Constantine: "Believe it or not I came here voluntarily. My name is John Constantine and I'm an exorcist. In my line of work you just need to forget, but some you never will."
Mention of Astra and how "death - I can handle" - it's her damnation that pains him and "makes me believe" there aren't any demons. No, but seriously those yucky cockroaches even if only one was real!
Constantine: "this is not my problem...ah bollocks!" He's drawn back in, but should've known an asylum's where you find 'em, the creepy buggers. Humans make for easy prey there and gathering of souls. He reads, 'Liv Dies' on the wall. Was his check in into the asylum intentional in the sense of subconsciously or on a more realistic level was he really was trying to extricate all his emotions and feelings from that night. Constantine; "I've work to do." (Similar to Dean Winchester Supernatural.)
Cue Liv and her timely comment of "I have no future." As her fortune cookie tells her. A massive piece of foreshadowing here for the end when she leaves, but she was taking that fortune cookie and Constantine seriously in wanting a future since this wasn't her fight. At least in her mind, which in a lot of ways was taking the easy way out. Meeting him later on where he reassures her, "I promise you, I'm not the one hunting you." There's that ol' ploy where the dark shadow lurks in front of the screen so only we can see it.
Cue also Manny and how "angels murder my reputation. Flap off!" No, he'll only do that when he needs help or guidance. It was angels who damned Constantine's soul to hell, along with Astra.
Constantine's hang out is Jasper Winter's millhouse. There's another message following him around re the ambulance, WTH did I call that a med van in my notes? Should check myself in somewhere too?? ha. Liv can see trapped souls but Constantine can't so he needs her help. Yeah that was practically the only thing missing from his psyche: being psychic, then pretty much he wouldn't need anyone's help at all except his bag of tricks. He explains "there are worlds beyond ours - parallel planes of existence." He's not bothered with why such things happen and only wants to settle his debt.
Constantine: "no one can find trouble faster than your father - literally." Except him of course! In response to critics too. We see a brief glimpse of Dr Fate's helmet and also the map is mentioned.
Constantine: "it's a fine line between watching over and stalking." He tells Manny, yeah 'stalked by an angel.'
Constantine: "what about my life? You and yours damned me to hell." Yeah about that, first they do that and then Manny comes here asking for his help. That was cutting off his own nose to spite his face wasn't it. And yet Manny doesn't do much helping him, leaving Constantine to his own devices and being 'oh so cryptic'.
Constantine: "you're suggesting that it's not too late for me to save my soul." That was his entire purpose for turning up and right then did appear to be some form of angel manipulation. He's damned his soul already, so there wasn't much else he could go through that would place him in mortal danger. So why not use Constantine as an ample scapegoat or sacrificial lamb in this scenario. He only had his life to lose in the process prematurely and what's that in the larger scheme of things. He is only a human after all. Nothing more, nothing less and certainly not worthy for anything more holy or deserving in the light of the heavens.
Was that too much exposition?
Touching upon Constantine's past and Newcastle. He wishes it was him too that was taken. Then coming back to reality with a thud; "one should never battle demons on an empty stomach."
Guard: "it's [the lightbulb] not screwed into anything."
Constantine: "neither am I mate."
Constantine comments he came from "the sordid passions of my parents." {So when he does it, it's not sordid then?} His mother died in childbirth and his father nicknamed him 'killer.' Beating him up every night. Not realizing that this isn't what his mother would approve of. He was half hers after all. As a teen, he found the occult and taught himself everything accompanying this.
Constantine: "I should have seen that one coming." Oh no I said that about you Matt!
Thus Constantine encounters the demon Nergal in his own body, well not literally.
Demon Constantine: "lock eyes with your future...everyone that stands at your side dies...
your arrogance brought me to the city at night." Well it wouldn't be during the day now would it mate!
Constantine: "the power of intention." He explains how Nergal was the more powerful demon and took Astra instead of helping him. Astra's the only one who could bring Constantine to tears, feeling guilt and remorse he will never be free of. On the plus side, it's what guides him and importantly makes him stronger in his battle(s.)
