Tuesday, 20 August 2013

CSI:NY 9.4 "Unspoken" Review

A teacher writes a note on the board, "You are special.  Be better, be stronger."  As Mac (Gary Sinise) tries his exercises and attempts to name some colours.  He gets stuck on naming red, yeah maybe cos it was more pink than red!  Lindsay (Anna Belknap) and Danny (Carmine Giovinazzo) take Lucy (Brooklyn Silzer) to a political rally for Grant Hamilton (Neal McDonough) but Lindsay is so useless as a mother that she can't keep hold of Lucy and then drops her bag.  Yeah cos no one ever told her to get a crossbody bag so her hands would be free, or even to close the zip on her bag.  Then she does the most dangerous thing a parent can do in such a public place, let go of her!!  She runs away chasing a penny to pick up.  Lindsay finds her and she shows her the penny.  Lindsay then spots a man, the teacher from the opening, with a gun who looks straight at her, but she does nothing and then just shields Lucy, and she calls herself a detective.  He could have just as easily have shot her!! He fires shots at Grant on the podium and then runs away.  Lindsay still crouched there, instead of moving now, gets hit by the burger cart!!  Ugh what was this, a typical lesson in how not to act like her in public, but use your own brains and show some initiative!

Flack (Eddie Cahill) gives chase and sees the man run around a corner where two children are playing.  The shooter dumps the gun in the dumpster and climbs over the fence, also dropping his baseball cap.  The boy picks up the gun and Flack gets to the alley as he hears a shot being fired.  He finds the girl shot and tries to help her, but there's no signal.  Didn't that girl remind you of a little Vanessa Ferlito?  An ambulance takes Lindsay away as Jo (Sela Ward) takes Lucy and Danny rides with her.  Flack tries to help the girl but she dies.  That's right kill off the poor girl but not Lindsay.  Actually we always used to say it would be good to see Danny as a single parent, but no joy there!!

As Adam (AJ Buckley) processes the alley and Hawkes (Hill Harper) processes the rally CS, Flack stands by and watches but has to leave.  Ah poor Flack he gets a chase scene but it ends in disaster.  So sad for him losing the girl like that but his face said it all.  Adam finds a hair in the baseball cap and blood on the fence where the shooter cut himself.  Adam doesn't get any match to the hair or the blood sample.  Mac tests the bullet from the gun and Jo analyzes material from the jacket where Grant was wounded.  Flack sees the boy, Lonnie (Terrell Ransom Jr) give a description of the shooter.  As he has flashes to Amiee (Bobbie Prewitt) and tries to recall the shooter.

Of course all this early action was played to the songs of Green Day from their then new album.  So everything was either cryptic or shown in gestures such as Danny sending the text to say she's got a hairline fracture, dizziness and will be in hospital.  He takes Lucy home and the shooter sees Lindsay on the news and sees her in hospital.  He breathes on the window and leaves a message, anyone knows it was him saying sorry.  He gets out the knife and then sees the picture Lucy's left for her.  Saved again!

The gun comes back a match to Grant and Adam thinks he may have tried to shoot himself to get more votes.  Hawkes doesn't think he was the intended target since there were two other shots fired.  Of course there was a woman standing next to him.  Flack and Mac interview Grant who didn't know his gun was missing.  He didn't know where it was and so didn't report it.  Flack loses his temper with him when he says he'd like to speak to the girl's parents.  Yeah that'd be a good photo opp Flack replies!

Danny finds out the man was there and the others arrive, Jo gives Danny his coffee and notices what he
wrote on the widow, letters, " M RRY" which Flack guesses, "I'm sorry."  Flack's notebook with the man's description written in it.  The print Danny finds on the window matches Evan Westcott (Jeff Hephner)  a teacher.  From the news footage they find the shooter was after the woman, public schools supervisor, Beverley McCord (Sara Mornell). They can't find her but Adam traces her through her phone GPS, to a church.  He tells her he was fired for the wrong reason, she suspected him of being too friendly with his pupils, hugging them was inappropriate, which he doesn't agree with.  He finds it disgusting that she even thought he was capable of such behaviour.  Flack and Danny arrive and he jumps over the balcony, prompting Flack to jump after him. "That's the last time you make me chase you."  He says to him.

Lindsay IDs him as the shooter as does Lonnie, who thanks Flack for trying to help Amy and hugs him. Evan tells Flack how he was invited to Grant's boat, got a little drunk and took the gun.  He wanted to get her back, it was just ironic it was with Grant's own gun and at the rally.  Flack tells him he hurt a child and he doesn't even know it.  Showing her Amy's photo in the alley.  That's what was ironic.

Mac meets with Dr Kevin Phillips (John Cothran Jr) saying he's frustrated at not being able to remember and wants something done medically.  Kevin tells him he'll need to carry on with those exercises and to tell Christine, but he refuses to do so.  It's his problem and it's a case of his pride and not wanting to open up about it which leaves him even more frustrated.  At least he managed to get the colour red when he was writing on the board.

Parts of this episode were enjoyable and the experiment of having music accompanying the actions, though has been done before, it hasn't been done so extensively for almost half the episode.  Though couldn't help thinking of the comical factor of a silent movie when Lindsay made all those gaffs!!  The storyline wasn't that good and infact a reason why this show was cancelled, whereas they had so many excellent episodes over the years.  Kind of think they gave up a little here, instead of having the show go out on a blaze of glory!! Notice Mac pick up the gun int he alley with his glove but still manages to put part of his fingers onto the gun!  Should have been re-shot (no pun! ha).  Danny calls Lindsay 'Montana' here cos she was injured, ha!  Cos he hasn't used that name in ages.  She'll be going home to the cows soon!
Danny: "I think you might have been dreaming, was I uh, naked in that moment?"

However Flack was able to convey so much emotion which is a testament to Eddie's natural and superb acting ability when he didn't need words to express his emotions.  Also when he interviews Evan he manages to keep his feelings in check and not lose his temper.  His coolness conveyed everything he wanted to say and didn't hide his disgust at this man and his reckless actions, as he changed the lives of everyone there!
So yeah, loved his chase scenes, they were missing for a while now, at least we got to see some in the final season!

Some great Flack lines too: "What it wasn't in your sock drawer, so you figured it was where, with your golf clubs?"
Flack: "This is the last time you're making me run."

Flack: "You could have made a different choice, Evan...when you fired that weapon you changed the lives of every person there.  You violated their sense of security, but worse than that, you hurt a child and you don't even know it."

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