Elena (Nina Dobrev) wakes as she has a dream about Stefan (Paul Wesley) which she tells to Damon (Ian Somerhalder) who's not too thrilled that's he's dreaming about him, his brother, when they're supposed to be together. She sees exactly where Stefan is and Katherine walks in saying the same thing. Stefan was at the bar on Route 29 but he's not there now since he bit a barmaid and told her to run. Then realized he didn't have his daylight ring. He's kidnapped by some woman in a truck who the barmaid tells Damon belongs to some man who has a cabin down the road. Said man being the one found in the safe last ep.
Stefan's been kidnapped by Qetsiyah (Janina Gavankar) who wants to use his mind to control Silas and make him lose his ability to mind control. Before that she tells him about how Silas was her first love and they were going to be bound together in immortality but on their wedding night she found he had already drunk the elixir and was with someone else, her maid, Amara who, surprise surprise or rather nothing surprises in this show anymore, turns out to be another Elena/Katherine doppelganger. This taking place in ancient Greece over two thousand years ago. What's more the law of nature overtook things and created shadow selfs to replenish the balance of the two since they were now immortal. Hence Stefan and Elena are bound to be together and always find each other throughout history.
Qetsiyah made the cure hoping he'd drink it in his tomb but he did no such thing and so he wasn't bound to her. She tells Stefan she's making a ring for him when infact she's using him for the above purposes. Nadia (Olga Fonda) in league with Silas tells him she killed her fellow traveller which proves her loyalty to him. Qetsiyah and Silas were travellers and that's what he calls Nadia. Nadia has however placed him inside Matt's (Zach Roerig) body and will help him find his body after they have destroyed Silas. Nadia needs Katherine and uses Matt to call Elena and find out where she is. Which is why she turns up at the same bar.
Katherine escapes and Elena finds her telling her she didn't kill her after the cure cos she didn't want to lose her own humanity. Silas turns up when Nadia gets hold of Katherine again and controls Nadia into putting the gun to her heart, but he's too slow cos he can't just say shoot yourself with it and has to say "pull the trigger" in long pauses, but he doesn't get to say trigger cos Qetsiyah who wants to be called Tessa cos it's so modern, channels Silas's mind control into Stefan, with Damon watching all the while. Qestsiyah also tells him how Elena and Stefan are destined to be together cos that's how the universe ordained it but he's not having any part of it. He tries to kill Qesiyah but she casts a spell and stops him. Just as he's waking, Damon sees Elena go to Stefan and look out for him.
Silas tells Katherine he wants her cos she has the cure running through her, it's in her blood. Oh no, first it was Elena and her ability to help Klaus sire hybrids and now she's got the cure! Damon says he won't let the universe dictate who he loves and Elena declares her love for him, adding that if Damon was anyone else he'd have pawned Stefan's ring for a pinball machine. Stefan wakes but doesn't recall who either of them are. Matt also wakes and doesn't recall his conversation with Elena earlier on and notices he's tracked mud into the house and it's on his shoes too.
Agh doppelgangers yes I've said that before but I'll repeat it again, cos well, they're doubles! Ha. This whole Silas storyline is getting out of hand really, I mean now we get Qetsiyah appearing cos well she was bound to the number of times she was mentioned last season, but this show is getting quite predictable and repetitive. I can't believe season 5 seems to be going round in circles, culminating in the Stefan/Elena/Damon triangle again, but destiny states Elena and Stefan must always be together.
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