Saturday, 24 November 2012

Merlin 5.8 "The Hollow Queen" Review

Gwen (Angel Coulby) is out with some knights and they come across a boy who she helps to 'rescue' cos apparently he's one of Morgana's lackeys. He was out looking for frogs under the full moon, which Gwen says she used to do too.  Though why was Gwen out at night again?  For someone who didn't venture out much when she became queen, it's a little strange she has places to go now and things to do.  She returns to find Arthur (Bradley James) in romantic mood and has made up the bed along with flowers sprawled across it.  No doubt it was Merlin (Colin Morgan) who had to do all the romantic gestures and the work!!  Merlin leaves.

The boy uses the key to gain access to Camelot and then returns the key above the gate where it's located.  Kind of reminded me of Hitchcock's Dial M For Murder, where the murderer came in the door and returned the the key under the stair carpet after he'd opened it.  Anyway he finds Merlin and wants him to help heal his sister who is suffering from sweating sickness.  Yeah a bit of a sweat breaking into Camelot.  Again it's obvious there is no sister and Merlin, Arthur's trusty, overworked and under appreciated servant and friend is being lured away so Gwen and Morgana can engage in some more nefarious activities.

Merlin tells him he's not a physician, only Gaius (Richard Wilson) can help, but he agrees anyway.  Merlin thinks he's a Druid and so can't refuse to help.  Arthur prepares to meet with Sarrum of Amata and to sign a peace treaty with him since he's an enemy of Morgana (Katie McGrath).  But he's peeved Merlin isn't around, he needs him to dress him you know!  Before that he can't find his comb and he and Gwen again share another scene together.  Let's see now, if we analyze this scene, before she was under Morgana's spell Gwen was hardly amorous with Arthur and now she is bewitched, she's all over him like a bad egg, ha.

Arthur asks Gaius about Merlin who makes an excuse he's collecting rare herbs.  Of course I knew the tavern line would rear its head again and Arthur assumes that's where Merlin is and Gaius is covering for him.  Gaius has to help Arthur dress and he gives him Gwen's nightdress instead of his shirt!  When Gaius said it's too small, you can just hear Merlin's voice echoing a joke about Arthur putting on weight, as in the past.

Daegal (Alfie Stewart) leads Merlin on a merry dance through the woods until he reaches Morgana and she surprises him with her magic, well poor Merlin doesn't see it coming and then pours poison down Merlin's throat.  Wanting him to slowly suffer.  Then pushes him off the ledge.  Oh would've thought Merlin would have been prepared for any ambush since he doesn't see his sister at the spot.

Sarrum (James Shrapnel) arrives and at dinner, Arthur talks of Morgana and Sarrum reveals how he caught Morgana.  So it's finally revealed that he was the one who captured her and Aithusa; keeping her captive without her resorting to 'sorcery' cos he threatened the dragon.  The dragon grew in a cramped space and it was agony for him, his cries were worse than those of Morgana, so he grew twisted.  She escaped after a momentary lapse on his part. That was a bit difficult to believe, she's a high priestess with so much power, wouldn't he have taken as many precautions as possible.  Gwen sits there listening to every word and you can just see the anger boiling in her. She excuses herself to retire early.

Then she traipses off to meet with Morgana again in another rendezvous in the dark, in another scene  reminiscent of Morgana and Morgause.  She wants Arthur to be killed by Sarrum and Gwen can persuade him to do the deed.  She can then rule over Camelot with the knights behind her (already discussed last episode) so it was unnecessary to do that again since we know Gwen already has the knights on side.  Also it's surprising that Morgana comes up with this plan again to kill Arthur when it backfired last episode.  This time round choosing to poison Merlin instead of Arthur.

Sarrum has his best swordsman fight with Arthur and he manages to beat him.  With Gwen watching.  Gwen then approaches Sarrum with the proposition of killing Arthur for her and she will give him a third of Camelot.  Sarrum sees this as an opportunity to take over Camelot for himself with Arthur dead, since the servant girl is no powerful queen.  Daegal returns to help Merlin who can't move and asks Merlin what he can do to help.  Merlin mentions herbs to form a tincture which he drinks.

