Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Stargate Atlantis 5.20 "Enemy at the Gate" Review

Incoming wormhole through which Todd (Christopher Heyerdahl) sends a message that his treatment worked.  He wants to regain his position as head of the alliance and has rare technology - a ZPM.  He volunteers to put himself in their custody.  Rodney (David Hewlett) says an underling "in a hybrid ship is a threat we can't tolerate.  Woolsey (Robert Picardo) asks if they don't help him, will Todd destroy Atlantis? The underling being one of Todd's Wraith.

He found the ZPM in a city destroyed by Replicators, why now.  Todd says one scientist succeeded and the hybrid is a work in progress and reached full potential, so they must attack now.  Todd is dressed in one of their overalls.  Sheppard (Joe Flanigan) "I feel like I'm walking around with a live grenade in my pocket;" for the one thing he'll pull as a surprise.  They had a deal to let Todd go last time and they thought he'd die.  If he plays them Sheppard will kill Todd.

They check out the hive in a jumper and cloak themselves but if the hive has advanced technology which is anticipated they do, their cloak etc, wouldn't be of any use.  Rodney checks high energy levels from the hive and the hull is growing with energy, making it impenetrable.  The hive powers weapons cos they can see them.  The hive is too powerful and the jumper is hit.

The Daedalus is damaged and the hive uses hyperdrive to get away.  They discover an encoded message  picked up on their monitors.  Rodney has seen that energy signal before from another reality (re McKay and Mrs Miller and The Daedalus Variations).  The message contains co-ordinates to earth, which explains why the hive left.  The signal was too short or weak and wasn't picked up by the rest of the hive.  Ellis and Apollo are down.  Woolsey is certain nothing stands between them, the hive and earth.  Except Sheppard naturally!

Rodney and Sheppard says one ship can get to earth, they both had the same idea.  Need the ZPM.  Sheppard will kill Todd anyway and might want to do it out of spite cos the Wraith betrayed him.  Woolsey says Sheppard is not flying Atlantis as he's  needed on earth.  It has the ancient weapon platform and General O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson) wants Sheppard in the chair.  Carson (Paul McGillion) will fly the city: he's number 2 after Sheppard.

Carter (Amanda tapping) will take charge of the next ship.  Mentioning General Hammond had a heart attack.  Major Davis (Colin Cunningham) is now with Homeland Security.  The hive ship arrives in orbit.  Sheppard asks for nukes and takes the fight to them.  Carter tells him there's no chair.  Woolsey gives Teyla (Rachel Luttrell) and Ronon (Jason Momoa) a chance to leave and not take part in a losing battle.  Can't make them leave and it's too late.

The chair was moved to Area 51 (as said in the alternate reality Vegas ep and not to Antarctica as it was in violation of the proliferation of arms treaty.  Sheppard leads an attack on the Darts unsuccessfully.  Some fly as Kamikazes.  Sheppard is hit and manages to survive by pulling the plane up.  The chair's destroyed.  Sheppard is heading into the hive.  He's volunteering and earth is defenceless without the chair.  Atlantis drops out of hyperspace.  Dialling earth through the gate but the gates are offline as Rodney explains there's a Wraith energy signal to prevent them dialling out.  There's a gate on the hive and the wormhole leads directly onto the hive which they can access.

Zelenka (David Nykl) mentions Rodney was working on a wormhole drive.  They are attacked in the hive and Ronon is attacked and dies.  Sheppard: "If Atlantis shows up, tell them I said goodbye."  Rodney picks up his communicator and tells them they're on the hive.  He sets up remote detonation.  Jennifer (Jewel Staite) is told to prepare for casualties or for none at all to survive.  It was a shock seeing Ronon being killed off but they didn't leave him dead, guess they wanted a happy ending for all. Re the movie also.

Sheppard goes back for  Ronon who is being revived by a Wraith for information.  Atlantis arrives giving them enough time to detonate and destroy the hive.  Atlantis lost orbit and re-enters earth.  Ronon calls earth his home.   Amelia (Sharon Taylor) comes to see Ronon and show him something, i.e the bridge.  Sheppard asks what will happen next time.  Todd asks if there will be a next time.  They land near the Golden Gate bridge and are cloaked.  Sheppard: "nice view."  Yes we mean you Joe!! Ha.

So there ends five years of the show which could have had at least another two more seasons in it, if not another five.  But it wasn't to be and no movies either as I said before.  Coincidentally the hive was created when the message for earth arrives and so it feels a bit like this was added on last minute.  Also that this hive received the message too and no other one.  The story seemed a bit rushed and I didn't like the ending of arriving back at earth and just leaving them there.  Could have made more of it or at least made the episode a bit longer.  Giving us a chance to see what was going to happen to Atlantis now.  Suppose that was to come in the potential movie(s).

Seems they started out at earth, leaving for Atlantis and returned home bringing Atlantis with them, kind of ending up full circle.  Best scenes, some of them, at least were Sheppard doing what he does best, to fly the plane and come to the rescue, though he was willing to be hero once more by risking his life and volunteering to end it all, Kamikaze style to save earth.  Something he has done or been a large part of in all of the other realities.  As in 5.19 Vegas, he tried to do the same and died a hero.

The lost city of Atlantis was most no more.  Atlantis was my fave series and not just cos of the cast but cos the Wraith were much more of a formidable and scary enemy than anything Stargate SG1 came up with, no really, the Replicators got boring as did the Goa'uld System Lords etc.  Atlantis done us proud! Don't get me wrong it had its moments, Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) ha and it also got movies too, so jealous Atlantis didn't.  It's a shame they had to make Stargte Universe though!

Ronon has been to earth before, in season 3's Sunday, Season 4's Miller's Crossing, Outcast, Midway.  In Watergate episode, it was said that "two existing stargates don't prevent outgoing wormholes."  Todd is back to feeding on humans though so that's what he meant when he said he's better, not that Jennifer's treatment was successful after all, would have been interesting to see where Todd's feeding would have lead.

Joseph Mallozzi on his blog posted, "some storylines will be wrapped up by series end, but the Wraith will continue to be a presence beyond our 100th episode."  As Col Caldwell (Mitch Pileggi) mentions the Odyssey is on a secret mission, Joseph Mallozzi posted on his blog, "initially Odyssey's secret mission was tied to the search for a naquadria-rich planet, capable of providing  the energy needed to dial destiny."

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