Friday, 30 August 2013

Castle: Ruggedly Handsome: Or A State of Mind

SO once you start reading you'll find this post has nothing to do with being the above, ha, but if you're reading then it must have caught your attention! Did I lure you in like one of Castle's long expositions!

Actually watching Castle season 4 on DVD I got to thinking about Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Beckett (Stana Katic) and thought hey, they remind me of Lois and Clark.  No - really.  Castle's a writer so already a great shoe in for Clark Kent.  Beckett, well Beckett sits a lot at her desk, stacks of files beside her and making endless calls!  Beckett is Castle's muse and much more, the love of his life even.  Only difference being he doesn't have a secret identity.  But he is Superman, Superwriter.  Castle gets the better stories since he's usually the one with the clues to solving the crime.  Telling a yarn or two of his own in the process.

Castle even wears the requisite colours, blue, red shirts, but the purple's my fave, along with their purple ME gloves! Anyway they do sit around a lot on the edge of their desks, making connections, interviewing suspects.  Then there's that elevator...
Even the season 4 DVD cover of Castle has a photo similar to the Lois (Teri Hatcher) and Clark (Dean Cain) one for their show Lois and Clark.

Captain Gates/Sir (Penny Johnson Gerald) is a good Perry White, handing out assignments/orders.  Comics have also been mentioned many times over in numerous episodes.  Then there's the romance, always side stepping the issue for three seasons when everyone knew there was a chemistry there, as soon as they met and yet no one wanted to take it further until season 4.  It seems we were just left hanging with the 'will they/won't they' question which inevitably ends up accompanying such shows.  Of course they would, in the same way Lois and Clark were attracted to one another.

We've even had Superman quotes, Poof, You're Dead, Castle; " X-ray specs got them at the magic shop.  I can see you naked."
Beckett: "Really how do you like my naval ring?"

Castle: "...he has an identical twin who wears glasses.  That's the worst disguise since Clark Kent and you believe him?"

In the animated Superman Unbound Lois is voiced by Stana and there's a wedding proposal too.  (Molly Quinn voices Supergirl). Similar to Castle's proposal to Beckett in Watershed perhaps?

But he does make a ruggedly handsome Superman! Even if confined to an episode of Castle, maybe?

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