Thursday, 8 May 2014

The Vampire Diaries 5.19 "Man On Fire" Review

As Elena (Nina Dobrev) gets Stefan's (Paul Wesley) help in quizzing her on her Psych paper, they are held hostage by Enzo (Michael Malarkey).  He shows them a photo of Maggie (Heather Hemmens) and tells Stefan that she was in Mystic Falls in 1958/60 and that he would have been in his Ripper state back then. But Stefan tells him or tries to, that he doesn't know her and he wasn't here at that time.  Flashes to Maggie observing Enzo and his smiling at her.  Of course she was smitten with a vampire, in which case why did she continue being a researcher/observer and not let him escape.  Anyway she was the one who kept him going and he must avenge her.  Stefan is slowly tortured by being staked by Enzo and Luke (Chris Brochu) is held hostage so that Liv (Penelope Mitchell) helps Enzo out.  Though Bonnie (Kat Graham) as we know is powerless to help, no amount of talking will actually stop him from his bloodthirsty quest.

Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) and Matt (Zach Roerig) search for the Traveller's knife but can't find it anywhere, Jeremy commenting on the pants under the sofa, with Matt adding he does his laundry.  Ah so nice to see a domesticated boy.  Apparently Tyler (Michael Trevino) was meant to hide it but it's not there, how surprising considering Tyler isn't all there either.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) comes a calling and wants to be invited in and needs the knife to put some Mystic Falls citizens back into their bodies.  He tells them to stay there and as Matt later tells Bonnie they can't go out since Damon threatened to twist their kneecaps if they leave.

Tyler is chained and the passenger proves to be more powerful as he takes over his body once again. Markos (Raffi Barsoumian) gets Sloan (Caitlin McHugh) to be bitten and then feeds her the doppelganger blood.   As they wait for her to wake up and see if the blood worked.  Bonnie asks Liv if she can help the others but she doesn't want to, seeing as they wanted to kill Elena anyway.  So why can't Luke cast a spell over his captors being a witch, pretty clumsy writing there.  She also wants to know if there's anything Liv can do to help the other side.

Bonnie tires to call Damon for help but he figures things aren't so good at campus and asks the sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) for files dating back to 1958.  Seems like he does recognize Maggie after all and as I knew from the start, it was actually Damon who killed Maggie.  It isn't rocket science to figure that out since it would have been when he was still suffering from the fall out of being the Augustine vampire.  As he flashes back to Maggie wanting to meet him and trying to infect him with the syringe.  It was the night that Kennedy was elected and the way Damon just picked her up on the street in front of everyone and just took her head off her shoulders was so cruel.  To think Damon used to comment about Stefan being the ripper.

Stefan admits he recalls Maggie and fed off her but didn't kill her, until later when Damon arrives and he confesses it was him.  Damon reminds Enzo how he lost his humanity, he had to turn it off in order to survive and get out from the fire.  Seems like the only way Enzo can get his revenge is if he does the same and turns off his humanity too, so now he doesn't care if anyone lives or dies and doesn't listen to Damon's protests for him not to do this.  Damon hands Stefan a piece of glass to cut his ropes and  then he goes after Enzo after he's just attacked Liv.  Stefan saves her with his blood and finds Enzo as he's about to kill Elena.

They fight and move away from the scene as Damon finds Elena and takes her back to her dorm.  Enzo tries to set Stefan alight as he grabs his heart and thinks he will drive the ultimate wedge between the two by making Damon believe he killed his best friend, well his only friend.  And makes sure Stefan gets his heart in his hand.  Stefan texts Damon with the message, "Cape Horn it is then" in order to make him believe Enzo's there.  He tells Elena to promise Damon never knows since they only just got him back and also tells Bonnie the same, as Enzo appears there to pass through her.  Whilst she's trying to tell Jeremy that if the other side is destroyed then Bonnie will no longer be here either.  Liv having told her earlier that there's nothing they can do, no spells or any sort of magic.  Enzo adding just for good measure that he'll be back to reek yet more revenge, it's what he does best.

Sloan rises again and says she's no longer a vampire, the blood worked but Markos kills her since she's her human self now and no longer has any powers.  Doppelganger blood can cure vampirism but this leads to death cos they're just back to being human again. But then Elena's blood was needed for Klaus's hybrids, oh I give up. Though it was good to see that Elena and that dreaded love triangle took a back seat and the ep was much better for it.

Damon and Stefan have a talk about Enzo and how he kept Damon going, even when Damon would condemn Stefan for not helping him or looking for him, Enzo was the one who talked him out of it.  He defended Stefan even when he didn't know him and so Stefan and Damon both owe him.  Damon vows to help him.  Bit tot late for that mate.  But as we know, no one really dies in this show, unless we don't see them again, ha, but as they talk, Enzo stands right there and promises to do what he does best: revenge.  As we know there's ruction on the other side, so he'll return in some form or another.  Oh and Caroline was missing from this ep.

Strange how Stefan found Enzo before Damon and looked like he knew where to look for him too.  But as for him being Damon's friend and Stefan killing him, well, seems Damon can only afford to have one friend at a time and they always end up dead, re Alaric.  But maybe it's his karma for everything that he's done and let's not forget how he and Enzo both hunted down Aaron together.  So maybe his not being around anymore means Damon no longer gets that evil streak in him and doing bad things cos he's like that.  Well Enzo deserves some sort of comeuppance for killing Tom to find out what happened to Maggie when she was dead already.  The look on Stefan's face as he kept the truth from him when all Damon could do was to sing Stefan's praises courtesy of Enzo was heartbreaking. Someone should have just spilled sooner rather than later!
Funny Enzo used Bonnie's phone when they were talking to each other and Damon didn't realize.

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