Thursday, 1 November 2012

Scandal 1.2 "Dirty Little Secrets" Review

Well it had to happen, being set in Washington, home of politics and all things 'illegal' or just above the legal limit and so there had to be an episode on sex 'scandals.'  The whole Madam being in trouble, having a little black book, or list in this case has been done before but this time we were meant to see events merge in a different light.  This time Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) had personally vetted the President's (Tony Goldwyn) candidate for Supreme Court Justice, so it remained for her to spill and for the Pres to find another candidate.

Underpinning all this, or 'pining' were Olivia's feelings for the Pres which she still holds onto even though can't or won't act on them.  Hell he wants to, is that typical male behaviour or just cos he's the president? ha ad can get away with it.  It's been asked oft enough and even the Pres himself told Cyrus (Jeff Perry) in this ep that he's the leader of the free world, but he can't have what he wants.  Going so far as admitting Livvi "is the love of his life."  But you know given the nature of her job, Olivia will not stay away even if her pass was revoked and then reinstated.  She brought the security guard red velvet cupcakes and he remarked, he doesn't want to know what cupcakes she gave the president.  Talk about innuendo moment.

What was entertaining about this episode wasn't so much the Madam storyline or the fact that Keating got onto her list as a client cos of his wife, she was the mysterious call girl, Stacey (Megan Gallagher) everyone was looking for.  Nor was it Abbey (Darby Stanchfield) having the hots for Steven (Henry Ian Cusick) it was actually the storyline continuing from last ep re the intern, Amanda slashing wrists.  With so much to-ing and fro-ing from the hospital to office, someone was bound to find a story there. Cue reporter Gideon, who just happens to be out to make a name for himself, in the long run and find the story.

At this point in time he has a blog, one that hardly anyone reads but a simple line in that blog would make people sit up and take notice.  Olivia taking on Amanda's case would add even more curiosity into the picture and Quinn (Katie Lowes) leading Amanda right back to the front door with Gideon in tow was bound to happen.  Granted he hasn't done much yet and yes there were plenty holding out to see Brendan Hines in this role, which you can't even describe as sleazy, but as more opportunistic and he seems like he has morals, for a blogging journo that is.  Quinn also has morals, she's new and naive, maybe that will change overtime, but it's easy to see why she would be 'attracted' to someone like Gideon.  She's often left out of the loop on important matters and is sent running around like a headless chicken.

She convinced Amanda to return to the office with her so Olivia could help as she wears a "white hat."  Was that initself enough to make the scandal want to go away, did Olivia just add more fuel to the flame, especially by leading Gideon straight there.  Especially considering how Olivia wanted the press kept out of the story last episode with the war hero accused of killing his friend, but eventually had to give in.  But also she didn't want the Madame story to be picked up by the press.  So although she tried her best to ensure she could keep the President's dalliance quiet and deal with the fall out, it didn't work out that way.

Appears in wanting to help Amanda, she is also secretly covering up her own 'dirty little secret' in the process.  Olivia's 'gladiator suit' has signs of cracking or being exposed.  She does love the President, she has to protect him like a reflex reaction, but she can't be the other woman, even if to her chagrin he went and found Amanda.

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