Now we get to learn about Rayna - boring! Isn't she like all the so-called 'huntresses' gone before, so that's nothing new. I mean how many enemies have the vampires had and how they defeated them all. Just when you thought it was safe from Julian (Todd Lasance) we find that he began all this shaman curse huntress business after he killed, well made her kill her own father. Also how her father taught her to fight and kill vampires.
15 Years Later
Rayna's (Leslie-Anne Huff) all grown up and he leaves her to fight vampires.
Saint Malo, Louisana 1857
Coming upon Julian as I said. Thing is she's kind of a Buffy isn't she, only she has the Phoenix sword.
England 1903
Rayna finds them and she marks Julian with her sword, as well as Beau. Julian says Lily will arrange safe passage for them to New York and Nora (Scarlett Byrne) complains about having to travel in a coffin, which is the least of her worries. Once she marks them with her sword she will forever be on their trail.
Enzo (Michael Mularkey) isn't able to keep Rayna behind the glass, as she takes a flying leap and crashes through it. Guessing she blackmailed him into calling Bonnie (Kat Graham) for the sword, otherwise she'd have used it on him, or just killed him.
Damon's (Ian Somerhalder) friend Krystal is running around in her undies and she has to leave cos Bonnie returns. She wants a drink with her best friend and since he's her best friend right now, chancing upon her jeans skirt. Bonnie thinks it's good Damon's having sex, cos Damon abstaining for 60 years is unimaginable and Elena wanted him to live his life. He doesn't want Bonnie to know what he did as Enzo calls her cos she's not answering his calls. He needs the phoenix sword which has now become Rayna's sword otherwise he'll spill about Damon killing Elena. Bonnie needs to know what he's done but as her best friend, he's asking her not to pursue it. Even to the point of asking why Stefan (Paul Wesley) hates him right now.
Caroline (Candace King) is rushed to theatre and the babies need to be removed but Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) tells Stefan they don't want to be born as they're feeding off her magic. Stefan compelled the doctors to do whatever they need. She needs the help of the others to keep doing the magic and ensuring the babies can be born. As Stefan tells Alaric (Matt Davis) he's needed back here. Silly time for him to be away though.
Another flashback as we see Rayna being cursed by the shaman and giving her the sword, as each of the others kill themselves, they'll live on in her. At Whitmore they find Enzo tied up in vervain ropes and Rayna turn up wanting the sword. She hits Bonnie with an arrow and Damon throws it out the window for her to fetch. It's a wonder no one outside picked it up by the time she got there to find it sticking up in the grass.
Damon saves Bonnie and she thanks him cos he didn't hesitate and didn't even take a second to think about it let alone three. The others find out about Rayna as Beau's scar opens up and he bleeds at the hospital. Nora and Mary Louise (Teressa Liane) need to take him away and go on the run with him so she doesn't catch up to them. Valerie agrees to stay and carry on the spell without them. Rayna catches up to Beau as the others run away and she sets him on fire. Beau being the token extra to be killed off. Damon tells Stefan he's on his way but Stefan doesn't want to know. He'll doe everything he can to put this right, but Stefan doesn't want to hear it. Bonnie asks him what he's done to make Stefan feel this way but it's something so bad Damon needs to put ii right.
As Damn confronts Rayna, hey I said they were trying to get an Elena carbon copy going on with Rayna and Damon says it too, about her looking like his "girlfriend and her three doppelgangers." Bonnie arrives to help and tells Stefan to help Damon or he's going to get himself killed. Alaric arrives to see his babies being born. Damon fights Rayna but isn't really a match for her as she's about to stab him with the sword, Damon tells her she wants to send him to hell, but he's already there, just as Stefan arrives and is stabbed instead. Could see that coming. Stefan goes on the run.
Alaric names the babies Josie and Elizabeth after Caroline's mother and she holds one. Damon goes back for Enzo and decides he'll flip a coin to see if he lets him go or not. Enzo telling him he didn't have a choice. He then tells him Elena's alive and in his state he didn't realize he was burning an empty coffin. Tyler moved her and she's in New York with Enzo's friends looking after her. Damon doesn't believe him at first but it's true. Well it had to be true. Bit of a cop out there not wanting to bear the wrath of her fans! Leaving it still open for her to return. Darn it, still at least we had a moment watching her burn! ha. Damon calls Stefan and tells him about Elena and how he will put this right and kill Rayna even if he has to do it with his bare hands. He will get Stefan back.
Stefan tells Caroline he'll get back to her. Ain't it always the way, after that touching scene with the fries, what is it with fries and vampires in this show? Recall Elena also left her bag of fires on the clock tower! Stefan: "pass me the secret stash of fries!" Ha. Especially after he was inside Caroline's head comforting her when the spell was being performed. Now she won't get to see him.
Three Years From Now
Caroline takes the twins and drives them to see her friend, who happens to be Klaus in New Orleans.
Yet more three years from now which is now being left to the end of the ep instead, as if we're not going to get it shown at all, can't fool us. First the Heretics and now Rayna, is just too much to put up with and it all seems to have been done before; like with Silas and Qetsiyah. How can she be such a match for them that she's been after them for three years. Especially as they didn't know about her and now cos of the Heretics and that sword and the phoenix stone, she turns up too.
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