Cruella's (Victoria Smurfit) back story ep where she's locked up by her mother and weren't meant to think that as in all fairytales, she's evil. Growing up locked in the house in the 1920's, a writer/Isaac (Patrick Fischler) comes a-calling for a story and after noticing the three portraits of her mother's three husband's on the wall, he thinks he's onto something. Back then writer's used to cold call like salemen then did they. This one being Issac and he gets Cruella out of her attic and takes her dancing to a nightlcub. Of course it was easy for him to write the key into her room. As he is the Author of the book. He has his fun as her mother told him he should leave and gets more than he bargained for, as Cruella leads him a merry dance too, claiming her mother poisoned her father and her other two husbands.
He can only see some sort of good in her as he writes her diamonds and also tells her about the pen and the special ink. Giving her his car so she can finally leave her mother. But she double crosses him and her mother reveals it was actually Cruella who poisoned them. As she madly sews herself a fur coat made from the dogs. Though he does catch up to her and writes her away for now, not before they struggle and she gets his ink in her hair, thus causing it to turn black and give her the two tone effect. Even before the ombre effect came in! Ha. He also says that all of the times they've been living are all outside the realm of time itself. Huh, which was a stonking bit of a mess, I mean making that Storybrooke library clock redundant!!??
Cruella kidnaps Henry (Jared Gilmore) and Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) and Regina (Lana Parilla) help Emma (Jennifer Morrison) look for him, but apparently Gold (Robert Carlyle) has a hand in this too since he wants Emma to turn dark and this was one way to speed up the process. Emma not wanting Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) or David (Josh Dallas) to help cos she's as peeved as ever for their actions and lying to her about Maleficent's (Kristin Bauer) baby but not mad at Regina for keeping Snow's secret. There was a kicker too in that Henry managed to free himself (again) with some broken glass he happened to be sitting by, must've been Robin's men littering beer bottles again, or maybe Will who's a beer guzzler of the most profuse variety. Cos he managed to do the same in Neverland too. As Snow and David get to the Author, he's written that Cruella can't kill anyone, what took him so long, with them having to tell Emma. Too late as Emma uses her powers, sending Cruella over the edge this time, literally and not just cos she already was mentally over the edge. Emma killing her in front of Henry came so easy to her didn't it. Now everyone's thinking she's so totally dark, or has the potential, but no it was to save Henry.
Regina tells David and Snow that Zelena (Rebecca Mader) is really Marian and she killed Marian back in the woods after Emma rescued her. Meaning Emma didn't change her fate or history after all, as Marian remained as dead as she ever was. However, once again Emma did manage to act before thinking of the consequences.
Regina needed Belle's (Emile de Ravin) help with Gold and used her as leverage. She did ask her for help when she saw her, but it seemed a little confusing in that Belle would willingly give up her heart to Regina. As she manipulated Belle this time into meeting with Gold. Then reveals herself in the woods, as well as Belle's heart, intending it as use for leverage. As for the so-called evil twosome, Cruella got away with admitting she left Maleficen't baby in the woods and then uses her magic to send her to sleep as a dragon. That was a bit of a yawn moment, where's their real evil and being at odds with each other. She bears grudges against Snow and David for what they did to her baby, but she can't even fight Cruella over it.
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