Patrick (Simon Baker) signs papers at the lake for the cabin and is happy the place is his. Tork (Joshua Biton) tells the other agents to look for two bodies inside the burnt out house, but you know they'll only find one. As the camera pans out and shows Lazarus (Aubrey Deeker) running away. Patrick works on the cabin and Lisbon (Robin Tunney) arrives with lunch. He finds a perfect place where they can eat and she notices he's taken off wedding his ring. He replies that's cos he's not married. She notices the house also slants, he says the ground is a bit slanty but the house doesn't and it's like an optical illusion. He takes out his wedding ring and says he's been wearing it a long time, not only does it represent his past but also his future. He wouldn't have met her if it hadn't been for his ring and he wants it to be a part of their future. He asks Lisbon to marry him and she agrees. See that's what I said, that ring of his is part of him and he'll only take it off, to put it back on again, this time when he marries Lisbon. Patrick says he was nervous cos after all this time he still doesn't know her and wasn't sure what her answer would be.
Abbott (Rockmond Dunbar) wants to help out with the Lazarus case as he's still waiting to start hsi new job. Patrick and Lisbon announce their wedding and Cho (Tim Kang) tells Abbott he was right. Patrick tells them they're going to elope! Oh yeah and deprive us of a wedding! ha.
Lazarus/Joe picks up supplies from a store as Lisbon Skypes her brothers to tell them about her wedding. They want to come down cos they're family and she's their only sister and Stan (Derek Phillips) says she doesn't want them to come so they should respect that. Later Patrick pulls Lisbon's chair towards him and tells her it's okay she invited them, they're family. But she's despondent cos then the wedding will be too big and maybe they should invite a few other people too since they're not doing any catering or asking for gifts. Maybe 12 guests. Also some people from work. Patrick tells her he has to get her a ring and she says she already has one. He replies one for herself cos that's their ring. She doesn't want anything too gauche.
At the jewelle,r a couple want their grandmother's ring altered and Patrick notices that the jeweller just swiped their ring and replaced it with a fake one. Telling them he pulled a French drop. He pulls out his FBI badge and tells them what he's done. He's got it in his right hand and why is he afraid of opening his hand. Which Patrick tells him to do and there's their ring. He tells the jeweller he's looking for a ring and with real diamonds, nothing gauche or he's going to turn him in. There Patty still saving the day for everyone.
Lisbon invites Abbot to the wedding and he offers their house for it. Wylie (Joe Adler) tells Cho he didn't know about the wedding but Cho says he knew. Wylie wants to be transferred to a cybercrime unit and he's not good at this since he messed up with Lazarus. Cho tells him it can happen to anyone and that Vega wouldn't walk away from a challenge. Cho wants him to stay as he slaps him on the head. Hey Cho using a Gibbs' slap from NCIS!! Ha. Cho needs Wylie to check with the autopsy report cos the Mayor needs to be certain they have the killer before they can give a press conference and the only way they can do that is if they have the coroner's report. Wylie reports there weren't any intact body parts and most of them were of Joe Snr.
Lisbon invites Cho to the wedding and she asks him for a favour, she takes him along to pick out wedding dresses. They make her look short, a snow cone, or like a 'slutty elf' oh Cho where'd you get that one from? Ha. She needs something off white and vintage. She asked him for his honest opinion but didn't know he knew so much about fashion. His mother was a dab hand at sewing and without using a pattern. Lisbon remarks her mother had a sewing machine but it was always in hock. Dan (John Marshall Jones) the anchor man is leaving the station when Lazarus kidnaps him. He asks him for his wallet and keys and he thinks he'll let him go after Dan asks him for his licence. But he stabs him instead and uses his phone to call the FBI and of course he had to get useless Tork. Well he was useless with a big mouth. He asks for Patrick and he tells him he'll be away for a few days and that he's actually getting married and then he drives off. I mean the guy is a TV man you don't tell him stuff like that!
Patrick and Lisbon get the marriage licence and he adds Emily Hamilton's (Joyce Guy) name, she's the judge. She asks to see the ring and thinks it's a fake but he tells Lisbon it's real. She's shocked and can't accept it cos it's too much. Patrick tells her she doesn't need to accept it, it's hers. Lisbon invites Wylie to the wedding and he says a lot of people are talking about it. He asks if there'a gift registry or trousseau but Lisbon doesn't know what that is. Cho brings a laptop and it's Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) and Van Pelt (Amanda Righetti). She's ecstatic to hear from them and invites them to the wedding too. Lisbon then starts to count the number of people coming.
