Sunday, 9 June 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.10 "The Cricket Game" Review

Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) tells Cora (Barbara Hershey) he's going to skin his crocodile.  She preventing from him from revenged since magic is here and so he will get into trouble  She hides the ship as they need surprise on their side.  As they explore Storybrooke.  Emma (Jennifer Morrison) and Henry (Jared S Gilmore) catch Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Charming in bed together as she's going to make tacos for their welcome home party.

Everyone celebrates and Regina (Lana Parrilla) turns up too, Emma invited her.  Flash to Regina being told that Snow and Charming have defeated George and taken over the kingdom.  Regina tries to kill Snow which is what they already knew she'd do and so they capture her.  Oh Charming get yourself another fur cloak!  Snow offers her parley to negotiate the terms of her surrender and she chooses to kill Snow.  They use blue fairy dust to remove her magic from her.  She turns up with lasagna and Grumpy (Lee Arenberg) asks if there's poison in it.  Afterwards she's ignored again.  Emma thanks her for helping again but she wants to see Henry again sometime, maybe stay over, but Emma doesn't think so, causing Regina to snap at her since Emma's been a parent all for five minutes.  That'll be resonated throughout the ep again.  She gets angry when Emma blabs how Archie (Raphael Sbarge) told her she's trying to change and that's the only reason why she was invited.  Like she really wants to hear that.

Regina loses the plot at Archie for telling the whole world of her therapy and he promises no one will know, hetakes doctor/patient confidentiality which she jokes he only got his PhD cos of the curse.  Later Ruby (Meghan Ory) sees Regina going to see Archie where he's killed by Cora.  The cricket is squished!  Obviously Regina wouldn't do that.  Pongo comes for help, took him all night to get out!  Regina is arrested since Ruby saw her go in and Charming and Snow think she did it.  Emma is doubtful since she helped them and was genuinely shocked at Archie being killed.

Charming advocates killing Regina, an execution.  There's no other choice since she'll come after Snow.  He took the arrow to save Snow not Regina.  "There's no telling what she'll do."  They think Gold (Robert Carlyle) is behind the frame job since all the evidence points to Regina and it's all too easy.  Gold is trying to have a picnic with Belle (Emilie de Ravin) and he says Emma should use her own magic with the witness who was there.  A dreamcatcher can be used to capture Pongo's memories.  She has to try to see the memories, which shows Regina killing Archie.  Of course they didn't take Pongo to Regina since he was barking and knew it wasn't Regina.

They turn up to do challenge Regina again and Snow tells her it wasn't Gold who used his magic, but Emma, being told that Emma has magic now, so there'll be plenty of challenges up ahead for both of them to maybe face off together.  The Blue Fairy (Keegan Connor Tracy) tries to hit Regina with fairy dust again but she's already prepared for it.  Then disappears in a puff of purple smoke.

Regina is about to be executed , death by arrow, but Snow can't see it through since she saved her life once.  She taken back to her cell and later Rumples shows up asking Snow what's wrong.  He can help her even if he wants to see Regina dead and who really knows if he wanted her dead, they only have his word for it.  She is after all his 'apprentice.'  Or at least was and he wanted her for his own ends, to enact the curse.  As for Regina's father saying he should have done more to protect her and she says he's the only who stands by her, yeah that's why she banished him to Wonderland too.  Thought she said she loves Cora too last ep when she was lying in the crypt.

Snow releases Regina and lets her go but she takes the knife and stabs Snow.  Said dagger being magic.  Charming reveals Rumples used his magic on it but she can't hurt either of them now.  Rumples shows up to inform her his spell ensured she can't hurt them in this land, but if they're in another land.  Once reason for the curse as we already know was just a ruse on his part for her to go ahead with the curse.

Cora tells Hook, there's a way for them to learn everything about the residents of the town since she has Archie in his ship and he will be forced to help.  Regina being forced to think she's been tricked by Snow whereas in fact it's a test which she fails miserably.  Exactly why show your hand at the earliest opportunity and try to kill Snow, sh could have gotten away and well, okay she did get away by being banished.

Gold tells Emma she has "your mother's chin and your father's tact."  Cora telling Hook she doesn't know who she killed in place of Archie, funny, how would she.  Though Archie can't know everything about Gold and what powers he has up his sleeve.  Especially since Gold isn't exactly seeing him for therapy, and how many of the town's residents are.  Bit silly that line.  Begging the question what did Gold do with William Smee when he had him tied up for info, did he learn everything about Hook too.  Seems Cora has the same idea here by using Archie for the same purposes.  Showing us how vile she really is, when at least she says Regina's "lost" everything now. Also the way she tells him "don't tell me what I can and can't do."  Else she'll turn you into a fish, at least Hook threw him into the sea!

As shown in flashback Regina regrets she wasn't able to kill more and kill Snow which is similar to now.  Instead of showing she has changed or is attempting to, she uses her magic to repel Emma, that was fun, Emma being so self -righteous and changed her tune in a second, at the first time of trouble.  So now Henry won't even want to look at her.  But what did they expect when she's losing Henry, the only one who means anything to her in Storybrooke.  Emma and her "innocent until proven guilty" line, guilty by her.  Yeah cos she's a court of law now, judge, jury and executioner, all in one!   Snow and Charming warning Emma from going after Regina headfirst, without even thinking about it.  She really is so egotistical at times.  As she's been a parent for five minutes, she also has magic for all of five minutes too and she's going to take her on. Very clever Emma - don't think so!

Pongo in the forest in the opening credits, was he looking for a suitable tree? ha.  Or was he confused as to who was pretending to be his master as Cora manipulated everyone into thinking Archie had been killed.  Also why didn't Pongo bark at Archie if it wan't him.  Cora made herself with the surroundings of Storybrooke quickly.

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