Saturday, 31 October 2015

Doctor Who 9.7 "The Zygon Invasion" Review

                                        Image result for The_Zygon_Invasion
Right on Rock Star!! ha.
Three Doctors: from The Day of the Doctor; all talk about the Zygons and everyone will be stuck in the room together until they get their Treaty sorted.   That was with Doctors Ten, elven and the old Doctor Twelve from the 50th anniversary episode.  There being two of Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) and they use their Sonics s that they won't know which one is human and which is Zygon. We learn around 22 million were allowed by UNIT to settle on earth amongst the humans taking on their identity.  Osgood (Ingrid Oliver) who had a sister, runs into a police station and hides.  Barely sending out a message to the Doctor (Peter Capaldi) before she's captured.  The Doctor twangs on his guitar again and this time playing chords from Amazing Grace.  He sees the message and calls Clara (Jenna Coleman) who's "either on the tube or in space".

He tells her he's in twenty first century earth as he sits in a playground and finally follows two twin girls.  Well if they weren't Zygons or human/Zygons then anyone would've been suspicious of an old man accosting two girls like that.  He mentions the Peace Treaty as he slides down the slide.  They're not part of any hostile invasion or breaking the treaty, as Zygons appear and march them away.  

Clara heads to her flat and as she arrives there she finds 127 missed calls from the Doctor, as she calls him back, she notices the boy on the stairs (Abhishek Singh) he can't find his parents.  She heads to his flat and tells the father his son's outside.  Then his mother (Samila Kularatne) walks in and tells her they'll take care of him as the father carries the boy back.  We then get Clara tying her hair back into a ponytail and since when has she ever done that.  Thus we know something's up as she happily heads down to the school where UNIT is set up, having met up with the Doctor.  Who later tells Clara to change her message cos it's boring.  

There's a message coming in from Osgood and a Zygon later says they're invading and trying to protect themselves.  The two girls who were abducted and done away with.  The Zygon telling then, "Truth or Consequences."  Clara says that's a town in new Mexico and she used to remember trivia like that so she could win at Trivial Pursuit.  Kate talks of an outpost and he heads there on the plane, He is President of the World after all.  Telling Clara to stay here and protect her country, whilst Kate heads to New Mexico.   Clara goes back to her flat with Jac (Jaye Griffiths) to get some things and that was another clue something was wrong, cos since when has Clara wanted to get anything, she never thought of things like that over the years.  

Kate finds the town of Truth or Consequences deserted and comes across sheriff Norlander (Gretchen Egolf) who tells her about people vanishing and their families turning against them.  They see bodies, or what's left of them after they've been destroyed by the Zygons and head back to the station, where Kate looks at casefiles.  The sheriff turning out to be one of them as she transfers back into her Zygon form.

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The Doctor arrives just as Col Walsh (Rebecca Front) is ordering a drone attack, but she sees her son and can't do it, aborting the strike.  They find they're hiding out in the church but Hichley (Todd Kramer) doesn't shoot, as one of them comes out and is his mother (Karen Mann).  He can't ask questions about himself and she refuses to answer saying she can't remember.  She tells them they took them and brought them here and he can't kill her, but she forgives him.  She wants to show him they're inside.  The men enter and are killed.  Here the Doctor finds Osgood in the tunnels as she shouts to him.  The air strike is ordered on the tunnel.  A Zygon appears and is attacked by the falling debris.  He's taken back to the plane and he knows the Doctor is the President of the World, telling him they want the world.  The Doctor also saying it's only a small faction of Zygons who've been radicalized (very topical) but they can't kill them.  So it's no longer a case of letting Zygons be Zygones!! Ha.  Okay, sorry!

As Kate earlier tells Clara it was also the Doctor who took away the gas that they could've used on the Zygons.  Osgood wears two question marks on either collar and the Doctor asks why she does that.  She replies he used to once, he replies he's wearing question mark undies, also asking her if she's human or a Zygon.  She doesn't answer that question and she considers herself both, a hybrid. 

However the best of the action is with Clara as she and Jac head to the basement in the lift after they see the couple take something wrapped in a blanket into the lift.  Obviously it's the boy.  They enter the lift and a brown ooze come out of the control panel.  Clara touches it and as they head into the tunnels under hr flat, they find pods which she surmizes are growing and haven't fully formed yet.  But must be destroyed, as she uncovers herself in one of the pods.  The Doctor at this time also finds out that the invasion of London already took place a year ago and so Clara is already taken over.  She laughs as she takes out the traitors in the tunnel, including Jac.  Then heads to the coast.  The Doctor finds out his plane's not going to land, as he tells her on the phone to head to the TARDIS and save herself and you know how he wants her to be safe by the urgency of his voice.  Clara fires a missile. Now she's going by the name of Bonnie.

OH no, I suppose  in some ways that means that Clara is already dead is she, which means that there would be two of her anyway, but it appears this one's a rebellious version.  Osgood is a hybrid and thus displays the perfect model of the Treaty.  Yet more mentions of the hybrid in a continuation of Davros mentioning them at the opening of the series. Does this hybrid talk bode well for Clara then? Doubt it since she's supposedly dead, along with Kate and Jac. 

The Doctor resorting to using the sonic sunglasses to free Osgood from her shackles.  The Osgoods wearing Doctor Four's scarf,  Eleven's bowtie and Doctor Seven's tank top.  Clara asking if  he really referred to himself as "Doctor Disco."

The Zygons appearing all the way back in 1975 Terror of the Zygons with Tom Baker.  The Doctor here referring to them as "blobs."   

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