Lazarus heads to the county clerk's office and wants to fill out a licence. He then looks into the tray and finds Patrick's licence when the clerk gets a call. He then leaves after saying he's been stood up. After hearing about the DNA belonging to Joe Snr. Cho believes that Lazarus is till alive and asks Abbott for his advice. He wonders if he should tell Patrick and Lisbon and Abbott doesn't think they should cos Lisbon will cancel the wedding and join the hunt. They know he'll come after Patrick. Abbot also says they should have some agents at the house and Tork comes in, telling then that Dan's been reported as missing but he spoke to him at the same time and told him about Patrick's wedding cos his caller Id checked out, so Abbott tells him to prepare a helicopter as they may need it. It was good to see Cho actually behind the desk and settling into his new role. Also Abbott repeats what Cho said about how they're FBI and they can handle it.
Patrick asks what they were talking about, Abbot says nothing. Then he sits down and asks him if he's coming back to work cos if he's not then they have some legal issues to deal with as Patrick recalls that napkin. He's getting married, building a house and then he doesn't know what he's doing after that. He loves Abbot for his honesty. As he walks off Abbot stops and says he was lying and tells him about Lazarus. Patrick hugs him.
At Abbott's house, Lisbon and Wylie talk about the guests and how they've increased cos she didn't send out printed invites. Also Abbott is covering all the catering costs and costs of the wedding as his gift to her. As he shows her a menu. Lisbon's entire family arrives and Stan brings his fiance. Lisbon is overwhelmed with her family. Patrick finds Lisbon at Abbot's house and she's in tears. All she wanted was a small wedding and now everyone's here. Her family wouldn't even notice cos they've discovered the mini bar. Patrick says they should marry at the cabin and he can call the judge and tell her. Lazaus hides in the judge's car boot. Also telling Lisbon about Lazarus and she's angry he didn't tell her.
Wylie tells Cho about the court clerk calling about a burnt man who was checking out the forms. He knows all the forms and they don't have the venue just the judge's name. Patrick has his back to he Airstream as Lisbon walks out in her wedding dress. He says they should promise to look on the bright side always. They enter the cabin and Lazarus follows them with a gun. Inside it's empty but then agents swoop on him. Including Lisbon with her gun and Patrick sneaks out behind her and hands her the bouquet, taking the gun from her. They are married and he lifts her veil and kisses her!! Swoon! Ha. All the guest are dancing as Patrick and Lisbon sit by the lake. They're happy and she says she needs to tell him something as she has her hand on her stomach. Patrick thinks she's joking and after all this time he should know her better. He's happy at the news and they hug.
SO it ended. Not what we would've expected seven years ago, but still it was a happy ending. Though I would like to know what happened with the list of names though and am guessing Patty stayed on with the FBI cos of the thrill of the chase, as he told Abbott and that the list didn't come into it. Still would've been good to get some closure on it. We needed another ep for that instead of wasting two on Lazarus. Didn't like that at all. I still think there could've been plenty of potential in the Red John story and finishing it off so abruptly made me feel cheated. There clearly couldv'e been more made of this instead of fizzling out the way it did. I can still dream there's a smiley face somewhere in that wedding scene! Ha. Maybe in the sly the twinkle in Patrick's eye as he hugs Lisbon! So I'm a cynic, but to me Patrick will be Red John and wish they had the sense and guts to carry that through!
The wedding was sweet and Cho had great taste in picking out her dress!! So it started with Patty losing his wife and daughter and ended with him gaining a new wife and a child on the way! Also with a serial killer, though he wasn't in Red John's league. Still something more on Red John would've been good. Hey if Patrick was Red John, you can he could fulfill his psychopathic tendencies again and have a new wife and child to menace!! But at least the ep got Cho to smile and to laugh and boy did he laugh!
Now all that remains is to see the cast elsewhere and especially Simon Baker!!
That title, White Orchids, all I could think of was that awful movie Wild Orchid (1989) and only worth watching for Bruce Greenwood! Ha.
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