Saturday, 19 May 2018

Constantine 1.6 "Rage of Caliban" Review

                                              Image result for constantine rage of caliban
Yeah hit the gym mate for those scenes, is the first thing I wrote about this ep, especially since an English brekkie is all that he usually thinks about!!  Alas he only gets toast and some horrible looking fried eggs but rest assured, "we'll be there by lunch." I mean he hasn't even eaten his brekkie and thinking of lunch already, erm, should've gone for brunch then!  Which got me thinking that eating is deffo one of Matt's character traits too!!  As in absolutely loves it!
Constantine: "if I need you I shall give you a little whistle that suddenly chokes into silence!"  To Chas.  Well someone was trying to get poetic here in a poignant way which turned out to be funny, or maybe that was just me?!

Stop licking the walls, soo impatient for lunch!! ha.
"I've never punched an angel but you are begging for it mate."  Well firstly he hasn't met any other angel and secondly he'd just flap his wings and be gone, so alas Constantine would be too slow and then he'd get that entire divine retribution spiel from Manny when next he appears, cryptically of course.  Manny goes on about battle plans and how "everyone knows there's a darkness rising."  Yeah get in line mate, that's old news.  He's going to stem the the attacks.  Constantine doesn't feel he's  special.  And on cue once again Manny spews (sorry) about free will and humanity leading to angels "abstaining from interfering."

Manny: "your old ways might not work."  That was Arabic ??????when Constantine recited the spell to find out what went down here.
schemateek ka-ha-al
abteen kahak - abthal???

The girl was possessed that's why she survived and this had to happen on Hallowe'en naturally or unnaturally!

Daniel Cerone tweeted:
"Believe it or not, every spell we gave John has meaning.  Some are actual spells provided by our own tech consultant.  #Constantine"  25/4/2015
[Hence my Supernatural/Constantine dream involved spells!]

Then comes the age old, 'no monsters in the closet or under the bed' retro spiel.  Don't let Dean Winchester hear him say that, cos monsters are real, human and otherwise!

The paralegal, Emily, Constantine's other source of info and help tells him about the events having occurred 35 years ago, 16 years ago, 18 years ago and there's been 3 in the last month.  Marcello is in hospital leading Constantine to utter, "I'll feel right at home."
Shall I mention the guyliner going on here with Constantine again.

This was a typical Supernatural episode.  Constantine talks of ley lines giving off electromagnetic energy and being a "psychic railroad."  Chas manages to get hold of the sword of light which empowers truth from the holder, yeah Wonder Woman's lasso, maybe he should've used that on Zed then, accidentally on purpose of course.  Frankincense will direct them towards the house as it "flees the presence of malevolent energy."  Obviously knocking won't work.

Constantine ends up at the school following Henry and that teacher needed to piss off and do his job in the playground but understandably he can't have strangers hanging around, might be some sorta perv.  Then he asks that line of the trenchcoat, ugh.
Teacher: "what's in that trenchcoat?"
Constantine: "I am."
What he was gonna do a mad dash at flashing or something cos he was fully clothed you know!    And 'bollocks, bastard, bloody hell luv' he shows up as a school counsellor and actually fixes his tie and buttons his shirt, which doesn't suit him at all!  Losing the trenchcoat cos that's really got bad press around here!  Ha.

As well as using mandrake root. From the French 'main de gloire', named for the mandrake root.  Again a reference to Hand of glory.  See 1.3 Constantine for further explanation.

Constantine: "I'm an exorcist" and here comes the expected punch!

Constantine: "took me 6 months in the loony bin to turn me into a party animal."  Anyway that pic reminds me so much of how Constantine's arrogance is personified.  He really looks so smug!

Manny talks of Constantine being burned by cigarettes by his father and how his sister left him alone and that's what he could've been too, like Marcello  He was saved from suicide. All he has to do is remember what is was like to be a child if he want to help.  Can't even let him pee in piece in the jail, just like in the ally when Manny turned up,

Constantine: "not all souls go gently in the night."  An oft used phrase from Dylan Thomas poem Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night which he wrote for his dying father.  He adds that child spirits are the worst as "tantrums end in blood." Recalling Astra and the forceful exorcism of children does not end well as shown in the flashback.  Energy is present where tragedy occurs and Marcello's house senses their presence.  Has the seance but everything dark just turns on our Constantine.
Constantine: "maybe I don't trust myself!"

Constantine carries that mirror in the funhouse incase he needs to preen himself!  Ha.  Fix the ol' hair!  The scene with the skulls with photos in most press, is where I said it reminds me of the Paris catacombs.  And the mirror crack'd.  It had to be Marcello since there was no other child we saw who was affected in that way and he's doing this for revenge.
Constantine: "this world's dark, full of pain for everyone....soul fled his body and kept on killing."  He sent Marcello's soul to the only place he could, back to his body.

Constantine: "what of my rotten inner child?  If humanity is what can save us then overcoming this damage and weakness in my nature, it may be the part of this battle I dread most.  I don't have the answers - I only know that a darkness is rising and unless I can stop it, the world will change forever."
What world, probably nothing left.  It did change and we lost our Constantine show!  And he lights up in front of kiddies setting a bad example, ha!  Not that anyone noticed.

