Emma (Jennifer Morrison) wanted to tell the world about Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) so after some snogging, she changed her mind cos she wanted to break the news to Regina (Lana Parilla) first. She'll be upset that she can't have Robin back ever, but Hook returned from the underwrold. Well that's hardly his fault, blame Zeus. As Snow (Gennifer Goodwin) and David (Josh Dallas) try and comfort her over losing Robin. Zelena (Rebecca Mader) tells them she only needs her sister. Rumples (Robert Carlyle) has the crystal and heads to the clock tower, where else, to harness all of its power to make him even more powerful and in essence removing all of magic from Storybrooke. There's an earth shattering explosion and in walks Hook asking what the bloody 'ell that was. Regina a little shocked, but tells Emma she was wrong to worry about her and they need to see what's happening. At the tower the find it had to be Rumples and Regina tells Emma that she wants to help and shouldn't just sit this one out. Which is right, I mean Emma may be the Saviour, but she's not exactly perfect at using her magic and knowing what to do. Henry (Jared Gilmore) thinks he knows of a way of getting rid of magic once and for all and he finds that Violet (Olivia Steele-Falconer) is now talking to him again.
He plans to go to New York to find out what Neal was looking for when he wanted to do the same thing. They eventually find he's gone and try to track him before Rumples does. Henry putting money into the safe in the pawn shop, well it looked like he was but of course he was being light fingered and also taking the author's pen, cos this will help him as he writes on the page and gets the crystal in his hands. Violet goes with him as they head ot the bus stop.
The stragglers remaining behind in Storybrooke want to get back home before all magic disappears and Zelena uses her wand to open up a portal for them to leave. Little John (Jason Burkart) wants to take Roland too but he's worried he'll leave without saying goodbye to Regina. Zelena tells him she would want him raised in Sherwood Forest and Roland leaves an arrow tip for her which belonged to Robin. As the last of the people go through Zelena finds she can't close the portal as something's stopping her, that was a Stargate moment and they're all swept into the portal, with Granny (Beverley Elliott) left holding the baby this time. The crystal having an effect on magic already.
They end up in another land where there's a building which looks like an asylum (cos it was River View, the asylum building from Supernatural and other shows) They also see a man outside and they ask him for help, but he's afraid of the Warden. A man dressed in a strait jacket, it was a strait jacket shows up and zaps them all. They find themselves in a cage and Zelena can't use her magic. The Doctor aka the Groundsman (Hank Harris) tells them he can't let them out as he doesn't have the key and will come back later. Zelena tells him her wand is broken and she needs to fix it. The potions are in the lab which the Warden (Sam Witwer) keeps. He will try and takes the wand. They were trusting seeing as it's the only thing that'll get them back. In said lab the guard feeds him his serum and he transforms into Hyde. Of course we know it's Jekyll and Hyde and the Doctor is the one and the same. Hyde pays them a visit and has a diabolical plan to get out of this realm. Yeah another villain with delusions of grandeur and setting his sights on Storybrooke.
In the lab the guard and Hyde try to fool Jekyll into thinking he actually foiled his plans and he takes the wand to them and lets them out. He wants to go with them and he's finally found a way to separate the two personalities inside himself, with the flowers he was collecting. He injects himself and is released into two, as the others are told to run. Apparently Hook hasn't heard of Jekyll and Hyde as Snow figures out that's the book he's from. As he tries to kill Jekyll, they return and Zelena zaps him with her magic. But Hyde also opens a portal later and takes Pandora's box from Gold.
They end up in a place which looked like the market place cum tavern from other seasons and Jekyll tells him this is a land where all gather from different realms. They find they can't get out and Hyde catches up with them. It's the land of untold stories. Okay so guess we all saw the separating the good and evil sides as applying to Regina coming, since she's talking about the Evil Queen again and that foreshadowing always has to take place. It's like they're going round full circle cos that's how we started out in season 1, with the Evil Queen.
How could Emma not realize Henry would head to New York and not Boston, as she put GPS on his phone which leads them to Boston. Regina gets frustrated and fireballs his phone, Emma thinking her feelings about her were confirmed and that she is still raw after Robin. Regina does a location spell using some of Emma's blood and by the look on Emma's face you'd think she wasn't able to stand a pin prick! They locate him in New York, seems Emma doesn't know Henry as well as she think she does. Regina realizes the crystal has made it possible for magic to exist outside of Storybrooke, but it did anyway didn't it. Zelena was using magic when she was Marion, and she used magic when Gold was in hospital. Anyway minor plot hole aside, Emma and Regina trail Henry back to Neal's apartment which it seems hasn't been cleaned out, but Robin had it, so unlikely it would've been.
