-legged bird. Describing it as an impossibility of sorts.
Their recording of the session lasted 48 minutes which is what Connor asked when he was conducting the spirit box experiment. Which they called a "prophecy." Since it was so uncanny.
Planet Weird replied the following
2 weeks ago on youtube:
"Most of us are of the mindset that these things aren't exactly biological entities, or are part of something that exists half in and half out. Most of the old contactees from the 50s and 60s said their communications happened via telepathic messages, so it seemed worth attempting some parapsychological experiments. [Thus the spirit box session.]
Our view of ghosts isn't "dead people" so much as free-roaming intelligences, which we're starting to believe these entities are, especially in connection with the phenomena."
Heading to Pikeville they ask about Christie again and look through town records. Concluding David Christie didn't exist. But people told them stories of paranormal events and called them "critters" even in reference to UFOs or demons. Even down to the priest referring to them as such.
Footprint photos and Joey mentioned a cave they could investigate. He had photos of himself and the carvings. Greg speaks of sychronicity between the Mothman cave and the Ink and the Black.
Their method:
"Spirit Box so ingenious is their technique called the Estes Method, which was developed by Connor Randall and Karl Pfeiffer. In the Estes Method, only one person listens to the radio with sound canceling headphones and a blindfold on, while the other person asks the spirit questions. The blindfolded person has no idea what’s being said or asked, but is merely saying out loud phrases that the radio stops on. The dialogue that occurs with this method is beyond fascinating."
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