Nergal was worshipped in Mesopotamia and the deity ruling over the netherworld. As he was the god of fire and the desert, some Christian writers associated him with the devil and being a demon.
He prefers the more influential band The Pistols, omitting the 'Sex' part. Liv's left and headed to California and Constantine put a cloaking spell on her, leaving him that infernal scrying map. At least he has Chas and he always will be around. Having no life of his own in some ways, but carrying the lives of many to do good!
Constantine: "my name is John Constantine - I'm the one who steps from the shadows, all trenchcoat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away - kick 'em in the bollocks and spit on them when they're down. Leaving only a nod and a wink and a wise crack. I walk my path alone because let's be honest, who'd be crazy enough to walk it with me?"
Plenty Re the sketches, Zed for one as we'll see in 1.2.
This opening episode, as is customary - is not entitled 'Pilot' and instead refers to the asylum which gives us our first glimpse of John Constantine and as he says, he's here to undergo all sorts of therapy after not being able to save Astra. However, he can endure pain, it's the guilt he can't live with and this causes him loads more anguish. Showing his character immediately, in some ways, that losing even one human life (especially that of a child) affects him deeply. Since she was also the daughter of a friend, as we'll learn later.
The first scene set in Ravenscar Asylum, North England; was mentioned in Hellblazer Issue #8 Intensive Care (1988). A flash of sorts to 1990's Issue #11 Newcastle. Events leading Constantine to Atlanta - modern day. Wonder if the Raven in the name of the asylum had any bearing on the raven in 1.13 being sent to spy on him, "quoth the raven."
(Zed appeared in Issue #4 (1988)
However, as the relevant title suggests in its meaning, "there is no asylum." Not a double meaning but it could be taken to be so here - meaning for Constantine there's no asylum since he accepted/dabbles in this dark life and took on this crusade. So there's no refuge for him anywhere - at least not on this 'sorry' earth and perhaps not even in hell. That's not where he wants to be either and as he tells Manny, he was damned there by angels. As his soul faces eternal damnation - he can't catch a break. So he figures he'll do anything to shove it up the devil and meet his dues when it happens. As they say - "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." Yet his good intentions didn't begin when he was little and introduced into the occult as an escape. Master of his own destiny and fate.
As for Liv, she was meant to be his conduit - daughter of Jasper Winters: a mentor of sorts. Constantine saves her here but then in many ways wants her gone. Not so much driving her away since her 'visions' would be helpful to him as she sees tortured souls and the future. As her fortune cookie shows, she doesn't have a future. Her desire to run, reinforced by Constantine telling her to go is why she leaves the map.
Once again as I mention Supernatural - let me add - Supernatural had many allusions and references to The X-Files in its episodes and was seen as an homage to that show. Hence who says that Supernatural can't be seen as the same to Constantine. Even if Constantine was a comic that came much earlier. All shows 'borrow' plots/mythology from others at times and Constantine is a stand-alone series; the themes will be familiar and that to me is the ultimate compliment relating to both shows!
That's another reason why I love that this first episode was set in an asylum - with everything - every human/evil affliction lurking there. Open prey and souls are ripe for the picking.
Constantine mentions the Furcifer demon manifesting itself as Constantine sees it only a sign of things to come as far as demons were concerned and viewed as foreshadowing for 1.8/9. With the 'demon' eyes again, the same as Dean in Supernatural and he eventually became one. However Constantine had no intentions of becoming anything so evil and had to do this in the two-parter to save himself.
Furcifer means 'scoundrel' - 'rogue' in Latin and when he shows himself to Constantine, it's in his own image and body. His own guise/doppelganger. In the comics, he's known as 'Demon Constantine'. His creation apparently stemming from Constantine's 'evil' self, Nergal's blood, Aleister Crowley's soul. [Here Supernatural fans will recall Dean and Alastair, different spelling, was the demon who made him torture souls in hell. Crowley of course was the King of Hell.] Nergal being the one demon who took Astra to hell; was summoned by Constantine to save Astra. Only to be double crossed by taking her. Nergal also damned Constantine's soul to hell when he dies. Hence his quest for redemption. Even though in this episode he does say it was angels who damned him to hell. [Moot: Nergal is a demon and not a fallen anger per se.]
