Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Merlin 4.5 "His Father's Son" Review

Mercenaries chase after knights and Merlin (Colin Morgan) is trapped.  It was a trap Merlin, "That's the idea."  Arthur (Bradley James) needed the pendant, the Royal Crest of Caerleon and took a risk to be here.  Agravaine (Nathanial Parker) believes this isn't a coincidence since Uther's death and the enemies of Camelot are testing him as a king.  He must send a message, that he can do anything and everything without mercy.  He must force him to accept the Treaty on their terms.  He asks if he surrenders.  He refuses and Arthur has to kill him.  Arthur thinks there must be another way and allows Agravaine to dictate what he should do.  Surely Arthur has been around Uther long enough to know what he should do for himself and also there is always another way.

Arthur must follow Uther's example and that he's worthy of Uther's name.  A lot of mention of Uther now and there was hardly any last ep.  He must draw up the Treaty and Merlin comments this isn't like Arthur.  He's told to stick with what he knows.  Arthur must kill him as he refuses to sign.  Agravaine tells him Uther would have been proud.  Arthur doesn't know what he would have done without "your support and counsel."  Well quite frankly, quite a lot.  Merlin tells Arthur compassion is also a sign of strength.  Arthur will talk to Merlin if he's bored.  Arthur can't afford any luxuries and the burden of the kingdom is his.

Caerleon's DB is brought to Queen Annis (Lindsay Duncan) who promises Arthur will pay.  Agravaine mentions Gwen (Angel Coulby) to Arthur, that she's a lowly servant.  She shouldn't mean anything to Arthur cos as king he needs to do what's expected of him.  He can't be seen with the daughter of a blacksmith, Uther would say the same actually.  Arthur: "...not a matter of state, a matter of the heart."  Agravaine replies he must rule with his head like a strong king (yeah as he lets Morgana walk all over him!)  What did Agravaine want Gwen for himself.

Sir Leon (Rupert Young) tells of the army crossing their border and must be intercepted before they reach Camelot.  Morgana (Katie McGrath) comes to see the Queen in the name of Gorlowes.  She's here to help them with revenge for what Arthur did.

Arthur rejects Gwen as things have changed for him and he must rule and as king, it's "no longer relevant what I may or may not want for myself."  Gwen replies it isn't "appropriate."  But he isn't Uther.  Arthur makes his own decisions and this is how it must be.  But it wasn't his own decision, it was Agravaine's proposal.  Gwen doesn't think he should let anyone tell him what he should do and he should "be the king you want to be."

Gaius (Richard Wilson) tells her Arthur's not alone, but he doesn't know that.  SO who carries all that furniture, tents etc for Arthur for the battlefield since no one was seen to leave Camelot with anything.  Elyan says the knights would all die for him and fight in Arthur's name.  Merlin says they mean every word and Arthur wonders if he deserves it.  Merlin supposes if there was any other way out he'd take it.  Arthur had a choice to let Caerleon live or die and he made the wrong decision.  Merlin believes he made the best decision for Camelot and Arthur: "now my men must pay for it with their lives."  Well, not if Merlin has anything to do with it.

Merlin follows Arthur as he sees the Queen and apologizes.  There's nothing he can do to change what happened and he votes for the right of single combat.  There has been enough bloodshed and lives will be saved.  If she wins she will have half of Camelot and if he wins she must withdraw her army.  There's no contrast here really.  Merlin is caught and Arthur calls him "a simple minded fool."  He was being kind.  Merlin was looking out for him.  Arthur will  fight.  He had one choice, a "just and honourable  one."

Morgana can't fathom Arthur would risk his own life over his men and the Queen knows she wants his throne.  Morgana has the power to make certain Arthur will lose.  And the Queen lets her use it.  Morgana enchants Arthur's sword with Agravaine's help.  Arthur gives Merlin his ring for Gwen.  The Queen's champion had to be huge of course.  Camelot's army was minuscule in comparison to hers.  No one saw Morgana either.  Anyway her magic isn't any match for Merlin's.  Arthur's sword will become heavy.  Not if Merlin can help it.

They fight and Arthur spares him.  The Queen adheres to their agreement.  Arthur doesn't want victory but peace.  A new day for the beginning of their kingdom.  Something about Arthur "gives me high hope for us all."  She tells Morgana there won't be a next time for her as Morgana is "consumed by bitterness."  She wanted revenge but it's not right.  Morgana won't rest until she has Camelot and it bows before her.  "You're more like Uther than you realize."  Arthur should have listened to Merlin even if he is the worst servant in the kingdom, so why doesn't he get another.  Arthur believes  a good king should be true to himself "and be seen with those whom he cares for."  He took along time arriving at that decision.  Was it the fight he won or the fact he can't live without Gwen.

Merlin was out of character this episode, he doesn't do much, er use much magic to help Arthur, seems he uses it as a last resort and only after ages.  Especially since he's in tears earlier on - did he doubt himself or Arthur and his abilities.  That Arthur would actually be killed when he's meant to be there to prevent that from happening.  He seemed to take ages to help Arthur during the fight too.

Arthur dealing with Gwen  - rejecting her - was already done in Queen of Hearts and The Once and Future Queen and didn't need to be rehashed here.  Seems writers don't know what they're doing by regressing backwards and forwards with stories and plots.  It was season 4 and not much has been done in terms of stories and character development and what was covered is forgotten to suit the particular plot of the episode in question.

Arthur has already proven himself many times in battle, even if he wasn't king then.  Arthur it appears, is king in name only.  Gwen so eagerly accepting Arthur back and his feeble attempts at an apology as if he's done no wrong.  Well treated her like dirt for one, just like Uther.  He just followed in his footsteps, hence the title, and showed he can do what he likes as he's the king and get away with treating people in that way.  Once upon a time he never would have treated anyone like that.

Wonder if Elyan knew of Arthur's despicable treatment of Gwen.  Bloomin' sexist too, it's okay to have a blacksmith's son as a knight but it's fine to mess around with a common woman's feelings.

Then there was Gwaine  and his not being able to deal with his father being killed by Caerleon, missed opportunity for revenge there.

Arthur wears the blue cloak from The Once and Future Queen.  Robert Maillet who played Derian is a professional Canadian wrestler, all 6' 10" of him.

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