Sunday, 4 August 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.17 "Welcome to Storybrooke" Review

Father and son camp out in the woods when a storm approaches, infact it's a purple storm, i.e the curse and when it's gone they find a new town which isn't even on the map.  Sheriff Graham (Jamie Dornan) welcomes them to Storybrooke.  They need their car fixed.

1983 Regina (Lana Parrilla) wakes looking pleased with herself, she managed to cast the curse as all the inhabitants of Fairytale land are transported here, the nifty thing being they don't recall anything about who they really are, aside from Regina of course.  Regina going for that little black number, which she hasn't seen before in her neck of the woods!

Regina finds Gold (Robert Carlyle) here to pay his respects to Cora but she's hell bent on revenge.  She blames him for everything since he made Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) trick Regina into helping kill her mother.  It was him or her.  He however tells her Cora removed her heart for power and this made her dangerous, which is what Regina has and thus makes her more dangerous.  He warns the others of Regina's intentions and Henry's (Jared S Gilmore) still miffed no one will tell him the truth and Emma (Jennifer Morrison) thinks it's about time he knew.

Regina wakes in 1983 again, see time and fashion stood still in Storybrooke as Regina still wears now what she wore back then.  She walks out to see Ghepetto  (Tony Amendola) fixing the sign above his shop, Gold walking past with his walking stick, Granny (Beverley Elliott) scolding Red (Meghan Ory) "When I put over-easy on the menu I meant the eggs."   As Red dresses in her short shorts!  Archie Hopper  (Raphael Sbarge) saying hello to her and bumping into Snow/Mary Margaret.

Regina ends up at the school and Snow releases a bird which flies into its house outside and tells the children about if you love someone you will find them, of course that was Snow and Charming's  (Josh Dallas) line. Regina asks Snow how long she's been working at the school but she doesn't recall.  Then takes her to the hospital to see Charming, John Doe, no one knows him, as she smirks at Snow not knowing who he is. Snow then begins to volunteer at the hospital just to see Charming.  Regina wakes again with the sheriff beside her and is fed up of this continuous 'groundhog day' she's made for herself.  She goes to Gold' shop and needs something from him but he can't recall anything either, at least he feigns not to recall but we know he does and did remember everything since the curse was his doing.  At least he looked like he remembered.

All those knick knacks in his shop, all relating to the residents in some form or another, that ship, was that a reference to Hook, then the mobile which was hanging over Emma's crib in the Pilot episode.  Didn't get a look at the painting behind Regina though.  Gold with a teapot?

At Granny's Diner Regina sees the same father and son and they need a place to stay.  Kurt (John Pyper-Ferguson) mentions the Boss in New Jersey and his car isn't ready yet.  Regina takes a shine to his son, Owen (Benjamin Stockham). (Knew Owen was Greg Mendel he had to be since they were the only other outsiders who entered Storybrooke!  Besides I'm good with stuff like that.)  Owen gives her a keychain he's made and that seals it really, she has to have him now.  She invites Kurt and Owen to dinner where she serves, you've guessed it, lasagna!  Then tells Owen he can help her with dessert, apple turnovers, all those apples and she only made three!  Ha.  He's just lost his mother, as has Regina and he would like to stay here. She tells him part of his heart is missing.  Kurt refuses to stay since they belong in New Jersey.

Thus she concocts her dastardly plan of making Owen stay by getting the sheriff to arrest his father on a DUI by speaking to his heart which she keeps in a box.  Only Kurt catches her in the act and she tries to explain it's not what he thinks.  Hey Sheriff got there quickly to arrest him.  He manages to run and after a chase through the town, he's stopped at the town line.  Kurt tells Owen to run and the keychain he has means he will always be with him.  Regina tries to stop Owen but he leaves, promising to find his father.  Owen brings back the State troopers but Regina uses magic to hide the sign.

Emma takes Henry to see his father cos she thinks it's better if he goes to New York with him since there's no magic there and Regina can't cast her love potion spell to make him love her, which she found in her mother's dress.  Gold also tells Charming that's what she'll do and fulfils his bargain, so he doesn't need to help them anymore.  Charming telling him he's family now and what about Henry.  Well he sees Henry as a liability, as we recall that's what the Seer said to him, that the boy will be his downfall, so he pretty much doesn't care about Henry.  Who runs away after Bae lets him go to the bathroom with his backpack. Emma reminding him he's his son.

Ruby thinks he may have gone it the mine but they find missing dynamite as Henry thinks the only way to solve this is by getting rid of magic.  On the way he bumps into Mendel (Ethan Embury) which really wasn't a coincidence who's gathering evidence on his camera phone.  He calls Regina and tells her where he is.  At the wising well where she makes the dynamite disappear.  Henry thinks it's magic that's at fault but Emma tells him people are bad too.  He talks Regian round who burns the spell.  Recall that happened in the episode where Emma and Snow where to return through the well and Regina backed down then too after listening to Henry.

Gold tells Snow his job is done and she asks how he lives with all the bad things he's done, replying, if you think it's cos they had to be done for long enough you start believing it!  Snow goes to Regina and she wants her to kill her.  She won't cos Henry won't forgive her and tells her the problem with her is she forgets her mistakes, taking out Snow's heart and showing her the blackness she's put there, which will grow and grow, even blacker and darker.  Owen being there, I mean Mendel taking photos of this too.  As we're shown his keychain when he gets into his car.  Also next episode Tamara arrives so we know they're up to something.

I like how this episode went right back to show us what happened after the curse kicked in as it made it so realistic and put things into perspective, that what was it all for really if there's no one there to share in Regina's victory but also she's really living a meaningless existence, even Gold feigns memory loss which was funny, cos we're meant to believe that too, only we know he had his special word which made Regina do what he wants.  Or was this only after he saw Emma at Granny's for the first time and his memories returned when he heard her name, Emma Swan.  That's a little hard to believe though, that he couldn't recall until Emma came to town.

Oh remember when Regina blamed Gold for not keeping his deal, he tells her he only broke one deal in his life and it wasn't this one, that must have referring to Cora, when he changed the deal in her contract. The Miller's Daughter.  Also he went to Archie for advice on how to deal with August whom he mistook to be Bae and he told home to be 'honest.'  Well, that's what he did he New York.  Isn't it great how all these little snippets from past episodes all add up and are even relevant to current episodes of the show.  As long as we recall them.  In The Stranger.

Also Gold wanted August to make Emma believe she is the Saviour and for this plan to work, August found Bae and made him leave Emma since he wanted no part in being found but his father, Gold.  See Tallahassee. Which kind of made me go off a tangent since this review is about episode 17! Ha.  She said it, Regina's fave word, and mine too, "destroy."  Yes it's been too long! Also telling Snow to "get off my porch!"

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