Saturday, 5 November 2016

Paranormal Lockdown "The Black Monk House" Hallowe'en Special

                                           Image result for paranormal lockdown halloween special
Before even watching this Paranormal Lockdown special you knew it was going to be extremely, moving, powerful and disturbing from the nature of the location.  As most of you will be synonymous with The Black Monk House, 30 East Drive, especially in you live in the UK, it's a part of our haunted history; or moreover are an investigator.  The widely reported and discussed haunting of the Pritchard family, who experienced poltergeist activity and much more.  It was ominous and as Katrina Weidman said from the outset, there's much more going on here than just poltergeist activity.  There was demonic activity and both Nick Groff and Katrina talked of how such entities manipulate and control and use people for their own purposes, ultimately to break them down and gain power.  Something we're all too familiar with.

The episode began with a look back to the 1.5 investigation of season 1 of Paranormal Lockdown which concentrated on Hinsdale House and the fallout from the investigation.  I call it fallout which is too simple a word.  It is much more than that as Nick was plagued by dreams and nightmares, not only before he went there, but afterwards too.  The shocking activity in his house which sadly his family have also been subjected to and the effect it has had on Nick especially was and still is harrowing to watch.

I was glad they did concentrate on Hinsdale House in particularly explaining what happened then and now, how a year later when the special was filmed, this activity was still continuing.  Not only giving it a context but to show how once Nick appeared to be marked by the goings on at Hinsdale and how now this location, all the way in Pontefract, West Yorkshire, England, was not only heard by him on the Geobox but it chillingly was a foreboding, willing him to come here.  As they also spoke of how once these demonic entities know you, they follow you from location to location.

Using Steve Huff's portable Wonder Box, to find what was there.  As Nick said and has said several times over in his book and his interview it's never a good idea to investigate your own house, but he needed to see what was happening here.  A lot of voices on that.   I'm sure I heard "Nick...ambush" before he gets the "demon" response on there. At 4.27 it sounds like a voice saying "my house..." The main gist of it:
"do you miss... Nick...ambush..."
The 'yes' comes before Nick asks if, "there's someone here with me?"  Then you get "...demon..."
Do you faintly hear 'Hinsdale' whispered at 5.12 when Nick asks, "where did you come from?"

I sad the same as Nick when he was looking at that window when they arrived at 30 East Drive, it was the first place my eyes were drawn to, eerily.  Not to mention that pink bathroom. With all the activity, the scratches, the black mass, the figure and the door closing, as well as Katrina seeing Nick as Joe himself, the door of the coal store opening and closing behind Nick.  The scratches.  It was as though they were also being marked here by this house, but was it, or could it have been an extension of the Hinsdale entity even.  As well as noticing the crooked pictures on the wall, which remained straight throughout the 100 hour investigation.  I have to also say that there was a sickly feeling in my stomach and at the back of my throat.  Like being in the moment with Nick and Katrina.  Or perhaps it was just Katrina talking about demonic hauntings and her case, first demonic case ten years ago. Though I have had those "synchronicity" moments with Nick before.

Rob Saffi mentioning Nick wants to find what's haunting his family which made him angry. The door opening when Nick was asleep, said to sis it was a door, didn't realize there was one there and she said the curtain on the side moved onto camera shot.  The marble being thrown at Rob, the knife on the stairs, reinforcing Phil saying earlier on how things are just thrown.  At 50.44 did that growl sound like evil laughter to anyone, when they were sitting on the stairs speaking of warnings and Nick said this isn't a warning.  They've come too far for that.  I'd say the warning phase was when Nick had his dreams and before they went to Hinsdale.

Instrumental Trans Communication box (ITC) designed by Keith Weldon. Which Katrina called the "videobox to the dead."  That figure, caught on the stairs, looks like it could be the monk?? Creepy either way.  Uncanny how Nick said he's hoping they can see the shadow figure of the man who's been seen here. Cue response!

Does anyone see a face here?  And what's weird is that everytime I look at this, I've seen like three different types of faces so far??
At 52.45 when they review the footage of the ITC, can anyone hear some sort of breathing/sighing, like a 'haah' then Nick says he doesn't feel right? It doesn't appear to be Nick or Rob.

Katrina also saying to Rob how Nick opens himself up a lot when the activity was concentrated on him after 72 hours of being so deeply involved in their lockdown.  Then that figure through the glass door, the black mass, after they invited the entity in.  Which I pointed out to my sister.  Actually when Rob leaves the room with his camera and he's shown through the static camera, he appears in a white shirt, though he's wearing black and that figure also seems to be wearing the same through the door. However I was glad and relieved in a way that Nick decided to review their footage there and then instead of later.  Especially when he saw the door was closed.

As Rob tweeted, "We spent hours trying to figure out what we captured there. No explanation. "

The end was also mind numbingly eerie, that after what they went through here, still marred Nick back home and haunted him and the others.  That he needed to return to Hinsdale House and called Katrina to do this.  She was equally moved and had no idea what was happening.  They discover him already inside the house and wanting the entity to take him and leave his family alone.  He would sacrifice himself and his body and he was giving himself up to this entity which as Katrina said and tried to stop him, he shouldn't do.  Which is exactly what it wanted.  Not only his body but his soul and that is something Nick can never do.  They called it out at the Black Monk House, but  it was "trying to break us down."  As Katrina said it's gotten a piece of them and they can't let it get the rest of them, which Nick at Hinsdale was doing.

John Zaffis told them in the beginning, "Some of us this is our journey, this is our lives...that's why you must always keep your guard up 24/7!"  Something which Nick didn't do when he returned to Hinsdale at the end of the episode.  Wanting the entity to control him and take him over and it was a relief to see Katrina arrive in time and to make him stop.  No matter what, you can never give yourself over to the evil that lurks and awaits, as that's exactly what it wants.  As Nick stated this is their destiny and what they set out to do.  There's no going back and I think even if they leave it now and stopped their investigations, I think it would still affect them in some way.  As they are known by this evil presence and others.  Perhaps the best way is to continue, investigate and find some sort of a conclusion.  Not in what they do but what it is that haunts them.  If that makes sense.

It was emotional to watch and was so relieved Nick, Katrina and Rob came through this all and continue on the road mapped out for them, especially Nick and Katrina in their investigations they've been doing for so long now.  You can see why Nick says this has been a long journey for him and Katrina this one year past.

Some words from Nick, as tweeted: "sometimes you have to face the things you fear, or challenge you in order to overcome them in this Life's journey."

Whatever path they have chosen and continue to travel on, we are behind them completely...

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