Henry (Jared S Gilmore) is on the swing, isn't he too old for that and clearly school's out, or he doesn't bother going anymore, with Granny (Beverley Elliott) keeping guard as Gold (Robert Carlyle) shows up and has yet another one of his flashes, he makes the rope break so Henry will end up on one of the rocks. He tells the others he lost Bae but he can still watch his grandson. As Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) break the news to him about Bae being shot by Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green). You'd have thought being the Dark One, he would have wanted to avenge Bae but no such luck there. He lets his son go for a second time really. He showed more passion when he was after Milah and Hook (Colin O'Donoghue).
Hook is with Tamara and Greg (Ethan Embry) as they set off the Failsafe to destroy Storybrooke, needing one of the dwarf's pick axes to do so. Hook resigns himself to dying too to set their plans in motion, at least on the surface. Regina (Lana Parrilla) wakes and finds the device has been activated, saying goodbye to Henry cos she knows she's never coming back, which is what Emma (Jennifer Morrison) tells her. Regina is more resigned to the fact that it's better to be alive even if Henry will be alone in Storybrooke since he was born in this world.
Snow and Charming think they can find the beans and get everyone to safety. Hook tells them what they plan to do and has a change of mind, he doesn't want to die. The folk of the two are more willing for Snow and Charming to lead them as they have done so in the past and Archie (Raphael Sbarge) leads them on to agree to this. Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) comes to the store to find Sneezy's (Gabe Khouth) beer mug and he tells him it's not stealing if it belongs to them. Also the Blue Fairy has found a formula to make him remember. She needed Pinocchio's hair for the final ingredient. Grumpy gives a vial to Gold for Belle (Emilie de Ravin) so she won't have to die as Lacey. She made him remember who he was once and he wants to help her now.
Gold mends the cup and gets Belle to drink from it, after she uses Bae's robe to mop up the spilt whiskey. So they find each other, okay that's Snow and Charming's line but works for others too. She's sorry he lost Bae. He's sorry he brought her back to this but he needs her. Charming and Hook arrive at the cannery, for the amount of time Tamara and Greg have been here, you wouldn't think they'd have brought so much with them and files too, in this day and age of technology and computers. SO clearly whoever is behind the Home Office is not that big on technology again suggesting it goes back centuries, at least.
Charming says he's doing this for his family but Hook says he's doing this to save himself and that's motivation enough. They fight and Hook manages to get his hands on a magic bean which is all they need. Tamara and Greg run and Hook doesn't let Charming go after them. Only for Hook to take the magic bean even after Emma's speech of not being alone and he will be here.
Hook recalls rescuing Bae (Dylan Schmid) and finding out whose son he really is as the Lost Boys come on board to search for him. 'He' wants him. Hook teaches Bae to sail the ship (which is why he knew how to sail it in when they brought it back to Storybrooke with Gold dying.) Bae finds out Hook's father abandoned him too just like his own and also finds Milah's picture as he threatens him with a sword, as the Lost Boys take him this time. Suppose Hook mentioning the mermaids was a reference to the Little Mermaid (wonder if he came to Bae's rescue.)
When they arrive at the mine, Emma finds Hook tricked them and took the bean, yes Emma don't bother checking the pouch when he gave it to you. She thinks she can help Regina stop the Failsafe and together they do that, but Henry is taken by Greg and Tamara.
He says he doesn't want Bae but rather Peter Pan is in search of Henry as we're shown his picture, that's why Tamara and Greg took him and jumped through the portal with him. So there must be some connection involved with Wendy here. Hook sails away but returns cos he wants to do the right thing and save the town, which he's told has already been done. He can take them through the portal on his ship. Gold wants Belle to stay and cloak the town cos the others will come and he doesn't think he'll be back. Cos Henry is his undoing but he's his grandson. Well about that, there are plenty of boys involved and the Seer didn't exactly mention Henry by name, we've also got Peter Pan, the other Lost Boys, as well as Bae who ends up in the Enchanted Forest and is found by Aurora (Sarah Bolger) Phillip (Julian Morris) and Mulan. Thought that was poetic justice for Bae to end up there now since he was away from it all those years and even wanted to leave it, not wanting anything to do with magic.
What with Gold showing some remorse and shedding tears over Bae and Regina crying cos she won't see Henry and it was all her fault, we finally get to see the villains show some compassion after being associated with evil for so long. Especially since Hook comes to his senses and finds he no longer wants revenge on Gold, so they can use his ship. Gold uses his globe once again and Hook tells him they're heading to Neverland in search of Henry. SO everyone together on one ship.
Charming punching Hook cos he owes him and then threatening to use the gun on him if he doesn't spill (the beans - ha.) As for Tamara and Greg wanting Henry now and taking him to 'Him', it's like something thought of at the last minute. Cos Henry's been around here along time and no one thought of it. SO they came here to rid their world of magic and yet used the magic bean to open a portal to escape, using magic, very clever! To end up in another magical world! Oh can we just ensure we don't have to see them two next season. Let's have Peter Pan get rid of them and feed them to the mermaids. Those mermaids must be pretty dark, aren't they meant to be sirens and not mermaids, which aren't really equated with being evil.
Thought Charming took that bean from Hook at the cannery, yet Emma let Hook swipe it back. Also how could they have taken Henry when he was with Snow and Charming, not very clever losing him like that. But how long can they keep evil away from Gold and Regina next season and will they go back to it. Also how long will Hook try and help before being sucked up again by his own selfishness. Why couldn't the Blue Fairy protect Storybrooke? Or help with the Failsafe even if Regina made it.
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