Thursday, 31 December 2015

The Vampire Diaries 7.9 "Cold As Ice" Review

Three Years From Now
We now see Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Valerie (Elizabeth Blackmore) together, but that was apparent from the moment she arrived back in Mystic Falls.

The Christmas episode which begins with Lily's burial and Damon (Ian Somerhalder) still not showing any remorse or any emotions other than she deserved what she got.  Makes you wonder why he was there, other than being there out of having to or necessity.  Even after the others say their goodbyes, he just says she was a bad mother, feeling that yes, she got what she deserved too for all the pain and misery she caused them and put them through.  So the plan still stands to kill Julian (Todd Lasance).  Easier said than done cos we know he's in it for the long haul.  Bonnie (Kat Graham) doing a locator spell and finding him in a town.  Not so much Christmas spirit in this ep, unless you look at Damon's egg nog and binge drinking as per usual.  He still has nothing fitting to say about Lily and he runs out of egg nog and thus enters a pub.  Where they, lo and behold, find dead Santa's, courtesy of Julian.  Someone's poisoned the egg nog.  Ha.

Stefan still tries to get Damon to go through the seven stages of grief bit, he's still in denial as Stefan tells him.  But it's to no avail, he still not sorrowful.  Not finding Julian there, he calls Bonnie for help who thinks she might be able to get some info from Nora (Scarlett Byrne) as she's now feeling charitable and wants to do some good after breaking up with Mary Louise (Teressa Liane).  Like that'll last for long.  So Bonnie lets her go to the hospital to deliver toys to the children with her and she also finds out the town is Julian's haunt and he has friends there.  OH too late since he rocks up there in drunken state looking for his "cellular device."  Only to find the two of them there.  Still carrying around the sword which he tells them wasn't complete when they used it on him since it needed the stone on the end of it.  The stone that takes everything bad that's been done and makes the person relive their own personal hell.  Lily was the only owe who could've stopped him and she kept him sane.  Which Damon finds funny. Cos all his killing and murdering is being sane.

His friends arrive just as Bonnie texts back telling them to get out of there.  Julian did underestimate Stefan and Damon, but then they do let him get the better of them.  So what if he's hundreds of years old, that's why he needs his friends around to help them.  Damon goes to plan B and has doused the Santas with fuel setting them alight and they escape.  Stefan blames Damon for their failure since he wanted to kill him as soon as he arrived in town, but Damon wanted Lily to suffer.  Damon says she staked herself which he also tells Julian when he turns up at the house.  He didn't run, well it wasn't likely he would.  

Mary Louise still doesn't believe Valerie's story about Julian and she calls her a charity case at the hospital cos she broke up with her and threw the ring back at her.  Of course she doesn't see herself as being flawed and hanging on every word Julian says.  Stefan's plan is to kidnap Mary Louise and texts her photo to Julian.  Who subsequently sends it to Nora thus spoiling all the inroads Bonnie made with her.  She thinks Bonnie and her friends were in on it too and she knocks her out with a spell.  Clearly she's not over Mary Louise, who was she kidding.

Damon burns Lily's clothes cos he's ridding everything about her from his memory, telling Julian he needs closet space.  Julian taking over their house still as his.  He says Damon cared for her that's why he can't live with the guilt and all her possessions.  He tells him he doesn't have a quarrel with Julian and he doesn't know about Mary Louise.  Julian with his sword again, really you'd think that was his 'man tool' or something, ha; as he tries to stab Damon with it.  Stefan stops him, but again he's not a match for the brothers.  He stakes Stefan and stabs Damon with the sword.  Allowing him to enter his on hell which Stefan doesn't believe he can survive.  Julian rescues Mary Louise right from under Valerie's nose.  Caroline (Candace King) tells Stefan they will bring Damon back and calls Bonnie but she doesn't answer, only just waking up.  Damon flashes to the civil war and his part in it.  As we listen to 'Silent night...'  Well it sure was silent!  Nora turns up with the sword and she stabs Stefan also.  They don't have the phrase 'bloody Nora' for nothing you know!  That's what you get, nothing but betrayals from the Heretics.  None of them are to be trusted.  We're left to ponder what Stefan will endure now and also Damon too.

Elsewhere Caroline and Alaric (Matt Davis) attend the birthing class after she's read up on all the material going on babies.  She overhears some students talk about her getting high grades in his class and that Caroline's a student here too.  She begins to vamp due to the hormones which she refuses to believe.  She visits her mother at the cemetery and talks of being responsible and looking after the children.  Nice to see some 'fake' snow!!

Just had a thought but it's pretty silly about the three years from now, what if it's what Damon and Stefan are going through in their present state.  But that'd be too far fetched even for me.  Cos we've seen things happen to everyone else Three Years from Now as well.  Thought that since in the previous ep Damon was hallucinating seeing Lily and clearly that's his guilt there.  Just as long as we don't get any references to Elena when they go through their personal hell.  What a climax to leave the show on until next year!

Highlights Damon sticking to his guns, or stakes and not giving in to his emotions like Stefan wanted him too, he'd just be seen as hypocritical and he's certainly not that.  He has no love lost there when it comes to Lily and why even try to be nice now in death.  Stefan was just being moral for the sake of it and really it's his decision however he chooses to mourn or not mourn her.  Also Damon and that reindeer glass!! Like to think the title was referring to Damon and his drink, rather than his cold feelings!  It's more fitting.
No Matt this ep, Christmas be be a busy time in a half deserted Mystic Falls, but no mention of Enzo either.  Besides Bonnie and Nora don't get together nd not after she attacked Stefan like that.  It was Bonnie and Enzo in three years anyway.

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