Thursday, 13 September 2012

Supernatural's Super Seven Years

So as all Supernatural fans know today marks the seventh anniversary of the show when it first aired back on September 13 2005.  At least for the US.  Can you cast your minds back and remember what you were doing on that day.  How many of you watched the show out of curiosity and how many watched cos they knew it'd become a sure fire hit?  Oh here's a dreaded question, what would we have done if there was no Supernatural?  OOh sorry, someone has to ask.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki wowed, charmed, broke hearts, fought demons, themselves, family.  Met friends, lost family, loves, each other.  Only to come back over and over.  Met an angel or two, fought Lucifer and much more. I along with many others can't really imagine a day or year going by without watching Supernatural and having it in our lives.

It may just be a show to some, but for many others, devoted followers, it's more than that.  It's a way of life, a phenomenon.  We've been there every minute laughing, crying, sharing the jokes, songs, movie refs and wish we could also share the Impala too!!

To me, it's more than a show, admittedly I watched cos of the amazing trailers we got down here and the tagline for the UK: "Scary just got sexy!"  Well, okay the tagline wasn't my main reason it was Jensen.  Having watched him in many other TV shows, films, he became a firm favourite with me over the years, so naturally I would watch anything with him.  Another reason for me which is extremely personal and painful was that at the time we got the show, I had just lost my father and season 2 In My Time of Dying, with John Winchester (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) dying struck a cord with me.  In short, it was there when I needed to see something like that.  To go through the emotions and the loss which was so real to me.

No matter what it means to each of us, we're all grateful for Supernatural being a part of our lives.

Okay, deep breath!  In essence the show has continued to capture the hearts and minds of so many, not just in its native US but also globally.  It's astonishing, but not surprising that Supernatural can unite so many people from all backgrounds, faiths and countries as it continues to go from strength to strength.  Propelling two of the nicest guys in showbiz into household names and what makes it even better is how Jensen and Jared have gotten right in there with the show, not only in terms of being there for fans, taking part in conventions and well, just being Jensen and Jared!

That goes for the rest of the cast too, in Misha Collins, Jim Beaver, to name but two out of many, as well as the excellent crew, writers and well, not forgetting Eric Kripke who brought it all together for us to begin with in his love of urban legends.

"Carry on my wayward son" to another few good years of Supernatural and here's to season 8!!  Let's keep on this never ending roadtrip.

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