Thursday, 20 September 2018

Paranormal Lockdown UK 1.4 "Abandoned Park Hotel" Review

Another haunted location being a hotel, think these are top of the list as far as investigations are concerned, where Nick and Katrina try to help out a new owner, Martin.  Hey this hotel can't be classed as abandoned if it's been bought and other paranormal groups investigate here.  Shadow figures, disembodied voices such as screams have been heard by people.  Martin's property manager even caught a face on CCTV which resembled a devil face.  So ominous even before the investigation began.  With a man murdering his wife, Emma and then hanging himself in the tower, as well as other suicides.  A lot of the activity at the hotel was residual balanced against intelligent responses; with the spirits just going about their daily activities.  Even capturing a conversation where the man and woman appeared to be oblivious to their presence.  That breakfast reminiscent of the one from Paranormal Lockdown 1.6 Kreischer Mansion where at least Edward tried to communicate with them and the Geoport was turned off on him!

This hotel was the brainchild of Edmund Park who carried out seances here and ended up disappearing.  Some believed he was murdered and he cursed the hotel as are the rumours throughout the town.  His spirit is said to haunt the hotel, well if he practised in the dark occult then perhaps he was a victim of his own dark doings.  Other legends include the drowned body of a soldier being brought to the hotel and how his spirit haunted here too.  Many of the rooms have oppressive feelings.

As for that scream they heard to me it sounded like a cry for "help!"  Rather than just a scream.  Have listened to it many times now and it does sound like rounded letters, a word than just a scream.  Also it sounds more like a child, doesn't sound like an older woman. At first I thought it could have been Emma, but again the voice is too child-like than an adult.  Not any activity in figures at all this time round, except for something trying to manifest itself on the final night with the 3D imaging camera, but the stick figure never fully materialized.  Perhaps it didn't have enough energy or just didn't want to show itself.

Voices on the audio phonetics included "up here" and "come down" leading them a merry dance it seemed.  On day 2 they conducted an experiment where Katrina would wear headphones and listen to any voices coming through.  With Nick going to a different part and asking questions.  An experiment Nick carried out with Elizabeth Saint in Ghosts of Shepherdstown episode 2.4 I'm You're Biggest Fan at the Old Opera House and the results were surprising and completely corresponded with the Q&A session! Similar happened here too.  Nick asked the spirit to go to the tower and tell Katrina.  She heard "I'm Here" and "it's bright."  That could mean the bright light coming into the tower as it was day, or it could mean she's somewhere with bright lights around her. 

On the second day when Nick came to wake up Katrina, a door shut on him and still Katrina couldn't be moved from getting up from her sleeping bag, she said she was too tired!  Right Nick you know who you can rely on for help!  Ha.  Then the ballroom door also shut on them later, so it was apparent something or someone didn't want them there, coupled with the voices that told them to "get out" etc.  That voice that said "shut up bitch" on the audio when Nick was in that room downstairs.  Also asking her "if she wanted to find out" in a threatening manner!  Rude much!

They set up more audio and a female voice came through saying "I'll get you."  Katrina saying it resembled that of a witch.  A male voice was heard to say "that's the witches" and "the witch of..." That was remarkable as the Pendle witches were hanged not far from here and Martin's friend said how some witches were her ancestors.  Thus were probably trying to communicate with her in Katrina's view.

I like investigations with more activity, I know and where can actually see things manifest and captured and I know that's not possible all the time in every investigation, but some of these eps just end up giving validation to what is already known and nothing new appears so that the level of investigations and new findings can be researched and taken further.  Everything just stems around what is known.  I'm not blaming anyone for that, it's just the nature of the investigation and you have to make do with what you find.  Spirits are unpredictable.

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