Walt (Robert Taylor) finds a letter from Lucien detailing that he was responsible for Tucker's murder and where he can find the bullet that killed him. Stating he couldn't live with what Tucker was doing and he's not sorry he killed him. As well as saying he couldn't live the rest of his life in prison, which is what he told Walt last ep. He also does what he tells him re his burial, rather cremation and Walt carries around his ashes in a Maxwell House coffee tin where Lucien had money saved to pay for the cremation. Haven't heard that brand name of coffee in ages! Cady (Cassidy Freeman) comes to see Walt and asks him since when he drinks Maxwell House. He talks to her about retiring and giving up his job, it would be easier than to go through the court case. She tells him the judge didn't order a mistrial and is continuing with the case with new counsel for the plaintiff. Cady tells him to fight and not give up and if he wants to retire to do it on his own terms and not those of the judge and the mayor.
Ferg (Adam Bartley) is called in to a noise complaint and inside he finds a DB. Cady apologizes to Knighthorse (A Martinez) and asks him to be fair on Walt in the trial. Not to lie but to do what's right. She's grateful he will still let her continue with being the lawyer for the Res. But he knows anything she can do to help his people is good for them. Ferg calls Walt who's still reading Lucien's note and he sees the DB who was shot with 16 arrows and 'Hector Lives' being carved into his back. His name was Ian and he was a drug dealer but he doesn't find any drugs there. Walt asks for Ferg's phone and he wants him to let Walt know if he comes across a silver car. He wants Vic (Katee Sackhoff) to check out the Vic. That sounded funny!! For background on the Vic. Ferg radios the station but Ruby's not there and Vic finally answers his call arriving late. He tells her Walt took his phone which she calls strange for him.
Walt tells Henry (Lou Diamond Phillips) about the DB and he asks if his name is Ian cos he knows a Rusty Ames (James Macon Mauldin) who he saw when he borrowed his bronco. Walt is grateful to Mathias as he takes him to see Rusty who was associated with Ian but they find he's not at home and Mathias notices a pack of cigarettes on the table. Also telling him about Henry and Knighthorse being attacked by a silver car and how he was wearing a hood, claiming to be Hector. Vic gives Ferg the details of where the anonymous call came from. Ferg finds Zach (Barry Sloane) is living there and he gives him details of how there were people buying drugs from Ian. Ferg tells him Ian was murdered and he kinda acts shocked that he could've helped and maybe saved him. Don't know about you but got the feeling Zach was acting like he's behind this and the so-called Hector reappearance. He wasn't exactly on good terms with Walt and perhaps he needs to worm his way back in for ulterior motives.
Henry tells Knighthorse about the DB and how he had 'Hector Lives' carved on him and he should pack up his security and lay a trap, with Walt waiting to pounce when Hector attacks them. But Knighthorse refuses though invites Henry to stay at his house whenever he wants. Henry is fed up of hiding and refuses.
Cady gets a case where the local school teacher, Catori (Susan Santiago) tells her of how some children had Scarlett fever and they recovered with antibiotics, but one of them, Tate Dawson (Phoenix Wilson) hasn't been at school and is just getting worse. She takes Cady to visit cos perhaps the parents don't have health benefits and insurance and she can help them. That is the case but they don't want their son treated by 'white' medicine at the hospital where her mother was sterilized after giving birth to her. They use their own medicine. So she tells Henry who says that she can only go before the Tribal Court which will take time, but Knighthorse sits on the Tribal Council. However they take a vote and refuse help. Knighthorse telling her about being taken away when he was 7 and he doesn't trust them and she's here without the parent's permission and without them knowing. Even though it would only be temporary custody. I suppose Catori will not take Tate away herself.
At the trial, Knighthorse testifies and tells the court that he has emails from Barlow which state how he wanted to take away Walt's land and develop it. After Sam (Hank Cheyne) sends questions to the judge. Milgrom (Patch Darrah) objects to this but the judge rejects his objection. So now they know why Sam was here and obviously he and Knighthorse exchanged glances so Sam asked the questions mentioning Barlow. Knighthorse says that Walt is of impeccable character. Cady thanks him for what he did for Walt, but he says he hasn't done anything yet.
Ferg and Mathias drive and Ferg notices a car that was described on Zach's notebook that he gave to Walt. After telling him he's been staking that place out for a while. As well as it being him on the phone when he called Ferg and Walt answered. He panicked. Nope still don't trust Zach, he must have an ulterior motive for suddenly cropping up, but being around for a while now. I mean he just happened to be at that house, across the road from the Vic where deals were being made. And coincidentally he gets killed by 'Hector.' Ferg finds that the owner of the car is out of it and doesn't help them, but Mathias notices the same cigarette packet outside a toy house, where they find Rusty inside. Ferg calls Walt and Mathias waits for him to question Rusty about Hector. He doesn't remember him but he pushed his head up against the wall. Walt asks him how tall he was, but he was shorter than Walt. Ferg asks Walt how the trial is going and he replies "weird."
The lawyer Bishop (Chris Butler) has a settlement conference with Walt and agrees to accept $250 million. Which is the exact amount that the county can pay, and Walt won't have to pay out of his own pocket. Walt wants to accept, but Milgrom wants the case to continue to court cos by Walt accepting he'll be admitting he did something wrong and Milgrom also wants extortionate lawyer's fees Walt had to pay. So Bishop drops the entire case. Milgrom says that's why Walt needed him and he knew he could do it. Onto another chapter now the case is over.
Cady comes face to face with Tribal 'justice' decision-making in seeing they would rather see a child die than to accept white man medicine. Reminding her of how they were removed as children. However they're not really helping anyone and in accepting medicine for their children they will be using their remedy to help their own. Also penicillin was actually discovered by a Brit not an American. Anyway it was good for Walt to get a win after all this time in his corner and now he can return to being a sheriff which is all he ever wanted! An ironic or a tongue-in-cheek title for this ep with Walt getting an endorsement from Knighthorse of all people, or more like enemies! Also Knighthorse showing double standards in wanting Cady's help as a 'white' lawyer for his people and at the same time not wanting to help their own and save Tate's life.
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