Regina still ruing Robin and finds a Robin Hood Myths and Legends book she gave him which he had brought here with him. Emma searches on the computer and Regina finds a letter from Robin telling her how proud he is of her embracing the good life and the good within her. So she begins to doubt if she really is cos she has a dilemma, if she becomes the Evil Queen again then she'll lose Henry and her friends, but being good hasn't helped her much, especially in the true love stakes. Emma traces Henry to the library and even has to say the name out loud cos she's just saved Gold the trouble of finding him.
At the library Henry finds there are plenty more storybooks written and there are many worlds out there. Which shouldn't have been anything new cos they already knew there are other magical realms. He finds one which shows where Snow, David, Zelena and Hook are right now, but no one pays any attention of course cos they don't know. Henry gives up and then Violet spots the grail and tells him about how it might help. Too late though as Gold arrives, puts them to sleep and takes the crystal. When Emma and Regina arrive Henry tells them he didn't find anything as he's hidden the grail and still wants to remove all magic. Gold returns to the hotel and orders food but he only wants the sterling silver tray for his spell. You'll recall, Belle in the box (ha) was taken through the portal and ends up with Hyde in the same realm as the others.
Regina and Emma spot the big storm cloud surrounding the hotel whilst the people didn't give it a second thought, must be global warming. They hatch a plan for Regina will distract him and Emma will steal the crystal. Regina and Emma have lost their power. Emma only now reading Granny's message about the others being in another realm, which means they need magic to get them back. Regina thought she fooled him in to thinking he needed her help but he realized Emma was after the crystal and magicked it away from her. Too late cos Henry shows up and in the middle of it all he zaps the crystal into the grail, thus destroying all magic. Oops he didn't listen about the others being trapped! Emma spoke to Henry about how their lives were perfect here but then Hook found them and brought them back. As Regina and Rumple head to the Dragon's (Tzi Ma) shop, you know the one August went to see. He tells him he won't help him but will help Regina cos she's good now and has overcome that evil struggle.
Henry figured out if they made wishes in the fountain by throwing pennies in then they could make the portal appear, only it didn't work, so he got everyone there to throw in pennies and suddenly in the other realm is was raining pennies and hey presto a portal opens and gets them all back to New York, of course no one noticed Gold going through the portal and Hyde was too late to come through. They make a deal Hyde'll give him info on how to get Belle back if he gives him something in return. Oh and apparently the crowd think Henry is some crazy magician who was playing a trick but Emma tells him for one moment he had them all believing in magic.
As Regina wallows some more, Snow brings her coco and adds some magic ingredient, probably stole Hook's flask! ha. She tells him Hyde and Jekyll separated so there's some serum left over and she can destroy the Evil Queen from inside of her once and for all. Emma helps and after much soul searching she brings her out. Being threatened she's too cowardly to go through with it. But Regina does grab her heart and turns it to dust, only nothing is permanently destroyed as we'll see. So it was back home and Emma finally telling Hook she loves him before there was anymore drama and cue wedding dress in ye old shoppe window behind them, hint hint. Violet tells Henry her father's still here cos he was the original Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court! So she'll be here too, kiss kiss!
Also Hyde is in Storybrooke cos guess what, he got it from Gold in return for Belle. Hyde telling Regina "evil is not as easy to destroy as you think." Which is what, an oxymoron or some silly statement cos they have destroyed evil, that is the crux of all fairytales: to destroy evil and to 'live happily ever after.' Only in this show it ain't! Suppose that's why Jekyll wanted to separate Hyde from himself cos he couldn't very well kill him or destroy him, perhaps the same with Regina. With the amount of times they mentioned happily ever after it was bound not to happen, cos at the end of the day or the book, the show's better with evil and since Zelena also reformed, they can't really have her go back to that again, that'll be too much of a repeat of Regina and the Evil Queen. However Regina will always have that streak in her, even if she's removed it from her. Also the entire premise of the show was the Evil Queen, so they won't do it any justice by having her killed. Wonder if they'll still do flashbacks next season. Oh I should add Zelena was more "wicked" than evil!
Still we got plenty of violins in play everytime they showed Hyde, it's not like it was some hopeless romantic scene, oh wait the Evil Queen can get together with him and not just as a powerful ally, maybe romantically. Ha. They'd have plenty of enemies to destroy. Love it whenever they get Regina to say "destroy", oops I mean the Evil Queen to say it cos once again that's how we came into season 1, she was out to "destroy you if it's the last thing I do!" As she kept threatening Snow et al. Also it seemed David was the only one who openly welcomed Hook back, maybe it was their heart to heart talk they had in the underworld when they decided they would get Snow back by chnaging the name on the headstone.
Oh I think it strange (not really) that when I wrote my Quantum Leap book, I wrote about references to Alice in Wonderland and Jekyll and Hyde and lo behold I see the same transpiring in OUAT! Some kinda coincidence that or what? Ha.
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