Saturday, 22 September 2012

Merlin 4.6 "A Servant of Two Masters" Review

Out on patrol to look for mercenaries, Merlin (Colin Morgan) comments no one would be in the Valley of the Fallen Kings.  That's why Arthur (Bradley James) chose it.  They're attacked and Merlin saves Arthur and is hurt.  Arthur has seen worse than this.  Merlin: "on a dead man."  Arthur says he won't die and he'll get the glory when he's not around, that's what happens.  Merlin's a loyal and brave servant, how many times have we heard that line.  Merlin would save him too.  Arthur carries Merlin back and he wants to be left here.  They're attacked again.

Merlin uses magic to cause a rock slide and is cut off from Arthur.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) takes Merlin to Morgana (Katie McGrath) and she wants to kill him.  Agravaine wants him saved as he can be useful.  See that's Morgana always needing help again.  He condemned her sister, Morgause to a slow death.  Merlin wants Arthur to know of his achievements so he can die happy.  Morgana tells him he won't die.  There's no sign of Merlin, but the knights find Arthur.

Morgana heals Merlin, he's loyal but she won't understand why, no, she's healing her own enemy.  A piece of Merlin's clothing is found and there's no trace of the mercenaries.  Agravaine thinks they were sent by Alinor.  But Arthur tells him the route was only known to a few.  Sir Leon (Rupert Young) says they "have a traitor in their midst," yeah and they're looking right at him.  Gaius (Richard Wilson) looks at Agravaine.

Morgana conjures her pet Femorrah with seven heads.  She cuts one and plants it in Merlin to control his mind.  It will suck his life force and replace it with one thought - to kill Arthur.  Arthur gets a new servant, George (Leander Deeny) yeah that was quick, who brings him a feast for breakfast.  Arthur says he already has a servant.  He spends most of his time in the tavern.  Arthur doesn't have a shirt - again. Gaius doesn't want Artur going on his own to search for Merlin, so Gwaine (Eoin Macken) is going with him.  Arthur says George "...condemned me to a day of mindless chatter."  Merlin is found in a ditch.

Merlin looks for the strongest bottle of poison, Aconite and takes the whole bottle as he needs to kill someone and laces Arthur's food with it.  Gwen (Angel Colby) already prepared his food and he dumps it in the pig sty.  Merlin adds he'd take Gwen's side.  No one knows Merlin's not himself.  Merlin doesn't want to share his problems with Gaius.  Merlin gets a crossbow from Leon for Arthur and they joke Merlin wants to kill Arthur.  He's getting on Merlin's nerves.  Arthur: "Don't worry Merlin, I don't think you really want to kill me."  Gwen had to find the pigs dead and the food.

Gaius mentions wolfsbane which is known as aconite  and notices Merlin is acting strangely, about time.  He's not in his right mind.  The crossbow misfires and misses Arthur when he opens the closet.  Merlin thinks of who the traitor could have been, such as Percival (Tom Hopper).  Arthur thinks of Elyan (Adetomiwa Edun).  Arthur in yet another shameless, shirtless scene, ha.  Merlin is knocked out with a sword.

Gaius finds the Femorrah and explains what Morgana said.  The serpent can be paralyzed but it grows back.  Arthur accuses Agravaine of being a traitor as he was the only one who knew the route, but he talks him out of it. He doesn't have any reason to doubt him.  Arthur is all that's left of his sister and he would never betray her.  He tells Arthur Gaius knew the route.  Oh he'd turn traitor now after serving Uther all those years and Arthur too.  Also Agravaine wants to see Arthur dead cos he's Uther's son, never mind being his nephew.

Merlin pours acid in Arthur's bath which burns the sword.  Gwen sees Arthur naked! completely.  Merlin is knocked out again.  Are they just going to stand around then?  The serpent is paralyzed again and Merlin is revived.  "Arthur's socks smell." Gaius says they must kill the mother beast.  Merlin comes up with the idea of becoming his old self, Dragoon, once more.  That's getting old now.  He reveals himself to Morgana as Emrys who she's seen in her dream.  The knights think he's stealing  a horse.  Merlin dresses the same under his robe and no one's noticed and not even his boots are different.  He's also got a new shirt this episode, which disappears at the end.

He asks Percival if he's bigger and Arthur's in danger if he sees him.  Elyan threatens Arthur and he uses magic.  Pity he didn't arrive there in time to see Agravaine with Morgana as he implicated Gaius.  Morgana isn't happy since Gaius isn't dead.  How did the two of them get together anyway?  Oh Merlin does see Agravaine leave, finally.  Morgana runs when she sees him.  Merlin was a bit slow wasn't he.  He's not here to kill her, more's the pity but his magic is still stronger than hers.  She has the audacity to beg for her life.

Merlin's cured now.  Arthur introduces George and he's going to give Merlin some training, in armoury, his fave lesson number 1 is polishing.  Merlin says that's his fave too.  Arthur says George is boring and he wouldn't give him the job.  Agravaine sets off to Morgana again!  Agh will he never learn!

Arthur is concerned for Merlin once again and it seems seems episodes where both or either one is injured are coming thick and fast.  Yet when Merlin is found, Arthur doesn't notice he's not wounded.  He also can't see Merlin's acting stranger than usual, he acts like a buffoon a lot of the time, but not every moment he's with Arthur.

Morgana finally gets to see Emrys in person but is no match for him.  Yet whenever she uses her magic, she seems to get one up on Merlin, when he's Merlin.  Merlin was a clumsy assassin but then Arthur always accuses him of being clumsy, weak, a girl.  Probably why he didn't notice the change in him.

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