Tuesday, 19 March 2013

666 Park Avenue 1.5 "A Crowd of Demons" Review

The mystery about the 'smoke' in the suitcase is revealed as Halloween plans get underway at the Drake.  Olivia (Vanessa Williams) being instrumental in decorating!  The 'smokeman, Peter Kramer (Jim True-Frost) gets into the lift with another man in 1929 and says there was nothing he could do about the deal, but he knows what to do now.  He goes home and the little girl that Jane (Rachael Taylor) has been seeing hugs him, he's Jocelyn's father.  He removes his ring and gets out the axe to kill his wife.  She'll be happy in heaven.  She gets stabbed and manages to find Jocelyn to give her the necklace.  Yes that ugly thing Jane wears round her neck, telling her to "keep it in the family."  Thus it appears she is related to Jane since the necklace belonged to her grandmother.

Olivia and Gavin (Terry O'Quinn) are out when Olivia gets a call which she must take, standing near the edge of the road.  Gavin receives a text, "you're going to pay for everything you did" and calls out to Olivia before she's run over.  Another text states the driver " just wanted to introduce myself."  Olivia just thinks it was some maniac driver who came out of nowhere, but Gavin knows better.  He gets Tony (Erik Palladino) to keep an eye on Olivia at the party and Gavin opens the safe to put some papers away so we're shown a mysterious ornate box.

Henry (Dave Annable) is interviewed on TV after saving  lives at the mayor's and is labelled 'single.'  He has a girlfriend but it's not good TV to say that.  Also a media consultant, Laurel (Tessa Thompson) turns up questioning him about politics and wanting to turn his 15 minutes of fame into a lifetime.  He hasn't thought of bigger things since he works in the mayor's office, but the thought hasn't crossed his mind.  Jane and Henry are given costumes to wear to the party.

Brian (Robert Buckley) stumbles across Louise (Mercedes Masohn) with another man and she has her top off.  Apparently he's doctor Scott (Enrique Murciano) who lives in the building and was massaging her ribs.  She's stiff after the dancing last ep but Brian thinks there's more going on.  Especially after Alexis (Helena Mattsson) and him, who turns up dressed as a nurse, a bit cliched don't you think since she'll be meeting the doc and tells him she's sorry about the kiss and pursuing him and returns his key.  Yeah  that'll happen.  She is being set up on a date with Scott by Louise, who is addicted to pills.  Henry and Jane meet Peter in the lift and he stares at her necklace which he looks, Oi eyes up smoke man!

Jane's costume is Tippi Hedren's outfit from The Birds with three starlings attached to it, let's milk that film for all it's worth!  Henry is a cowboy/sheriff.  Louise hands Jane a drink and someone spills it on her so she has to change.  Whilst changing, which took forever but Henry didn't notice, as per usual.  The girl appears to her again and tells her he' out -her daddy.  Jane looks in the case and it's empty.  Said suitcase apparently ending up under the bed now.  Thought she put it in the closet last ep.  She finds a clipping with the newspaper headlines about a slaying in the building in 1929 and sees the man is Peter.  But she decides to stay there and research. hey she's wearing that red dress again and no shoes!

Alexis and Scott get all steamy and bothered and she steals his phone and puts it in her stocking, so when he had his hands all over her practically, why didn't he feel the phone! Enrique fans would have loved the comment about him being attractive!  Laurel talks to Henry about Jane and how he should marry her now before things get in the way.  New York changes people.  The lights go out and Louise and doc get stuck in the elevator, since he was going to give her another massage.  Alexis sends a text to Louise's phone using doc's phone saying they  should meet upstairs.  Brian sees them enter the lift together and Alexis suggests he should go up.  But they're actually trapped in the lift and he finds the message on Louise's phone.

Olivia shows her friends round the Drake and takes them to room 5F where one leaves after she tells them about the murder and one enters as a dare/bet.  Olivia is knocked out and is taken by a man in a gas mask.  Where was Tony during all this since he was meant to be looking after Olivia.  Even Gavin doesn't notice she's gone until the lights went out.  Peter comes for Jane and she manages to escape when the lights went out trying to reason with him that she's not who he thinks she is.  She runs and ends up in the basement and uses a dumb waiter to escape.  Could she make anymore noise?  Finally bumps into a guest dressed as a devil and uses his phone.  Peter kills him.  Jane ends up in a room and when he finds her she's saved by the birds which attack him.  One reason why Gavin wanted those starlings left where they were.

Louise and doc talk and she tells him about her addiction to speed and she's been taking pills.  He tries to kiss her but got mixed signals from her.  Brian sees them come out of the lift together and he clearly thinks she could cheat on him especially since she's been seeing him for a few weeks now without telling him.  Just cos he was ogling Alexis and having feelings for her, doesn't mean she would too.  Well he was.

Jane calls Henry and he tells Laurel to call the police, why didn't Jane do that.  Apparently Tony finds the gas mask man opening Gavin's safe and then loses him.  Gavin receives a call about him playing with peoples' lives.  Then finds Tony struggling with  a noose around his neck.  Had a feeling there that the voice on the other end of the phone was Tony's.  He could have easily hung himself there in time to be rescued.  Gavin finds Olivia on their terrace but she can't recall anything.  The axe, Peter and the dead devil disappear through the floor.

Jane plays with her necklace again whilst Henry is fast asleep as usual.  His wife went through an ordeal and he can just sleep soundly, oh what a wimp, he's so useless.  Obviously that girl is connected to Jane for her to have the necklace, perhaps her great grandmother especially since Jane doesn't know the whole story here, nor why she and Henry were 'drawn' here.  But she hasn't clued it altogether yet.  Come on even Brain punched Scott for what he thought they did together.  Take note Henry!

Also Peter Kramer had more dealings than just business here as he spoke with the man in the beginning about the ritual going wrong.  They have "blood on their hands."  Yet another deal he made.  Obviously with 1929 we're meant to think of the Wall Street crash of that year.  Gavin and that box which is bigger than the both of them.  Gavin: "whoever you are, wherever you are, I'm coming for you."  Gavin keeps the gas mask, what ho forensics on there?  Wasn't that a stupid place to leave it?  Still I'm suspicious of Tony he was there when he opened the safe and it was a digital one so you could hear the numbers beep, so could be gotten into easily.  I mean he can't just sit there all day at the desk and not notice things.

A bit of creepy ep but not scary enough for my liking, Jane acting like she was in some slasher flick and Scott was too smarmy for words, I mean he just had a make out session with Alexis and now he goes for Louise too and he's only a surgeon so why's he giving rubdowns, I mean, massages! I man curious enough to want to know his story though.  Okay photos are for all you Enrique fans!

As for the title there must be quite a few demons hovering around especially since its Hallowe'en too.

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