Monday, 24 September 2012

Doctor Who 7.4 "The Power of Three" Review

Amy: "life with the Doctor was like this..." Flashbacks to previous eps.  "Real life was like this."  Quite boring. Rory (Arthur Darvill) says they have two lives: "real life and Doctor life."  Should they choose?  The TARDIS lands, they "don't have to choose yet."  Amy (Karen Gillan) "Everytime we flew away with the Doctor we'd just become part of his life [more flashbacks.  ]But he never stood still long enough to become part of ours, except once.  The year of the slow invasion.  The time the Doctor came to stay."  Perhaps cos as said before, he knew something was about to happen.   Notice in the flashbacks they showed that same scene again when they look out of the TARDIS at earth and he watches them both from behind.

Brian (Mark Williams) comes in with a cube in hand, they're everywhere.  The Doctor (Matt Smith) has one too.  "Invasion of the very small cubes.  That's new."  Lots of news broadcasts with more BBC newsreaders. As well as Professor Brian Cox, who doesn't know what the cubes are and suggests they, "ask a better man than me."  That of course would be the Doctor.  Brian comes up with lots of theories of the purposes/intentions of the cubes, which the Doctor compliments.  They need to watch the cubes and Brian does this effortlessly.

The Doctor needs to use their kitchen as a lab.  Rory's heading to work, "what you do isn't all there is," and he says he should imagine what they do when they're not with the Doctor.  Doctor: "mostly kissing."  Which they do a lot of between them too, such as Rory kissing the doctor later on.  Amy is a travel writer.  Amy: "ten years older, ten years of you on and off."  Doctor: "all grown up."  Their house is raided and Rory comments, "there are soldiers all over my house and I'm in my pants."  Something Amy always wanted to say.  A woman from UNIT, Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) comes in.  The Doctor asks since when does science runs the military?  They've tested the cubes and the Doctor talks of people taking them home.  perhaps he should have said his 'sciency-wiency' phrase here.

The cubes have to be observed and for four days nothing's happened.  He's impatient so he has to occupy himself.  Mowing the lawn, kicking a ball, stains the garden fence.  He's only been gone an hour.  He wants to take Rory and Amy away but they don't want to go.  His job is important.  Rory accepts a full time job at the hospital and Amy's to be a bridesmaid.  Real life's started and they like it.

Brian speaks on camera referring to 'Brian's Log.'  Rory tells him he can't call him that.  A girl sits at the hospital with a cube in her hand and a man is taken from the hospital by two aliens.
June the Doctor arrives back.  June 26th 1890, he takes Amy and Rory to the Savoy hotel for their anniversary.  Rory kisses the Doctor on the cheek.  Later the Doctor laments about there being a Zygon ship under the Savoy.  On another trip, they hide under the bed all cos Amy said 'yes' and agreed to marry Henry VIII.  She left her phone charger there.  The Doctor sneezes under the bed, which is good, since no one ever does that when they're hiding out.

June again.  Brian says they've been away as they're wearing different clothes, which no one else noticed.  They've been gone 7 weeks.  Brian asks what happens to others who travel with him.  Doctor: "some left, some left behind, some, not many, but some died.  But they won't."  It's like he's convincing himself they won't or whether he'll believe it if he says it enough times.  The Doctor is staying to keep an eye on them as he misses them.  Cue The Apprentice with Lord Sugar firing someone for not selling enough cubes.  Er, why would anyone buy them when they've been picking them up for free!!

They eat fish fingers and custard and the Doctor mentions them being  pudding but savoury.  The cubes move and one attacks the Doctor.  He tells it the planet and people are precious to him and he will defend them to his dying breath.  He also comments on having  a"metal dog that could do that."  Hover that is.  Rory takes Brian to work. Whilst he heads to the Tower of London with Amy.  All the cubes activated at the same time.  All cubes were monitored and behave individually. The Doctor tells Kate her father, Brigadeer Lethbridge-Stewart didn't despair.  She dropped his name as she didn't want any favours.

The cubes become dormant.  The Doctor needs air.  He knows that Amy and Rory are stopping, at least they're thinking about it.  She doesn't know yet.  There were years when she couldn't live without him and since he came back they have their own life.  Travelling feels like running away.  The Doctor denies he's running, as each corner of the universe never remains the same and there's so much to see.  'I'm running to things before they fade day soon, you'll stop, known for a while.  You were the first - the first face... and you're seared onto my heart Amelia Pond.  I'm running to you and Rory before you fade from me.'  See he knows/knew something's coming; something will happen to them and he wants to spend time with them.

