After the secret door closed on Jane (Rachael Taylor) last episode she finds herself stuck with no phone battery and then sees a little girl who grabs her ankle. Anybody else would've been out of there quick smart, but she can't get out you see, so it was funny, amazing or just plain incredulous that Henry (Dave Annable) was the one to find her. I mean I know Jane's been spending more than her fair share of time in the laundry but how did he know she was there and more importantly how did he wake up, seeing as how he's always dead to the world when Jane has her dreams/nightmares and doesn't stir at all.
Gavin (Terry O'Quinn) greets Annie (Aubrey Dollar) a writer of obits moaning about having to write them, especially since she tells Brian (Robert Buckley) her mother wrote stories but was unpublished. Gavin apparently thinks "cue deal here" and inspires her to let her imagination run world. Thus she types up an obit for Diebold (really Die Bold) and turns him into an American hero with links to the CIA and the Russian Mafia and an assassin named Kandinsky. Just cos she sees the name on a book. Huh Kandinsky reminds me of Revenge and Ashley who was going to talk art with the Russians in order for them to not make her a sex slave. Sorry digression there, unless you're a Revenge viewer!
She sits stuck in traffic in a taxi and the news mentions the death of Diebold, it's her obit being becoming reality. At work she looks at her mother's photo and prints a retraction of her obit lying about what a well published author she was. Er, this was all wrong, I mean even if she's an obit writer, you don't embellish or make up obits. Hey anyone recall Over My Dead Body the TV series from the '90's, the lead was an obit writer too. Anyway after Annie writes her mother's new obit, her clothes change and she's called in to write about Diebold, this time a 'serious' article on him. Serious that's funny since she'll make it up too.
Apparently Gavin's little ploy of letting her imagination run wild means whoever she thinks up becomes real. Cue Kandinsky as she describes him she arrives at the Drake, zigzag scar 'n'all. Knocking on her door, she sees him through the peep hole and he captures her, holding her hostage. Hey she can't change the story since her hands are tied and me thinks she must type in order for events to take place.
So it's the anniversary of Sasha's death. Sasha being Gavin and Olivia's (Vanessa Williams) daughter. Jane finds out when she asks Gavin about the orchids in the building, whilst wanting the original blueprints to the Drake. He's taking Henry to his club and he wants her to take Olivia to lunch. Cue Olivia back from another shopping expedition. Jane tells Henry about the girl and her ankle but he thinks she heard voices through the grate. She might be a little crazy. Though for now, Jane appears to be the same one of the lot.
Gavin steers Henry towards higher ambitions and he has an interview with a councilman for chief of staff but that's in 4 weeks, to which Gavin tells him the position could already be filled. What's with Gavin and his quest to acquire real estate anyway, some dream of his to build a hell on earth. Anyway Henry walks up to the councilman (Clark Johnson) and scores himself a job after he tells him he won't be elected mayor and will be out of a job in six months. Later councilman wants his incentive for giving Henry the job as Gavin wanted, but Gavin isn't obliging. Instead Gavin wants a certain piece of real estate which he refuses. Thus Gavin shows him the exit, through the liftshaft! Gavin and lifts!
Brian wants Henry to check his lease agreement to see if they can break it but Henry tells him Gavin made a good deal. Of course it's unbreakable. Henry then notices Alexis (Helena Mattsson) who strips in front of the window again but covers herself up when she sees it's not Brian perving. Yeah and what was it with Alexis walking in on them and straight to their bedroom too earlier on. Brian invites Henry and Jane out later on.
At lunch Jane confides in Olivia thinking she might be a little crazy and Olivia confides in her about Sasha and a letter she left her, which Gavin doesn't know about. She takes Jane for a speedy spin in the Porsche and stops before hitting the concrete wall. Saying Sasha killed herself even though Gavin calls it an accident. He has to know she killed herself, heck he probably drove her to it. That's why what I don't understand is that if she was Olivia's daughter and his, why no deal to bring her back, or at least some sort of necromancer ritual or something. Jane mentions "sometimes I feel the dead won't stay dead" and then realizes what she just said.
Jane finds herself in the laundry again and Gavin brings the blueprints to her there, just when she was seeing blood drip from the door in pints. How did he know she was there? Scratch that, why didn't Jane realize he found her there and came all the way down there to give her the blueprints. Bit far fetched wouldn't you say. Brian and Louise (Mercedes Masohn) take them to a club and Henry lets slip about the lease as Louise doesn't know. Apparently Brian was a bit of a celebrated writer with a play on Broadway. So what happened, he didn't make a deal with Gavin and thus lost his ability to write. Alexis turns up too, ugh. Wish they'd get the story over with her already.
Jane sees the girl in the corridor and she tells her "don't let him out." She heads down there again in the night and brings back a suitcase. Olivia burns the note, but not before we see the words, "he is evil" written in it. Referring to Gavin so why doesn't Olivia believe or is she under his thumb too. Gavin aspires Henry he should aim higher and be the campaign instead of running it.
So referring back to Supernatural and this episode and the "dead won't stay dead line" and title, Supernatural had a similar episode with Dean mentioning how "what's dead should stay dead." Quite a few similarities here too between the too, with the girl appearing when she's dead, the creepy dolls, and toys and how she walked across the screen.
I somehow feel Annie got her just desserts for making up obits like that and selling them as real journalism. It's not as if journalists haven't got a bad name already, along with lawyers, yes this means you Henry. He's kind of a wimp wouldn't you say, if he has dreams he should follow them and not settle for second best, easier said than done, but he has to have Gavin telling him to reach his goals all the time and realize his potential.
Why was Olivia so interested in Jane and Henry's sex life, it's too similar to Brain and Louise, first they couldn't 'get it on' and now they can after Louise returned from hospital and that scene with Brian and Alexis last ep. What's Olivia doing, manipulating the Drake's resident's sex lives or something?
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