If Constantine could go back to the beginning he would rest all. Not only his own life - his dismal childhood - but losing Astra and ensuring this never happened. which is easier said than done. Thus his journey is long, arduous; with no end in sight.
The Seal of Solomon (or Ring of Solomon, in Arabic known as: Khātam Sulaymān) is the signet ring ascribed to King Solomon in medieval Jewish tradition as well as in Islamic and Western occultism. The ring provided Solomon the power to command demons, jinn (genie), and to speak with animals.
Supernatural 1.22 Devil’s Trap
Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses – compilation of black magic techniques. In these, the Sixth introduces seals and magical tables revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai and eventually to King Solomon, who used them to command spirits to collect his immense legendary books.
They didn’t use the Book of Solomon again except for the circles in season 2. The Key of Solomon, mentioned by Sam is a form of protective circles used to trap demons. The Key of Solomon or Clavis Salomonis is a medieval book about magic attributed to King Solomon. Also used as a Grimoire occasionally. It is believed this led to the Clavicula Salomonis, i.e. the Lesser Key of Solomon, or the Lemegeton (as mentioned in Buffy.) These are probably rituals and conjuring in particular may have led to the development of this. The Key of Solomon dated back to the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and there was even one in Greek from the fifteenth century. The book doesn’t contain anything on the 72 spirits which were held by King Solomon in a bronze vessel known as the Pseudomonarchi Deamonum from the sixteenth century) and the Lemegeton – seal of the demons.
Solomon wrote this for his son, Roboam. Only those who are deemed worthy and God-fearing can use the book. There are two books. Book 1 has conjurations, curses and contains to ‘contain’ demons and dead spirits. Book II has purifications, i.e. what should be worn, instruments of magic needed… also informs how to perform necromancy. A reference to the Lesser Key of Solomon, a book of magic, aka The Lemegeton.
Devil’s Trap is a mystic symbol used to control demons, from the Lesser Key of Solomon.
See also 1.10 of Constantine in relation to the Devil's Trap.
Re Mary: Zed's real name is Mary and Anne Marie's name. His mother's name was Mary Anne. These names seem to have an enormous impact on Constantine's life. (See 1.8/9/12.) (Mary was the name of Sam and Dean in Supernatural and as mentioned elsewhere John was their father. No surprises there with him sharing Constantine's first name and being a demon hunter. As it transpired was also Mary.
Constantine was born 10 May 1982. As is commonplace on TV and other mediums, the date f birth of the characters is usually altered by a year/a month or 2 either way. Matt was born 11 April 1981. The Constantine of the comics was born 10 May 1953. So they had to keep him closer to Matt's age in this. At least I get to share my birthday month with Constantine!
'Eye of Horus' - ancient Egyptian symbol of protection and good health. Hathor is also portrayed with this eye.
Not battling demons on an empty stomach, Dean's philosophy too, explaining why he always had such a voracious appetite, taken to its logical inclusion here with Constantine. Unlike Sam, at least we do see Constantine eat plenty and drink too showing he's every bit human and needs sustenance to survive. (Not that our Sammy isn't human!! ha.) Ahh Constantine also has puppy eyes like Sam and as does Matt obviously!
NB Assassins Creed: Origins has a chest with the Eye of Horus tattoo on it. Though Matt wasn't voicing this one.
Was talking about food. However, in contrast Constantine's diet doesn't constitute fast food or junk food - not that we saw. He also had Chas to cook for him. Even in 1.7? ep he opted for corn; more "safe" and healthier than what else was on offer. However, why would someone who's an avid chain smoker be concerned with what he consumes. It's not as if he needs to worry about a condemned man eating a hearty meal. At least not at this conjuncture.
This food/lack of - easily made up by his love and desire for booze - an unquenchable thirst as it does drown his inner demons. Including the thoughts he can't handle and shouldn't have to - since they'd only make him wallow further and Liv he can do without. He can do without the distractions and he does have to contend with the notion that his time on this earth could be up anytime. Drinking is his comfort and refuge from the thoughts of a soul earmarked for damnation.
