Another episode focusing on darkness, evil and negativity.
Would love to see a 'normal' mansion episode investigation just once!
The question of why anyone would actually sign a waiver to go through something so sadistic and being able to do that even if you sign a waiver and consent to it. They're still criminal activities and so if someone is killed, gets killed, is that going to be written off as being 'signed on the dotted line'!
The crew getting touched and more pain on Zak's lower back, signalling a dark, demonic presence. The voice on the spirit box at around 5.39 sounds like "is it evil?" It's not very clear but it doesn't sound like "animal" to me.
Lots of the staff were affected and left including Staysha, now working at The Haunted Museum.
So Anton LeVay rears the satanic verve once again and as Satanist John says there are Satanic symbols everywhere on the walls in the Coven of 13 house. Such as the witch going off without the sensors being turned on. The inverted pentagram with the goat as symbolic too.
Zak quotes: "Fear is pain arising from the anticipation of evil..." Aristotle
Probably more than anything was him quoting Aristotle, blown by that! ha. John mentions how the "intent of the user" is what gives a place its satanic influence, activity and connotations!
As for the 'Leviathan cross' aka the cross of Satan, is where my computer froze! Great!
Aaron's phone goes off with the message "did you accidentally summon me?" Oh Siri you're getting satanic tendencies now too! Sending communication through an electronic device, a phone, a harkback to the Demon House doco where electronic equipment was affected before and after filming there, affecting the men in this way.
As for sending in Aaron alone, yeah we've heard it before. But Zak should've gone in too alone since he was screaming too when they set up the static cameras. The presence of Spanish there, why? "Abierta." = open. The gates of hell are open sounds logical!! and more in tune with the presence of a portal there. (Here we go with the portals!) At 27.16 I don't hear "the baby" but "look behind you." It wasn't just babies that were sacrificed and so would be unusual to come through, though not unexpected. What exactly was behind Aaron?? So having asked this, I recalled how Aaron was standing in front of the satanic symbols on the wall when he got the phone message. Also perhaps why the voices said behind him on the spirit box; albeit a little too late. The Talking EVP device says "salvation" and nothing else.
The new thermal camera and also the stick figure, appears to be stomping its foot on something/someone with some weird kinda dance. This creepy skull-like face wasn't my imagination, saw it on the TV too right in the centre of the cross when Zak was filming with the SLS!
When Zak got touched on his leg, that's where the figure disappeared, it looks like it does a somersault and vanished on the ground. Strangely the voice on the recorder sounds like "Zak's neck" to me, yeah hilarious in that he was touched there and his neck was cold. More touching in the chain link room and an anomaly. "Evil, lamb" comes up on the Ovilus.
"Fire, hunt, threat." Also came through in the bloody bathtub room. Like eeww why would Aaron get in the tub! Crazy! Yeah Zak "you see what happens!" Wonder if they got any attachments when they left here, or anything negative?
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