The Doctor (Jodie Whittaker) ends up on a junk plant rummaging through the trash. When she chances upon a sonic bomb which explodes, yeah cos it was far easier to just watch it for so long before it exploded. When they awake they find themselves in a white room and the Doctor is being administered to by Astos (Brett Goldstein) who got a mere ten minutes or so of screen time, especially after bonding with the Doc so early on. It's as though they just Astos(sed) him right out! But she doesn't listen to what Astos tells her and instead ends up running around (as always) until she finally realizes there's vibration and she's on a ship. She's got a spleen injury which comes and goes and wants to talk with the pilot. Until Atos explains about the ship and she notices unusual activity and some blob that's moving out in space and comes on board. Checking out the entrance port she goes starboard but he wants to go instead. The pod she finds is gone and Astos gets into the other one. Calling it a rookie mistake as he ends up locked inside and the pod released. Exploding into space. Before he does he sends Mabli (Lois Chimimba) a message saying she's in charge now and she's good at her job and he believes in her.
The Doctor and the others meeting another patient, Yoss Inkl (Jack Shalloo) who is a pregnant male and his species are able to give birth to babies. As he later tells Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Ryan (Tosin Cole) men give birth to boys and women to girls. He's apprehensive about becoming a father but later Graham (Bradley Walsh) and Ryan talk him through it when assisting in the birth and Ryan tells him he'll be a good father. He doesn't have to be perfect just be there. As Ryan earlier told Yaz about his father and he hasn't seen him in a year and the same old story of not being there when he needed him. Perhaps a good line in this was when Mabli tells him he can't feel anything cos the male sac is designed not to let him do so! Clearly as an aside to men not being able to take the pain of childbirth!
They also meet the General Eve Cicero (Suzanne Packer) who is there with her android assistant, Ronan (David Shields) and her brother, Durkas (Ben Bailey Smith) who don't get on with each other. As the Doctor meets her and tells her there's a volume written about her and not just a chapter in The Book of Celebrants. (Will we find out what this is? Was it in the library with River Song?) Exploring the rest of the ship, Mabli tells her that Rhesus 1 will detect them for the Pting as they find info on what this species is. A creature feeding off energy which the Doctor finally gets and that's what happened to the pod. It didn't blow it up, it just used up the energy. A Pting being akin to a gremlin eating everything in sight. It will go for the antimatter coil fuelling the ship and so Yaz and Ronan are sent there to guard it using stasers if it comes into contact with them to knock it out.
The ship sends out three signals stating it's free of the Pting otherwise Rhesus 1 will blow it up by means of self destruction. Of course the Doctor is without her TARDIS (again) and the Pting devoured the energy from the Sonic but she realizes it has a self reboot mechanism. She gets the idea to remove the bomb and place it in a chamber enticing the Pting towards it as it eats up the energy, then she jettisons the Pting into space. Graham and Ryan help deliver the baby and Yoss decides to name him Avocado Pear, not Graham Ryan cos it'll be a laughing stock! He decides to keep the baby and Ryan still refuses to fist bump Graham. Also they comment on how his Nan would be laughing at them right now.
A pretty routine ep this time round with the Doctor emphasizing hope and how it's always around, it's what people wish for and hope for like peace. Eve and Durkas Cicero making amends before she dies and he flies the ship to safety. As she suffered from pilot heart, using her neurons to navigate the ships she's flown, she does the same with this one and was using adrenalin blockers to protect her heart and not wanting it to get out that she suffers from this condition. This ep would've been much better if it was more scarier instead we get one focusing on hope and once again how working as a team helps them through their troubles.
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