In 1.5 Constantine was talking about not kicking Zed out of bed and here he's the one getting kicked out!  Oh how the world of poetic justice revolves.  Okay just having a larf here cos he had to leave cos of her boyfriend.
All he wants is an English breakfast for his hangover - more talk of food and how grease is a wonderful 'cure.'  But he doesn't get the full works.  Hey it's what Dean said Sam should have in 2.11 Play Things when Sam got drunk cos of self pity, Dean tortured him with that bacon!
As for food, eeww, stop licking the walls!  Soo unhygienic and maybe necessary but still.

Constantine's line here of whistling and choked silence I quoted in my Matt/Constantine colouring book on a picture with Constantine and Zed from 1.2, when they they first met and he makes the pencil holes in his eyes of his sketch!  Next time I'll get Matt to do that to one of my useless sketches and then see what we'll see in the light!  Actually I may just do that myself instead!
Zed is at an extra long art class - yet we'll know why in 1.8.  Why does she need art classes.

Constantine doesn't see himself as special (never mind luv someone does) but he is in all modesty.  It's more arrogance as people see him vs his true calling.
Manny use free will again, he'll never tire of using that as an excuse.  Oh and let's not forget the angel on Constantine's shoulder: one recording the good things he's done and the other the bad.  In all fairness the one he got lumbered with in reality would lead him to his own downfall and defeat. Or would he?

Leylines are a real paranormal concept, I should say seen in that sense, which holds true for much of this sort of activity.  The creator of the ley line map is Ken Ondaate - aka Hellblazers "as Alap - a powerful magician - instead of becoming King of the Magi - he preferred to work the lines of the London Tube.

Thusible is a metal censer for burning incense.

Constantine's sister Cheryl left him when with their father, leaving Constantine to contemplate suicide at one point.

This ep was the third one filmed, so very early on.

The eyeball part could've been a flashback to Criminal Minds:Suspect Behaviour 1.3 See No Evil involved some gruesome eyeballs and their removal in the early scene.

Caliban appears in The Tempest and oddly was played by Matt in a production going back to 2002  {See Matt's Bio in my book.}  A deliciously dark character who is the offspring of the witch Sycorax and the devil.  He is Prospero's servant which makes him very tumultuous and can only be controlled by magic.  He is representative of the black magic of his mother and at first seems to be a bad character.  Plotting Prospero's murder, he is tricked in some ways by those he gets to help him as he is incapable of understanding what is happening around him and the people involved.  He primarily reacts to emotions and physical needs without grasping the consequences.  He is more nature than nurture and behaves as a wild animal.  Reminiscent of Henry here and in some ways Marcello too.  When exacting his revenge for what he endured as a child.  Not understanding that this is wrong, why would he, when he wasn't taught this and only saw the bad in what his father put him through!

Brekkie was mentioned four times in this ep alone, most important meal of the day, features heavily in Constantine's life !  Ha.

Sword of Night belongs to DC Comic's Nightmaster.

Some backstory on Constantine's childhood is revealed.  Manny couldn't wait to get that in, it seemed, not just as an almighty guilt trip, but more so to ensure Constantine understanding what children go through.  Either way he didn't need it.  He's the youngest of the siblings - would've been good to see his sister make an appearance eventually - from what we know in the show; she doesn't seem to have stuck around for him or had much of an impact on his childhood or teen years, leaving him to go it alone and suffer in silence in lots of ways.  So unlike elder siblings to do this.  They are the 'substitute' parents almost, especially for us young'uns or those who lose parents at an early age.

Constantine's past and flashes to Astra, yes people can have dark pasts and lives but how they deal with them is what matters.  As we slowly get pieces and snippets to Constantine's past and what made him who he is today.

The spell Constantine uses in the house early on is the CS to see what happened and from Matt's phonetic pronunciation.
However I'd have to see the script!  Ha, hint, hint.?? Which I did and heck Manny comments it's Mayan, well if that's Mayan I'll eat my woolly hat, one of them!  It sounded more Arabic to me and it also had some Arabic words in there deffo, like 'Abthal' the final word he says!??  Which means 'champion' in Arabic and appears in several prayers.

Child vengeful spirits aplenty in Supernatural and one of the earliest was in 1.3 Dead In the Water.  Peter didn't get a childhood which was cruelly snatched away from him when he lost his life.  Hell he didn't even get a life.  Marcello would be vengeful after having his fingers chopped off.  What kind of parent does that and here the similarity to Constantine's father and burning him with cigs.  Begging the question of having experienced this, why is he drawn to smoking and basically being a puffing, fuming human chimney.  Wouldn't his past and those incidences cause him to steer away from these or is it just he's a glutton for punishment.  Or rather a way to meet his past head on and that he's not afraid of cigarettes and the punishment he went through.

Henry appears to be a changeling.  See Supernatural season 3 The Kids Are Alright and season 9 The Purge.  In folklore and myth changelings are said to be the child of a fairy left in place of a human child.

My Matt Ryan book.  Yeah I know a lot of you are fans in name only which is fine but this was a labourious one to write so do check it out!!

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