Thursday, 31 March 2016

Paranormal Lockdown 1.4 "RC Infirmary"

Randolph County Infirmary was an episode of Paranormal Lockdown with a difference.  This time round, Nick and Katrina were looking for more of the residual effects rather than any intelligent findings.  They managed to get both.  Including Katrina having her name come through twice on the Geobox, which was unexpected, but again showed intelligence.

My thoughts on residual hauntings is that of course they will always be around in some form or another, especially if there are certain elements to retain this, such as iron, wood; but that there will also be intelligent hauntings either accompanying them in the same location, or just present regardless.  As was shown by the fridge door and the banging that Nick asked for.  The area of residual hauntings is not really black and white or something that can be easily explained away.

Highlight, at least one of many, Paranormal Lockdown Workout, could get so much mileage with that and also with Nick's remark of, "I call this one, mating with the carpet!"  Love the way this show has really led to Nick being more open and 'looser' in his presentation and commentary and not being stifled behind a camera!  Allowing not only his superior investigating skills and experience to be put to even more good use, but also how his creative juices, so to speak, and thought processes are demonstrated every episode.  There's just an air of fun to this show as well as enthusiastic and exceptional investigation during the 72 hours!

As this week there was also a reversal as Katrina wakes Nick up who seemed to be away with the pixies.  Seriously though, he couldn't tell if he was sleeping or somewhere else, wonder if the use of Jacob's Ladder had some sort of an influx of energy influence him.  Whereas Katrina couldn't really get to sleep this time round.

Episode 5 is Hinsdale House, a creepy looking place if ever there was one!  Then only one more to go!  Oh no, Destination America needs to renew this show.  There's so much still to be explored yet and 72 hours of lockdown really speaks for itself and produces great results!

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