Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Once Upon A Time 2.2 "We Are Both" Review

Lots more background in this as we now get three realms into one land, well kind of, there's the Enchanted Forest or the corner that's left of it, with Regina (Lana Parrilla) admitting to Charming (Josh Dallas) that it still exists, then there's Stroybrooke and the Enchanted Forest, as was, when Regina was just starting out with her magic.  Here we flash to how she got magic, well Gold/Rumples (Robert Carlyle) had to be behind it, was it me or did his accent sound different back then. Regina desperately wants to get out of marrying the king but her mother, Cora (Barbara Hershey) insists she go through with it.  There's even one scene where a young Snow (Bailee Madison) looks at the necklace Regina's love gave her and puts it round her neck, Regina strangles her with it, but alas it's only a dream.  She hadn't turned completely evil back then, though she does have an evil streak.  She tells Snow her mother had him killed, or rather that he's dead.

She even laments to her father about not wanting to get married but she's powerless to act until Rumples gives her that little nudge and the book.  Which is how her flashback began as she wants magic back, that way she can get her claws into Henry (Jared Gilmore) once more.  Regina wanting Cora gone and pushing her into the mirror with that little pull from Rumples was fun to watch showing how she didn't want to resort to using magic, becoming her mother but circumstances and fate dictated otherwise, with that all important push over the edge from Rumples.

She sits in the garden and using the magic her eyes change colour and the apples on the tree turn red.  She then uses the magic tree to set a trap for Henry as Cora used on her, Capturing her with its tentacles when she was trying to escape the marriage.  Using magic Regina forces the townspeople into a stalmate and Henry must give himself to her in order for her to leave them alone.  Taking him back home he exits bedroom window and is held by the tree.  She wants him to stay cos she loves him but he just thinks he's a prisoner cos she loves him which isn't fair.

Charming needs to know how to use Jefferson/Hatter's (Sebastian Shaw) hat after Henry shows him his pic in the storybook.  Thus he has to turn to Gold who gives him a potion to use.  Charming asking what he wants in return, they agree to stay out of each other's way and Charming also tells him what the seven dwarves found out as they tried to leave town.  That when they cross the line, they become their Storybrooke selves and don't recall who they really were, after Sneezy (Gabe Khouth) drew the short straw and had to cross the line, pushed more like.

Charming uses the potion on the hat and he comes across Jefferson stuck inside a car, he was like that all the time.  Nice touch with the teaset and the rabbit cuddly toy.  He's no help, ahh Jefferson! and mentions the curse being inside his head, before making a run for it.  Well that's prob the last we'll see of him, more's the pity.  Well until next ep at least.  Charming tries to chase after him but Ruby (Meghan Ory) tells him about Henry and he also leaves the hat behind too.  Charming goes for Henry with the aid of his trusty sword and Regina has a change of heart and lets him go.

Charming then has to give a pep talk to the townspeople and stop them from leaving.  Giving them a rousing speech about how they are the townspeople and also the people from the Enchanted Forest.  "We are both." and they have to stay together and help each other as before.  Charming doing a lot of rallying round now that Mary Margaret/Snow (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Emma )Jennifer Morrison) are no longer around but he hasn't given up on them.  Henry and Charming sit sipping their glass of cola and Henry tells Geppetto (Tony Amendola) about August.  He doesn't find him in the room but does find his hat.

Snow and Emma find themselves led to the safe haven in ropes by Mulan (Jamie Chung) and Aurora (Sarah Bolger) and Snow is hurt when they try to make a run for it.  After being thrown into the pit, Cora asks if she can help them.  Back in Storybook Regina almost burns the magic book but finds she can't.  Recalling how Rumples told her she was more like her mother than she knows.  Also Gold stands at the line, wonder what he was thinking, maybe he'll end up crossing it with his magic.

Best line had to go to Whale (David Anders) "Are the nuns still nuns, can they, you know, date.  Don't say it's me asking!" To be expected after Snow's ref to "once night stands" as far as he's concerned.  But last ep he wanted to kill Regina and this ep it's as if nothing's happened! ha

Did Cora get pushed and pulled "through the looking glass" and somehow end up in Wonderland?  Then how did she end up in the pit?  She could be the Red Queen.  As you'll recall Regina needed Jefferson's help with his hat to 'rescue' her father from Wonderland after she killed him last season.  One more thing, why doesn't Mulan recognize Snow, surely she must know who ruled here?

The people also retain their Storybrooke memories since Charming lets on to Henry he didn't know about the Mad Hatter when he was Charming but he's read Alice in Wonderland.  Thus wouldn't they have some sort of insane trip recalling these memories back there and here.  Isn't that one reason Jefferson was meant to be mad, he recalled the curse and he also knew what was happening here.
Jefferson: "Then all we'll do is both sit, stuck.  Two lives in our heads cursed worse than ever.  Two lives forever at odds.  Double the pain.  Double the suffering."
What happened to his daughter?  Also what happened to the crypt with Regina's collection of hearts?
As for Charming's speech, I think Jefferson gave him the idea in the first place with his two lives cursed speech to him, now his was much more of a pep talk!

Hopefully Sebastian Stan will be cast as the Hatter in the Once Upon A Time spin-off Wonderland, it won't be the same with another actor in the part!

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