This ep of the show is about Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) mostly which was good to see and how he brought up Alice by himself stuck in that tower (what'd they do for food) and then when she's older along comes Gothel (Emma Booth) to mess things up as usual. Look, for someone who only wanted a baby to escape those towering chains why was she bothered about what Hook does with Alice (Elle McKinnon) and how they spend their lives; with him wanting to get Alice out of there. Alice dreams about being taken by Gothel and Hook being thrown out of the tower. Well that was bound to happen. Yet there's no way he can defeat her without magic, leading him to confront Rumples who seems (Robert Carlyle) to be forever imprisoned in that cage of his own. He wants a deal and if Hook sets him free, he'll tell him how to defeat her. Which involves some involvement with Captain Ahab (Chad Rook) of all people!
Ahab's surprised he turned up calling him a washed up pirate but Hook's not in the mood for a fight, he just wants the fish hook. Which he'll get if he fights him. But Hook decides on a game of dice instead and wins it from him. Heading back to Rumples he's confronted by Ahab again who wants a duel cos he won't leave it alone, bloomin' peg leg!! But he wants it in front of everyone. Goading him over still being in league with the Crocodile instead of wanting him gone and defeating the Dark One. Should've just released and let him take care of him like Rumples wanted. So pistols at dawn leads to Hook getting injured in his shoulder but Ahab facing a much heftier injury. As Hook returns to the tower Gothel once again appears to put a fishbone in the works and this time he's thrown out for good and can't get back to Alice.
Hyperion Heights: Henry (Andrew J West) sees Reggie (Lana Parilla) return in the early morning, admitting she looked up a boyfriend. She looked high actually, not just tired. What were they doing turning tricks all night?! Sorry I mean that in the context of magic, and planning something together. He tells her about Jacinda (Dania Ramirez) and Lucy (Alison Fernandez) stopping him from getting to second base with her. Ivy (Adelaide Kane) calls Henry for help as she's packing up her mother's things but doesn't know what to do with them and what she wants to keep. She makes a move on him cos they're both in the same boat. But Henry shuts her down and tells her about losing his family too and she just needs to find an outlet for herself. Reminding Ivy she has Jacinda and a niece too. She calls on Jacinda and gives her the box of things Victoria had and Jacinda gives Ivy her doll back. That was one creepy doll! Ha. She decides she knows what she's got to do, as Jacinda tells her about her woes with Lucy. Ivy adding she's a great mother. You see earlier Lucy tells Jacinda she doesn't want her seeing "that guy" anymore and she needs her more. Which upsets Jacinda after she tried to get them together for an eon. Telling Jacinda she doesn't believe in fairytales anymore after everything bad happened.
Hook and Weaver/Rumples try to figure out the murders and Tilly (Rose Reynolds) comes in wanting a chess game, but Hook doesn't have time. Gothel/Eloise comes in as they speak of the devil and she only wants to be questioned by Hook. She appeared to be trying hard for him to remember for some reason or was she just playing him. Rumples warns him about her and letting her get inside his head, but he still wants to question her. She sees the ship doodle in his notebook and asks for the painting he did. Outside he tells Rumples he's one step ahead since he doesn't know how she knows about his painting. But he goes to get it anyway.
Tilly is still around and sees Gothel there telling him she's bad news and something bad is going to happen. Hook brings in the painting and she wants answers about him and his emotions. He just tells her how he loved the ocean when he was little and she asks how he felt when he saw it. Telling him that all of the Vic's received a heart shaped box with marzipan. Now who likes ,marzipan. Hook and Rumples follow up on the lead and head to a florist who tells him his wife got those chocolates but she died a while back. They think Eloise led them on a goosechase. But they still have the baker and get to the hospital to find her dead and Tilly standing with a scalpel in her hand. They ask what she's doing here and she tells them of the bad thing happening she told them about. She escapes through the window. At her storage facility, Hook finds a board with some of the witches crossed out from it. But they don't believe Alice/Tilly did it. Hook and that chess piece!! Also the bottle of sand was there that he gave her in the tower. Yet more clues and still nothing solved.
Ivy brings moo shu for Henry to thank him and wants his help. She needs to look for Anastasia and she knows he can be the hero deep down that he is. Lucy shows Reggie the page with Henry and she admits she has her memories and Lucy explains that's why she stopped Henry and Jacinda from kissing. They agree on a plan to move forward and Lucy names it Operation Hyacinth, the flower Henry gave Jacinda. Only Reggie doesn't want to be called grandmother. They're Mills and they're going to give her parents the happy ending they deserve.
Still so much more to go yet and sometimes the episodes don't really do much to answer anything. Even though this was focused on Hook a little, it doesn't get him any closer to finding Alice or realizing who he is. Not sure what Gothel's up to but she does want the killer of the witches found or is just another ploy on her part. And what was this nonsense about the chocolate boxes. Hmm who in Storybrooke and the other realm had a sweet tooth. So there's the doctor, the baker, the florist, who is already dead but no further to getting answers.
I'm still waiting for the Hook revelation where he realizes Rumples/Weaver no longer speaks with his cockney accent!! I mean you're a cop but that's eluded you!! Ha. Understandable the poor guy has other things on his mind and with Gothel giving him the once over on making him say he doesn't have anyone special!! Nah luv you're so not his type!! That was rich coming from her about giving Hook the curse so he can't be with Alice considering she's not a perfect mother, if at all.
When Ivy left Jacinda and said she's going to finish what her mother started, that look on Jacinda's face thinking she's going to start with the development again or something. So who exactly is going to run Victoria's empire now. Surely Ivy could've done something meaningful and constructive with it and not in the building construction sense either!!
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