Some Daniel Cerone pilot tweets follow:
"In the end, pairing John with a female character of our own creation just wasn't very...Hellblazer #Constantine #SaveConstantine #Hellblazer"
"We also re-shot final scene to love Liv. originally she stuck around. Tough call but made for better series. #Constantine #SaveConstantine."
"hah Matt Ryan's Shakespearean training really comes thru with all those damn Latin spells we give him. #Constantine #SaveConstantine. 25/4/2015 What's Shakespeare got to do with Latin anyway, some of us need to know it too anyway for work purposes!"
But as I said he's a great all-round actor no matter what he plays.
"Stopping the rain probably the coolest VFX sequence in pilot. My fave anyway."
[Ours too. rain adds atmosphere; fear, romance - depending on the scene and the effects intended.]
"If we get a s2, that fate helmet will pay off in a big way in the s2 premiere. Shh."
"Matt Ryan acting opposite Matt Ryan. Classic #Constantine #SaveConstantine" In the scene where he's confronted by his demon self! More like John being John in some ways.
"When NBC ordered series Goyer and I pitched restring rooftop climax, turn demon into evil John. Much better. #Constantine #SaveConstantine"
"But the make-up wasn't great. we tried to fix with VFX. Like putting lipstick on a pig. Didn't improve..." #Constantine Pilot ep"
"So the guard in the act out. He WAS the demon throughout the entire rooftop sequence in original pilot shoot."
"Shooting on rooftop was spectacular. we got the eeriest joy that night hanging around us. Better than any VFX."
"This speech John talking about abusive father and mother he never met, my favourite scene to write in pilot."
That millhouse exterior shot at Berry College in Georgia. They own more land than any college in the US #Constantine
Hey more foreshadowing - dear Matty - as the Miller in #KnivesInHens whether you're a believer in fate or destiny; there's something to be said for these little pieces of foreshadowing?? that lead to bigger down the line in the future or just turning out to be elements of deja vu when you recall them. But me - no recall necessary, never forget a thing!
"Since you cut down scenes in a pilot for time, sometimes all that's left is the exposition. Painful to watch"
I say - depends on the scene, actor etc, sometimes not painful at all.
"Ugh. So hard watching some of these scenes knowing how much we left on the cutting room floor to make time." [Well DVD released and a shame couldn't be added!]
"Actual NYC yellow cab for Chas, despite shooting in Atlanta. Chas - cars - not much difference."
"We shot Talia resurrecting in an ambulance on a stage. Lowfi. again, the old school scares working the best."
"That Eye of Horus carved in door a little too glowy for me. Grounded cares better than digital ones."
"Harold is awesome. Hard to use him in series cuz only John could see him. won't be an issue with a season 2."
"Once again decision was made to shoot in Atlanta, we had creativity set show in Atlanta. Really limited us but we were stuck."
"We actually dropped all that glass from the church window on Matt Ryan. Well it was glass made of rubber." Only 1 real cockroach was used. [Yeah you can tell.]
"That slo mo of the inmate freaking out behind John 1 of my fav shots of pilot. Kudos to director Neil Marshall."
"On set during pilot, 'Dr Huntoon, I presume' became a catchphrase. Honestly couldn't tell you why."
E!News: "during the big fight scene at the climax of the pilot episode - Ryan shows off his acting chomps in a way that's almost eerie. Trust us when we say you'll see Ryan in a whole new light by the end of the hour...and the way he pulls off the iconic trenchcoat, white button down shirt and blue tie [red tie] Yeah we ain't mad at it."
Hey said that already! There's just something about a guy in a mental asylum running around in his jammies, saving people - their souls, whilst quipping sarcastic retorts. Nothing about this show spelled doom in the ratings, but when it doesn't have the opportunity to shine before being cruelly ripped from our screens, clearly there's something wrong with the state of TV in the twenty-first century. There must be a better way to measure ratings by now - than middle America demographics! Know what I mean - without delving into this further!
See also my Matt Ryan book at Lulu soon at other online bookstores
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