Monday, 22 October 2012

Merlin 5.3 "The Death Song of Uther Pendragon" Review

Arthur (Bradley James) and Merlin (Colin Morgan) on a usual hunt out of the castle, hear screams from a woman.  Arthur investigates and Merlin, once again, tries to dissuade him from doing so.  They chance upon an old woman who is being burnt at the stake and save her.  Arthur refuses to believe she was involved in magic and as a result of saving her life, even if she is at death's door, she gives Arthur a horn.  This can summon the 'spirits of the dead.'  That was either timely or ill-timed, seeing as it turns out to be the anniversary of Uther's (Anthony Head) death.  Or rather, someone decided it was time they brought back Anthony head, to play a ghostly spirit.

To use the horn Arthur drags Merlin along, despite his protestations to a set of ruins, (resembling Stone Henge). Aka the Great Steps of Nemeton.   He steps inside the dead spirit's world and Uther tells him of his disappointment in the young Pendragon.  He hates the decision's he's made, making commoners knights, marrying a servant girl.  He thinks Camelot is no longer strong.  Uther steps away from Arthur leaving Arthur in tears and Arthur takes a last look behind him.

At Camelot during a meeting of the Round Table, the chandelier falls onto the table.  Elsewhere candles go out and there are gusts of wind.  Percival (Tom Hopper) is also attacked by an axe, which Arthur puts down to being an accident.  Merlin has no choice but reveal all to Gaius (Richard Wilson) making him angry.  Merlin explains he tried to stop Arthur.  Gaius believes Uther's spirit has been released.

Merlin visits Arthur, as he looks at the horn and then throws fruit onto the floor, so he can hide the horn under the bowl.  He refuses to let Merlin touch the bowl, even when he makes a grab for it.  Merlina asks if Arthur turned and looked back at Uther as he was leaving and this he says has allowed Uther's spirit to escape into the world of the living.

Cue funny moment when Gwen (Angel Coulby) is now the focus of Uther's attack and is dragged across the floor by him.  She runs to the kitchen and is knocked out.  Merlin rushing to save her as a fire ensues.  Arthur must now listen to Gaius and accept that Uther's spirit is rife and he must do what Gaius says in order for it to return.  Gaius concocts a potion for them to drink and Arthur wants Merlin to drink it first just to see if it's safe.  Merlin does so and Arthur follows suit with Merlin neglecting to tell him that it tastes vile.

They head out for their search of Uther and come across Leon (Rupert Young).  Merlin tells him he's discussing poetry with Arthur, who is forced to say he loves poetry and ruin his reputation as a macho man/king.  Uther refuses to bow down and return and is even intent on going after Merlin.  Arthur finds Uther on his throne where he once again riles him for marrying Gwen, whom Arthur describes as wise and strong, he values her counsel.  Uther knocks Arthur out and is about to attack him when Merlin arrives.  He uses his magic to stop Uther.  Who is surprised, "you have magic."

Have it and has had it since his time at Camelot.  He replies he "was born with it."  Merlin pushes Uther away with his hand and he flies through the door.  He's still around though and finally pins Merlin to the wall with two spears.  This time Arthur comes to his rescue and blows the horn, just as Uther is about to reveal Merlin has magic.

 Uther tells Arthur he is too trusting of people which is what I said last episode.  Yet Arthur is determined to be his own king and his own man.  He doesn't want to rule Camelot like Uther did and he makes his feelings known.

Merlin and Arthur display yet more 'horseplay' at the end as Merlin tells Arthur he should stop hitting him.  Arthur replies he doesn't and it's just some fun.  Thus Merlin slaps him with Arthur's glove, it's 'horseplay.'  Uther is still the same king he was at Camelot, even as a spirit, he is still abrupt and condescending of Arthur and condemning of Merlin for having magic.  At no point does he make Arthur feel loved, even if Arthur tells him he loves and respects him, but he doesn't want to be him.

He doesn't have one kindly word for his son and yet he wants to remain here as if he can rule over the kingdom still, or instill some sense of his own counsel into Arthur.  Anthony Head always portrayed Uther with flare and dramatically and he still shows this trait.  Even as a spirit he remains calm yet commanding.  It was good to see him return.  Still as stern as ever.  Making you wonder how he is doing in the spirit world, or the afterlife.  This episode makes it look like he is in pain or torment and his soul is not at peace.  Perhaps his soul is, but not his spirit.

No Morgana this episode but you'd have thought she would have been the target of his revenge and anger instead of his own son.  Arthur appears to accept magic is afoot at Camelot in his father's spirit returning and has to take Gaius's advice in returning him from whence he came.  He also is reluctant to believe the woman who was being burnt at the stake was a witch or held any magic whatsoever in his endeavour to save him.  Yet the very thing she gives him as reward is powerful and magical in itself.  To the point that Arthur can't resist the temptation to use the horn and summon Uther.  Clearly the timing for him was right being a year since Uther died.

Merlin continues to impress this season with its seasoned storytelling, taking it to a new mature level and yet the humour and banter between Arthur and Merlin is still as heightened as ever.  They respect each other mutually as shown by Merlin telling him once again how good a king he is and how many people think so, even Merlin, his loyal servant and though he hates to admit it at times, his trusted friend.

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