Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) think he's succeeded in killing the Crocodile as Greg (Ethan Embury) and Tamara (Sonequa Martin-Green) hold him hostage in the clock tower of all places. Umm, Madam Mayor shouldn't you get that glass fixed on the clockface? Ha. Hook all tied up again, let's say he knows the ropes by now! They have a plan to get Regina (Lana Parrilla) and show him that The Dark One, is well and truly alive and having a ball with Belle/Lacey! (Emilie de Ravin) They just seemed so chummy now that she's not good anymore. Tamara giving Hook his own spyglass to look through.
Regina overhears Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming (Josh Dallas) talking about returning to the Enchanted Forest but what to do with her. Charming thinks they should offer her a choice if she comes back, to stay in Rumple's cell. Regina demonstrating her shapeshifting spell. Regina tells Henry (Jared S Gilmore) about the beans and how they're going back to the forest and she will destroy Storybrooke with her failsafe destructive button. Henry says she's going to kill everyone and she tells him he'll love her like he used to. She uses her little black/gold book of spells to make Henry forget what she told him.
Emma (Jennifer Morrison) bumps into Tamara and sees her list with the names of the townspeople and their fairytale names and thinks August was warning them about her, which is true but shame Snow didn't really believe her when she tells her this. She thinks Henry will hear and get the notion she and Neal (Michael Raymond-James) will get back together again and they can be one happy family. Henry hears all this and says Operation Cora is back on. Emma reassures Snow that she is over Neal and has no intention of getting back with him. Snow also warns her that Emma's superpower of telling whether people are lying or not isn't always right, or even works when she's emotional about Neal.
Back in the Enchanted Forest Regina is on the hunt for Snow herself and asks the villagers where she is. They refuse to tell her and they're afraid. She wants a way to get around without people knowing it's her to find out why they hate her so much and ask Rumples (Robert Carlyle) to tech the shape changing spell he taught her mother. It took her a month to master it but maybe Regina could change her hair in about a week, or her highlights. She suggests he can make her change her appearance, which he agrees to if she cease trading with King George. She wants to know why but that's got nothing to do with her. Rumples tells her to change back she must call him. Oh there goes his Scottish accent again.
Regina comes across some villagers throwing daggers into the heart of Regina's effigy. She says it's wrong but the man says it's rigged since no one can get the dagger in her heart cos she has none. She takes the torch from the other man who plans on burning her and is seen by the guards. She claims to be the queen and knows their names but her magic doesn't work. She's about to be beheaded when Snow arrives to save her. Of course Rumples doesn't show up! As if he would!! Snow nurses the girl, Wilma, her family works in the mills! back to health, tending to her wound and she tells her of the story where Regina rescued her from the horse, but doesn't give the name of who rescued her.
Snow chances upon the dead villagers and takes back everything she said about Regina, she doesn't have a heart, she's evil and always was since she killed all those people cos of her. Regina tells Snow this isn't her fault but she doesn't believe her. Snow would never forgive her now and Regina mentions the story again using her name. Snow realizes it's really Regina and draws her arrow. Once again Rumples doesn't show up to help her and he runs away. Snow could have shot that arrow if she really wanted to! Regina asks why he didn't show up and he replies that he didn't say he would. He turns her back to Regina and she now calls herself "the evil queen."
Hook has a bargain for Regina. She shows him the beans and he tells her how he wants to form an alliance with her again and maybe the three of them could do that. She tells him her mother's dead. He wants to help Regina and also get the Crocodile. If she trusts him she'll need his help with the failsafe.
Emma stakes out Tamara and Henry realizes they kept the news of the magic beans from him but he isn't upset about her lying to him once again. No he's more concerned with coming up with a new name. Emma suggest tiger but he says Praying Mantis, yes it's more up Tamara' street. She sees her with Neal and they head to his room to find proof. Unfortunately Neal arrives and tells Henry he taught Emma about hitting the door when someone shows up. Inside she tells him about Tamara but he's the one who gave her the list so she'd fit in. Why would he do that? Considering she just came out of the blue to be with him and has yet to fully accept everything. Shouldn't she undergo some kind of test, yes it's very medieval, ha, but it's something that would work. Emma tells him about the creaking floorboard but finds nothing.
Regina takes Hook to the library, the place where everything happens, or rather under it. She notices he's wearing her mother's leather cuff and demands it back, oh Regina couldn't see he was playing her! He gives it back willingly and she even puts it on. She leaves him to fight the beast, Maleficent, as distraction whilst she finds the self-destruct. Yes, Regina saying "destroy" again, love it when she says that.
Hook: "Maleficent love you in earth tones." So where's he encountered her before? Also wasn't she killed when she was a dragon?
Regina gets back to the surface and finds Hook already there as she tries to use magic, it doesn't work. Cos Greg and Tamara know how to counter magic using science. Hook standing by the 'Circulation' desk was funny, wouldn't you say. Well he does get around doesn't he! Suppose the two of them had a hand (no pun) in helping Hook defeat Malef! Regina tells him his father isn't here but he doesn't want him, he wants more than that. Yeah Henry no doubt! Amazing how Hook could just spout those lies about being sorry for Cora and wanting to help Regina whilst they're playing him too. Couldn't he see he was also being used by them! No, he isn't one for reading people.
All this science being able to overcome magic was a bit, don't know, a bit of a lark. Hey this means they could get Whale to help with his science, even though it didn't seem to work for him. But of course we won't be going down that route. But it did remind me of the ep where Gold made him say magic is better than science he he needed his arm put back. So now we have these two outsiders saying the same thing, that science can defeat magic. So anyway if Greg's name is Owen why doesn't Tamara call him this?
Snow, Grumpy (Lee Arenburg) and Charming find the entire crop destroyed and Snow asks who would do this? Does she really need to ask. They didn't have the best security system going. The soldier calling Regina a "slag!" when she was in disguise. Er shouldn't he have called her something else! more befitting childrens' ears! Also Hook with his "bloody," definitely Jack Sparrow there! Hook being pushed and ending up on the ground again, but he manages to get up unscathed. Magic afoot, or science? Not to mention the failsafe being in Snow's coffin and would Cora really wear a piece of "cowhide" as Hook puts it.
Of course Rumples had his own plan in motion too, with Regina cutting off trade with George this rendered the kingdom bankrupt and led to the introduction of Midas, as well as Charming and Snow meeting, what he wanted. But hey before Charming, there was the other one, James and his foray into the giant's castle to steal their gold. Which would have come before Snow and Charming met, since James had to have been dead for Charming to have taken his place.
So why are they still insisting on making Regina evil, or far more veil than she was before, I mean she made all that headway into trying to change, especially for Henry and then they have her murdering an entire village. To be fair she did try to explain that her men went too far, which is probably true, since they set it upon themselves to murder even Regina herself with her head on the chopping block, even if they didn't know it was her. Hey Regina, where's their punishment for almost killing you?! I mean if she did kill those villagers, she wouldn't have brought all those people with her to Storybrooke would she? Though she does tell Henry at the beginning she is going to let everyone in Storybrooke die with the failsafe.
Regina's become very inconsistent characterwise and ambiguous which I really don't like. I didn't like this episode much either, very predictable and Tamara and Greg are just so annoying villains, and fairytale villains at that, I think not, which is probably the case since they're not beloved fairytale characters.
Hook saying after they have their revenge there's nothing left for him, but she'll have Henry, will she? Hook: "revenge may sate your being, but...it's an end not a beginning."
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