Friday, 28 September 2018

Paranormal Lockdown UK 1.6 "Newsham Park Hospital" Review

This ep was shown as there were technical issues with 1.5 thus out of order, but will be aired next week.
Newsham Park located in Liverpool, was originally built in 1874 and was specifically for the purposes of housing orphans of seamen lost at sea.  Leading to all manner of cruel punishment and a tough, harsh life for these orphans even having to endure separation and being sent to the punishment floor if they spoke out.  Queen Victoria visited the orphanage twice and a Royal seal was awarded after a visit there.  The hospital was also opened by the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Victoria's son who was also a sailor.  It then became a  hospital in 1954 and housed some of the more criminally insane including allegedly Ian Brady, one half of the Moors Murder duo.  It then became a psychiatric hospital in 1992 until finally being closed down.

Reportedly one of the most sinister locations in England.  A place Nick and Katrina had been researching for a while and wanting to get in there to investigate.  With so much going on behind closed doors there was bound to be plenty of activity, including demonic rituals carried out here in the chapel and other areas.  The original owner commenting on finding bones and teeth.  Katrina also found a makeshift Ouija board on one of the original tables.  Thus giving it all sorts of energy and allowing anything evil to come through.

They were led on a quick tour by historian Paul who showed them where the orphans would eat their meagre meal and where there have been reports of footsteps, running and shadow figures.  There where also shown a slab where DBs would be laid and some investigators even used a Ouija board on it.  Was that really necessary especially since it's widely accepted you can never tell what will come through and also if the session isn't properly closed.  One reason for the so-called evil activity of the place.  The basement boasts of light anomalies and also a headless man in white.  Perhaps this was the man they got coming through on the Geoport whilst they conducted an experiment using the Hazer, which omitted smoke and the LED light panel, when a voice came through saying, "I lost my head...saw."  Nick thinking it could have been accidentally sawn off like during an autopsy or an accident.  They also got the name "Sid" coming through twice.

Nick used the EchoVox to scan through voices phonetically, as well as using a thermal camera.  With hardly anything coming through they went to the third floor and Nick saw a shadow figure here and heard footsteps as well as a banging door.  Putting it more down to children rather than anything darker.  A lot of running around was heard but again nothing was caught on camera, which is getting to be commonplace now.  You'd think with so much technical equipment they would catch something on camera.  Sadly not even Rob caught anything this time!  The only word Nick heard was "abuse."

Nick chose to spend the first night in the morgue (again) and didn't get anything except for a banging sound which he thought was a chair.  Swearing he doesn't want to spend another night in a morgue until he dies!  They investigated the tower which had a lot of bird droppings which made Katrina swear and it was painful to climb the stairs.  Either it was dangerous or she said it might be environmental factors which made her feel uneasy.

In the basement they set up the hazer and lasers and a still camera taking stills every five seconds.  Nick had some responses here, re the losing head comment and the light panels were going on and off quite frantically, more so than they've done before.  Both thought they saw something trying to manifest in the smoke and a white outline was seen in a photo taken by the stills camera.  I kept looking at the left side of the door and was sure there appeared to be something there, but perhaps it was just the smoke.  See pictures below where they saw a white figure. Personally it wasn't really that apparent anything was actually there.
In the first pic below I can see two faces one on the left corner behind the door and one in the right corner behind the right door, looks almost bearded the one on the right, a kinda laughing Nick to me!!  Ha. The arrow was where I kept looking.

Though I do have to ask why when they were reviewing the evidence the next day, they sat with the windows behind them cos there was quite a bit of light and reflection from the windows reflecting off the computer screen.  So it was hard to see if there was anything actually there.  Nick said the experiment was being carried out for the first time using the hazing machine.  It was a first for the UK but the haze generator has been used before in Paranormal Lockdown episode 3.8 Beattie Mansion when Elizabeth Saint came in to help them with it and she saw a dark figure break the laser beam.

Nick slept on the floor above and Katrina in the main hall but nothing happened during the night.  However before Nick went to sleep and after he set up his cot, an orb could be seen appearing from the left side of the door.  Also there were orbs in the main hall where Katrina was sleeping, just before she speaks to the camera.

On the final night they investigated the punishment hall where footsteps where heard and a child's voice came through saying, "I want my daddy."  Sadly many of the children were never to leave here or see their parents again which broke Nick's heart in particular.  Another voice said "let me out".  They seem to capture this phrase quite a lot and have done so in 4 out of 5 of their investigations at least.  "He's coming back" was also heard on the Geoport and it could be a child waiting for someone to return for them.

They decided that the activity isn't dark or as evil as people have said and mostly children, aside from the basement where they do believe something dark lurks there.  Ah well if nothing else be amused at Nick's pronunciation of NewSham as "Newshim."  And Rob got beeped before the first ad break, so much for letting the expletives remain!  HA.
Next ep is the one originally scheduled for this week  Skegness Hell House.

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