Gaius is worried about Merlin and conveys this to Gwen, she thinks he's fine and they can't send out a search party since Sarrum is dangerous and everyone is needed here.  This time round Gwen helps Arthur dress probably cos she thinks this time will be the end of him for good.  Gaius once again expresses his worry for Merlin and this time Gwen makes up a story about him going to see a girl, which is news to Arthur, he's more concerned about the girl than Merlin.  Merlin must get to Arthur as he manages to convince Daegal to tell him Morgana's plans.  She paid him, he has no sister but his mother had magic just like Merlin and Uther had her killed.

Merlin arrives at Camelot as Arthur and Sarrum are about to sign the treaty and finds one of the doors ajar, which isn't meant to be.  Upstairs he finds the assassin, Albin (Matthew Clancy) reminded me of Jason Statham! with a crossbow and finally manages to defeat him with magic.  The crossbow hits not only the assassin but the weapon is fired and hits Sarrum too.   So much for his plans of conquest.  Just as well really, Arthur couldn't really trust someone who was willing to stab him in the back,no pun.  Daegal is also fatally injured in the crossfire and Merlin doesn't or can't use his magic to save him, again, so what's the point of it.  Of course he had to die, which is what I said since he knew Merlin has magic.  Can't have too many people running around with this knowledge.

Arthur is grateful to Daegal and ensures he has a proper burial.  Also he asks Merlin about his girl which has Gwen face pulling, again confirming to Merlin that she's not herself.  Merlin tells Gaius they have to act and make sure they out Gwen.  Hopefully this will happen next episode as this is being dragged out now, just as the case with Morgana when Merlin and Gaius couldn't tell Arthur about her.  Seems like he will tell Arthur about Gwen.

Though Merlin looks as if he's about to shed a tear for Daegal when he dies, asking if he did good, this doesn't happen.  He's more concerned about Arthur and Gwen.  Once again though he tells Daegal he hopes Arthur will one day allow magic to return to the land and this time we don't get any such scenes between Arthur and Merlin.  Instead the focus is more on Gwen and how Morgana has her eating out of her hand still.  The knights didn't have any lines this week, apart from Leon (Rupert Young) and were just meant to stand around and look pretty in their cloaks!

Arthur in a shirtless scene, but not to detract from the main plot that he is now a statesman as Gaius observes. He has to deal with a despot like Sarrum who Gaius also reminds him not only kills men but also tortures women and children.  (Hint there that Morgana is a woman, as well as high priestess who also suffered at his hands.  But no sympathy from us though.) With Morgana wanting Merlin out of the way to get to Arthur, does this mean Gwen knows Merlin has powers too?  If so, she may forget when Morgana's magic spell is reversed or removed, if she's not to know about his magic yet.

Gwen with another smirk when she watches Arthur get beaten, kind of and says to Sarrum, ""I'd be happy if he died tomorrow..."  Yeah that'll happen.  As Morgana bungles one hit on Arthur after another!  Oh the looks passed between Gwen and Merlin, 'if looks could kill.' (Morgana hasn't come up with that one yet) as Gwen thinks she's gotten away with her plotting as she knows Merlin can't say anything to Arthur.

Arthur demanding,"I want Merlin back" cos Gwen does such a rotten job of dressing him, ha.  Morgana not only wanted Merlin to suffer in agony but also Sarrum who inflicted the same on her.  Well if you want something done do it yourself, no wait, Morgana's not capable of that either!  So wonder how Gwen broke the news to Morgana about her plan going awry yet again!  So all the action took place on the balcony but Sarrum and Gwen were the only ones who knew what was happening, didn't catch anyone else's attention then!  Also how did Arthur find out about Sarrum holding Morgana captive as no one else seems to know this?

Twitter @mila255h

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