Sunday, 24 November 2013

The Paradise Series 2 Episode 6 Review

A newly wed couple arrive at the Paradise and the wife, Mrs Lucille Ballantine (Liz White) can't stop spending her husband's money, buying dresses and the like, but she has no friends and has plenty of low self esteem.  The women all talk about her.  She was a nurse and nursed her husband, Campbell Ballentine (John Duttine) when he was ill.  She wants Clara (Sonya Cassidy) and Susy (Katie Moore) to come to her house and they can have tea, look at her chandeliers, something which excites Susy.  Denise (Joanna Vanderham) says she can have a fitting at home if she wants to and Lucille asks them to show her how to walk in her dress.  Clara tells her she has a husband who adores her and so should be happy.  At tea she again denigrates herself and thinks they all think she's not worthy of her husband.  Clara replies she's lucky to have found him and repeats the same throughout the episode.  Even when she wants to give Clara a ring to show her how glad she is of her friendship.  Clara rejects it since she could lose her job and she's not her friend, but Lucille's her customer.

Weston (Ben Daniels) and Katherine (Elaine Cassidy) hunt for Flora (Edie Whitehead) in the maze and when Weston finds her he tells her they're not to speak to Katherine as it's a game.  Katherine demands to know why he's been a ghost these past few days and why he is refusing to talk to her.  He takes out the pocketwatch and looks at the time again as he takes Flora into the maze once more, using the pocketwatch to torment her.  Leading to her confronting Moray (Emun Elliott) again for comfort.  She tells him how cruel Weston can be and how she's afraid of him.  Moray wants her to tell him when she needs him and he'll be here for her.  They hug and Weston sees them again.  Well it's not the first time he's seen them together.

Fenton (Adrian Scarborough) suggests they should put forward their plan to Weston to buy the store but Moray doesn't know what that plan is as he's disturbed by Denise.  Moray having caught Denise sitting in his chair feels she's undermining him and Dudley (Matthew McNulty) tells him they've all sat in that chair, including him and Arthur (Finn Burridge) since they all have dreams.  He berates Moray for his jealousy against Denise and her wanting to excel at the store.  Even Katherine tells him as much when she adds that Weston thinks Denise is even better than Moray and could take over the store and excel at it.   Fenton puts his proposal to Weston: that he and his brother have stores in Liverpool and Manchester and are looking to open down south.  He wants to buy the Paradise and says he will employ Moray as manager or even send "him into the wilderness," if he wants.  Weston doesn't know why he's revealing this since he can fight the sale but refuses to sell the store, otherwise he'll be seen as a coward.

Denise believes Ballantine would be a good investor.  He has a brewery he has built from nothing and thinks they could also stock his ales in the food hall.  Dudley thinks she has a good idea to get Ballentyine on board as an investor without telling Moray, which eh isn't happy about and helps her write up a business plan. Dudley believes she' the best person to present it since she's an entrepreneur and will bring her glamour to it. They hear creaking outside the office but there's no one there, obviously it's probably Jonas (David Hayman) skulking around again.

Jonas again gains Weston's trust further and Moray tries to tell Katherine about Weston knowing of the pocket watch being intended for her husband.  Yes Moray you were the one who told Jonas to go ahead with it and tell him.  Denise is upset that Moray still goes to see Katherine and he tells her he must since she's in fear of Weston.  Who she finds in her room at night and also tries to open the door when she locks it. Flora sees the scars on his back when he's changing his shirt and walks away.  Weston admits to Katherine that he's going to sell the store, he's her husband and he can do that.  He wants them to act like they're married, call a truce and they have Flora to think about.  He only came to her room cos he wanted to watch her, not hurt her.  Katherine promises Flora she'll never leave her, then writes to see Moray.  Is Weston really concerned about wanting to make things right for Flora's sake or does he still have another agenda.

Ballantine approves the business plan and wants to see Moray.  However Moray lies to Denise when he tells her he's going to see Ballaniyne when he actually goes to see Katherine.  Who tells him she has a child now, is a mother and must face her responsibilities.  She can't let go of Moray though and he tells her he loves Denise.  Katherine kisses him but he stops her.  She then can't get up from the bench as she falls back down but doesn't want Moray's help.  Weston finds her doubled over in the garden in tears and asks if "he did this to you?"  She replies, "I can't help myself."

Edmund (Peter Wight) thinks he should spruce up the shop with a coat of paint before anyone will buy it and knows Audrey is waiting for him but he can't let go of the shop.  He was the first owner on the street.  Sam (Stephen Wight) helps him out and he and Arthur think he should remove his name from the store as it won't be his and should replace it with "Draper."  Something he doesn't want to do as he finds it's not easy giving up his life.  He suffers a heart attack whilst on the ladder and Denise feels guilty about 'chiding' him and not looking out for him.  He's like a father to her.  Moray isn't there for her and she asks Dudley where he's gone.  Also Ballantine didn't get a note from Moray or even a personal meeting.  However she convinces him to invest.

Moray tells Denise he's sorry and that he was with Katherine but, "I have not betrayed you."  Denise can't bear to look at him since she wants to be alone with her uncle.  As the Paradise celebrates five years since it opened, Moray walks through the store in tears.  He's now a defeated man as his 'scheming' to get back the store has really resulted in him achieving nothing.  He played Katherine off against Weston and she ended up wanting him again when he knew she had feelings for him still and even Denise warned him about this.  Moray couldn't even see how Fenton was using him for his own ends when he came up with the plan of getting between Weston and Katherine.  He tells Katherine he loves Denise but really he has betrayed her too in his blind pursuit of the store.  Not to mention the fact Fenton wasn't even interested in helping Moray get the store back but was only going along with the intention of opening up his own store with his brother, since he was so ready to throw Moray to the wind.  See Jonas didn't tell Moray about this at their meeting, only that Weston has his issues from when he was a soldier.  Something he already told Moray about before.

Clara convinces Lucille she's got a good husband and she should be grateful for that.  Whereas for everyone else their lives have reached a turning point.  Showing how some marriages are perfect and Lucille couldn't see that whereas others are frought with anxieties and heartaches, even when the two parties aren't married to each other.

Even had some future topical references here, like Myrtle (Lisa Millett) saying sarcastically, like they will find rich men, or there'll be a woman PM, or a woman running the Paradise.  Well with Denise's ambitions and maybe society's attitude changing she may do just that!

SO what now for Denise and Moray since she doesn't feel she can trust him even if he loves her.  Will Weston get his 'revenge' on Moray for hurting Katherine, who clearly brought this on herself too.  There's a scene where Moray and Denise steal a kiss together when he tells her he wished they could go back to before and how innocent it all was when he wanted her.  She reminds him it wasn't innocent as he was engaged to Katherine and you can't help but think it was the same thing happening here again.  Moray this time pursued Katherine when she was married and ended up hurting both Denise and Katherine, even himself, as far from innocent as it could get.

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