Ghost Adventures lately seems to get even more connected to other eps and investigations from the past and this one was no exception. Some kind of weird synchronicity yes, but also as if the 'powers' that be (good or evil) appear to always lead them onto another case or location which has much more sinister happenings and occurrences, or more of a purpose to them being there. It seems to find them out just to add a more darker gravitas to the investigation. What started off as a 'simple' scratch simple, call it, straightforward investigation about another mining town, after an invite from the town of Eureka's Mayor, turned into something more prepossessing and evil. With the paranormal investigator, telling them about the Fitch Mansion. How he was attacked there and how there were some form of rituals taking place there.
Leading them to agree to a ritual with the owner, Billie and her friend, Ted. Who already appeared to be 'crazed' out from whatever he's been conjuring, as she explained to Zak about his past behaviour. It felt more than just coincidental, them ending up here of all places in the town. Also if you are into rituals, not fully willing to talk about them once on camera, why agree to be filmed, or were they looking for new bait and initiations to join them? You know, free advertizing for whatever they're into.
Then lo and behold we get Alaister Crowley again, as mentioned in the Westerfeld House ep (see link to my review below) and also Jay's reference to it in the Route 666 ep.
Jay and the others getting suspicious of this Ted with Jay adding that a ritual needs to be done properly; but it seemed Ted was either testing them (their patience?) or rather hoping something would go wrong deliberately, as Jay pointed out to him that he hadn't done the ritual right. Yeah and that expression "moth to a flame" was shown physically actually taking place... as the moth was drawn to the candle flames but didn't burn or die. then the stick figure next to Ted and how he knew it was there. As well as him having a creepy look on his face when Zak played back that EVP with his name. After he asked "what name are you connected to?" I thought it said "Zak Bagans can ask that or can't ask that.." It's three syllables. At first it sounded like "summoned me" but he wouldn't and couldn't do that. So it could be the entity was saying perhaps he was invited and only Zak can say why; or in the sense of being fooled into thinking this entity was manipulated by Ted to say this, particularly as he knew where the stick figure was exactly. Plus the way Ted kept sniggering and laughing during the summoning ritual and afterwards.
Same with Billie telling Zak she couldn't sleep after their conversation and how he must've brought something with him. Again kinda giving credence to the EVP of Zak somehow 'inviting' it. At least that's my line of thinking and how I feel. Billie's friend, who she said cut herself, but what was it with Ted wielding that knife behind Jay, it's even more suspicious of what happened to her girlfriend and cutting herself. Did she cut herself willingly or was she made to do it?
Investigating the bank in town and getting the light anomaly on the stairs, I said it looked like it was going down the stairs too. As well as the EVP with Billy after he was provoking there. Which sounds like, well what I heard, "I hurt this kinda guy tryin' to ? me up." The ? is something like 'beat' me or 'shame;' 'shit' me up? I need my headphones! The ? is more obscure sounding. Would explain the stuff being thrown or knocked over.
My niggle why they get reporters/journos on there who do very little and don't contribute much! Yeah it's for publicity, but do they really need credence from a sceptic, they've had years, ten to be precise; in proving the existence and amassing evidence! Just like the one at Sailor's Snug Harbour wasn't very good either and when they missed that glorious EVP, oh come on!
Where it says "unexplained laughter" the voice says "get the f**k out!"
Yeah going back a bit but I did tweet it then!
I thought is was interesting that she kept accusing Zak of bringing something but her roommate was doing rituals! Was interesting but I am always left with questions GA needs a talking dead type of after show.
I wonder what happened with Billie and her freaky roommate following this episode?
ReplyDeleteThere’s no way in hell I would have allowed that ceremony to happen with somebody that I was already suspicious of. Those boys are crazy!
I wonder what happened with Billie and her freaky roommate following this episode?
ReplyDeleteThere’s no way in hell I would have allowed that ceremony to happen with somebody that I was already suspicious of. Those boys are crazy!