An episode for those into their history and specifically US history, with Rosa Parks as a talking point to begin any conversation. But to actually be there got them talking in this, especially Ryan (Tosin Cole) and Yaz (Mandip Gill) who experienced first hand the racism of the past. No it didn't get better in the longrun, things improved but back to being worse currently in most countries, particularly the US. With Ryan being told he can't stay in the diner and Yaz being called a Mexican, though things seemed to be a little different for Mexicans, at least back then, but not so for the blacks populace. Yaz's reference to not being accepted even at work is believable and relevant today and particularly being a Muslim and being called the generic stereotypical label of 'terrorist'. As well as being called "Paki" : a racist term also still prevalent today.
The Doctor (Jodi Whittaker) being impressed by being in 1955 Montgomery Alabama and meeting Rosa Parks (Vinette Robinson) where the TARDIS took them after their ninth attempt to get back to Sheffield or fourteenth as Graham (Bradley Walsh) said. Detecting artron signals which isn't good, probably why the TARDIS bought them here. With Krosco (Josh Bowman) sabotaging the bus sit-in and trying to alter history. The Doctor detecting his suitcase in a warehouse and being masked. Explaining also why he came across the TARDIS which is meant to be invisible to others. They have to ensure that history goes ahead unaltered with the next day being the day of the sit-in and as they take in the bus ride to determine the route and her schedule. Using the hotel room wall as a marker board which the Doctor says can be easily wiped off. Graham referring to her as not being Banksy, and who know she could be him! Ryan being confused about his history of who Rosa is and Graham saying his grandmother would be angry.
The Doctor encounters Krosco (a pun on a market warehouse store almost) who is a former prisoner of Storm Cage as she notices his tattoo on his wrist and he was released with a neuro restrictor being implanted so he can't get violent, though he does grab her neck and can't do much else. As she makes his vortex manipulator disappear so he's stuck here and she's his only way out. Of course he tries everything he can to ensure history is changed as he's a racist. He gets the driver, James to alter his day so he doesn't drive the bus but Graham and Ryan fix that by turning up at his fishing hole and making sure he goes back to work telling him there's going to be trouble on his route.
Ryan gets to speak with Rosa, her husband, when he follows her home to keep an aye on her and getting to meet Dr Martin Luther King. As the Doctor tears her coat so Rosa can fix it and be on time for hr bus in the evening. Yaz tells Rosa she's in the police and she wants to be in a senior position. However as they board the bus, they realize there won't be enough people to ensure Rosa's protest goes ahead as Ryan couldn't get enough people on board. He did manage to zap Krosco away, way back in time with the Doctor's gadget when he obstructed the road with a car so the bus would be late. The Doctor tells them they can't get off the bus as it's not full enough and they would be a part of history that didn't help her. Rosa is finally arrested as she refuses to give up her seat.
The best ep so far allowing children a look at 'living' history unfolding before them and the hardships people faced back then as they were treated unfairly and unequally cos of their skin colour. Was it ironic that Graham was the reason Rosa didn't give up her seat. More ironic, not in a flippant way, but he was the one who got up from his seat thinking they'd helped her and could leave. The Doctor telling him they have to be the ones "to not help her."
Other good bits: Graham calling himself Steve Jobs and telling the racist cop they were here to pitch a telephone with a camera, sending letter ability and the look on his face. Like Brits are weirdos too! Should've added yeah and we Brits (the majority) done with slavery centuries ago and don't suffer racists fools lightly! The Doctor showing them Rosa has an asteroid named after her and thus she also changed the universe too! Cos that's what it's all about and let's no forget the Congressional Medal Rosa was awarded! A slap in the face for you Number 45 and your racist egoism and that of your ilk! Yes talkin' about you bigly!!
With lots of references for ardent Doctor Who fans, including Storm Cage where River Song was incarcerated during Doctor Eleven's (Matt Smith) time on the show. Elvis was mentioned before when Rose and the Doctor wanted to go see him in concert and here the Doctor said she gave him a mobile phone, which he later used to convince Frank Sinatra to arrange a concert tour for the bus driver who was substituted for James on that morning. In A Christmas Carol in 2010 the Doctor and Frank performed a duet, it was said. The vortex manipulator was used by Jack Harkness and then by several other Doctor Who characters, including Martha, River, Clara, Missy and the Doctor too. With Doctor Thirteenth's reference to it being "cheap and nasty time travel" also uttered by Doctor Eleven in The Big Bang.
The perception filter is what Krosco used on the suitcase with his equipment and which is also used on the TARDIS to make it invisible to others and has been used many times in other episodes including The Vampires of Venice. (Loved that ep.) The temporal displacement weapon is not really used much in the past but was one way the Weeping Angels sent people back in time.
AGH spiders next week and in Sheffield too!! All in time for Hallowe'en!!
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