Step away from the gardenias!
Lisbon (Robin Tunney) and Patrick (Simon Baker) are called in to investigate the murder of a medic whose DB has been found and before long the Army CID turn up to take over the case. Lisbon insists it's their case but Lt Lewis (Matt McTighe) thinks the policeman should decide. Patrick asks what he can see on the DB's hand and points out the discolouration, she had a stamp on it in the shape of a cat. There's a jazz bar nearby. Before that Patrick asks Lisbon to identify the music she has tattooed on her leg as Lisbon played clarinet. It's 'Kansas City' and he asks her how that goes, so she hums and then sings it and he joins in. Thought he didn't know. The policeman gives the case to Lisbon. Also Patrick isn't introduced to Lewis, he just says he's with her and she just smiles. No partner or associate this time round. Hey they could have crossed over eps and had Col Mann from Army CID and NCIS on the case here!
At the army base they question doctor Bowman (Jim Holmes) (he was a dead giveaway, sorry but I got Dr Shifty straightaway as the killer talk about acting suspiciously and was in a rush to leave.) Especially when Patrick works out he's divorced and it's been a year. Patrick says he's overdoing it on the cologne. A fire alarm goes off as Code Red is announced on the base and all medics are required to leave. Also a patient asks the doctor for directions to his group therapy meeting, he's forgotten where it is. Prompting Lisbon to think whoever made the 911 call could have forgotten since Rigsby (Owain Yeoman) sent her the call tape and after reporting the crime, the man walks off. Loved the way Patty wafted the air when the doctor walked away, ha.
At the meeting Lisbon plays the recording and asks whose voice it is. Pete (Jesse Lukin) identifies the voice as his own but he can't recall anything, only up to the attack in Afghanistan. He led his buddies into a road where an IAD exploded and killed them all. His PDA beeps and he has to take his meds. He was close to the Vic Lucy (April Billingsley) and a man comes into interrogation and Pete forgets his chain of thought. Lisbon has to tell Pete all over again that Lucy was murdered.
Rose (Lily Nicksay) at the hospital shows them Lucy's locker and how she was a stickler for regulations. Pete recalls the taco stand and Patrick says he needs one. He gets to the church since Pete loved walking when he can't sleep and Lisbon adds the church is two miles away. Patrick arrives at the church but he's too early for the taco van. Instead he smells the gardenias and has a kip on the bench! Surprised he wasn't moved on, ha. Notice he didn't go inside the church not that there was any need to but he seems to be over the traumatic events of last episode There Will Be Blood and there was in last ep and this one too.
Lisbon sends Rigsby to talk check out Pete's room and tells him he may have to remind him of what's happened and to be gentle. Cho (Tim Kang) talks with Lettner (Stephen Martines) who Lucy helped talk down and now he's free to live by himself. He reluctantly tells Cho about sexual harassment trouble she told him about but didn't go into details. This explains why her own unit treated her badly as the waitress at the club told Cho. Sgt Hawkins (Eddie McLintock) investigated but didn't find any case. The complaint was made anonymously and adds he won't betray an officer by giving his name without any evidence. Well he already gave it away since he called him an officer. Rose is questioned but she doesn't say who it is either, it's regulations. Even when Lisbon tells her she knows an anonymous complaint wouldn't amount to much. She asks if Lucy died cos of her accusation. Since Lisbon knows Lucy made the complaint on her behalf since she could handle what was dished out. Likes the way Lisbon worked out it was out of character for Lucy to stay quiet when she was a sticker for rules, thus she must have been covering for someone else.
The search of Pete's room leads Rigsby to his laundry and a bloodied jacket of his. Lisbon is about to bring Pete in when Patrick calls and asks her to bring him to the church. Patrick gets his taco and gives it to Pete and tells him senses can help with memory. He eats the taco but nothing happens and then Patty picks a gardenia and makes him smell it. Still nothing. Hey leave that gardenia alone! Finally he hears the church bell ring and recalls he saw Lucy at the garage and a flashlight was shined in his face so he couldn't see. She held his hand.
Liked the way Cho made Hawkins investigate the complaint further even if he could get his ass kicked by a lieutenant. Telling him he should watch their back just liked he'd want his own watched and should talk to Rose. Cho was really disgusted with the handling of the sexual harassment case since he's been in Special Forces and knows what army life is like. "Be someone your unit can respect, be someone I can respect." Lettner is questioned when they find out he wasn't taking all of his meds. Turning the investigation towards Dr Shifty. Patrick needs a padlock which Lisbon doesn't have (hey could have used the one on his attic door, ha).
Visiting Pete he tells him he can help him to sleep using hypnosis and makes him recall all his memories and then turn them black. He falls asleep and Patrick takes his PDA and adds a note for him since he's meant to write down everything he remembers. The rest of the suspects are summoned at the hospital and Lisbon shows them a locker key, number 107. Rose says it's the key to a locker and on cue Rigsby pulls the fire alarm. Code Red is sounded and everyone leaves. Thus Dr Shifty returns to the locker and tries to pry the lock open with a fire extinguisher, all very symbolic. Where Patrick does a great job of imitating him when he tries to speak.
Dr Shifty tells Rigsby he needed to sell off the prescription drugs for his alimony and child support and his wife was asking so much. Blaming her for his killing Lucy and that it costs to date. Rigsby is clearly disgusted too and comes up with the line "in prison a date won't cost." Cho waits for Lewis to be questioned for the harassment of Rose and salutes Hawkins for doing his job. Patrick apologizes to Pete for using him like that but he's happy they caught Lucy's killer. Patrick helps him with his memories and asks him to picture a place which he picks as his tent with his fallen comrades. One of them was lazy so he asks him to remember what he used to do everytime he wakes up as the voices fade out.
An episode which gets us away from the action and seriousness of last episode to a certain extent but there's the reminder there, an allusion if you like, to how Lorelei was killed and how Lucy was killed too, lots of blood shed by a cold blooded killer just like Red John. A few red props dotted here and there too, such as red cars, fire alarms, red fire engine which is what I meant when the fire extinguisher was symbolic, symbolic of the colour red. Thought Rigsby was going to make a comment about Van Pelt again when Cho sat down opposite him but that didn't happen. No comments on Rigsby having being attacked by Lorelei last ep either.
In fact we didn't even get a mention of the events of last ep which I suppose was fine considering the context of this case and it would have only distracted from the investigation. Lisbon also showed her caring side towards Pete as she's done in past eps, but here she had to change her mind calling Pete a suspect and all it took was a look from Patrick to do this. They know each other so well, to a degree. Also another one where Patrick had the opportunity to show how good he is at what he does and showing his own empathy towards Pete and how he helped him in the end. NO arrogance, no showing off, just Patrick being normal and moral and not a hint of deception, showing him the "memory palace" technique. How cool was Simon in that scene!
Strange Patrick telling Lisbon to read the music since in the reunion episode Rose Colored Glasses, he guessed she played an instrument but couldn't decide which one. Here he says she played clarinet. SO why couldn't Patrick read the music himself since he played the double bass. In 3.22 Rhapsody in Red, Patrick also gives Lisbon a flower, a hydrangea and she asks if it squirts water. He tells her it's a little trick to "maybe catch the killer." Lisbon listening to Patrick and singing the song here was so sweet. Kansas being mentioned here as The Wizard of Oz has too when Minnelli tells Patrick he's not in Kansas anymore in 1.11 Red John's Friends. Loved the way Lisbon told him to stop when he was kind of mimicking with his singing. SO sweet and cute.
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