He gets a brainwave, the cubes have stopped since they've scanned everything - in every room.  The power goes out and the cubes begin a countdown from 7.  Why 7?  Seven Wonders of the World, 7 sides of a cube, the inside counts as 7.  They must get the people away from the cubes, (or the cubes away from the people.) The cubes have profiled earth's existence.  Kate says they can work out how to attack them.

Brian is abducted at the hospital and Rory follows, ending up in a spaceship.  The Doctor sits with the cube, but there's nothing inside.  He says every action was deliberate and people are dying across the world from cardiac arrest.  He is also affected, but why him?  He only has one heart and the other's not working.  They sucked power like signal boxes and were targeted at the human heart - that's how to destroy humans.  The scan he was running, is located to the hospital.

Doctor; "how do you people manage with one heart, it is pitiful."  They must locate the portal and he notices the girl, an android monitoring everything.  The Doctor suffers cardiac arrest and Amy uses a defibrillator on him, getting both hearts started.  Doctor; "welcome back Leftie - two hearts back in the game.  Never do that to me again."  Well, she won't.  Along with his disco moves and Amy ripping his shirt open.  Not that she hasn't seen him naked from 5.1 The Eleventh Doctor!!

The energy signals converge in the lift and they find Rory.  The Shakri (Steven Berkoff) appears to him saying there are so many crawling the planet.  The Doctor doesn't believe it's possible, the Shakri are a myth to keep the Gallifrey young in their place.  Like the Keyser Soze of Gallifrey.  They travel alone and together: 7 portals, 7 minutes.  They're targeting humanity before they colonize space.  The Shakri speaks of the 'human contagion and the Tali' which is judgement day/reckoning.  Shakri serves the Tali.  Amy mentions him having weird bedtime stories.  The Doctor replies what about the wolf in grandmother's nightdress.

The Doctor believes humans to be "creatures of hope, make mistakes, learn, strife for greater and achieve it...will back humanity against the Shakri everytime."  A second wave will be released to kill more people so they must stop it by disconnecting the Shakri portal.  They can use the cubes to turn the hearts back on.  They escape from the ship before it explodes.  Take it everyone else on there couldn't be saved.

Kate calls him "remarkable" just like her father said and kisses him on the cheek.  Doctor: "a kiss from a Lethbridge-Stewart."  The Doctor leaves and Amy and Rory have beautiful, messy lives and shouldn't give them up.  Brian replies they can't give him up and shouldn't.  He encourages them to go with the Doctor and save every world the can find and he should "bring them back safe."

Amy: "So that was the year of the slow invasion when the earth got cubed and the Doctor came to stay.  It was also when we realized something the Sakari never really understood - what cubed means.  The Power of three."  So there you have it.  Yet more sad moments interspersed with jokes and humour.  As we know how much they all mean to each other and to us and how we'll miss our fave companions when they go.

This was an enjoyable episode focusing on Amy and Rory before their swansong.  Also moving away from the Doctor's dark side on display over the past few weeks.  Being more comedic and sombre in tone.  Re the Doctor loving his companions, missing them and spending time with them before "they fade."  Was this some sort of fading reference to how they leave?  Fade from existence, from memory.  Probably their final scenes will be something completely different to how we all imagined!  The scene with the Doctor and Amy outside the Tower was exceptional and they were having their own heartbreaking farewell, along with us.  Doctor: "You were the first, first face this face saw.  You are seared onto my hearts."  Which was so true and what more could you ask for in terms of sentiments.

The cubes were stopping human hearts, inducing cardiac arrest, so it follows the aliens would be at a  hospital, where the Shakri could observe what happens during cardiac arrest and what is done to help people.  They were there after all, for over a year and so found the best, according to the cubes/Shakri, method of wiping out humans.

The Zygon ship under the Savoy, the Zygons were in the Fourth Doctor, Terror of the Zygons.  UNIT HQ was last seen as the Tower of London in The Christmas Invasion.  Apparently it was said Matt emphasized 'Twitter' as he stated he wasn't going to be on there.

This episode was the final one filmed with Karen and Arthur as Amy and Rory.  After they got into the TARDIS with the Doctor, they all hugged and cried.

There was no filming at the actual Tower of London due to the Olympics.

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