Sunday, 9 September 2012

Doctor Who 7.2 "Dinosaurs On A Spaceship" Review

1334 BC Egypt  The Doctor (Matt Smith) is with Queen Nefertiti (Riann Steele) and finds himself in a bit of a bind.  She has him backed up against the TARDIS, as she makes a play for him - just like Amy (Karen Gillan) in season 5 when she returned home for her wedding to Rory (Arthur Darvill).  Clearly these women always have him pinned against the TARDIS - what's that about then?  (Or perhaps I should just add - who wouldn't?!!?)  He is called by the Indian Space Agency (ISA) in 2367 AD, who inform him of a spaceship due to crash into earth in 6 hours and he brings Nefi (which I shall call her majesty!).

African Plains 1902 AD.  Here the Doctor comes for explorer, John Riddell (the Indy Jones of Doctor Who).  Riddell  (Rupert Graves) tells him he went for liquorice and didn't return.  Riddell (surely a pun on riddle) claims, complains he only had two dowagers for company.  Back on earth, Rory's father, Brian (Mark Williams) is helping him with repairs and the Doctor 'materializes' around them taking them on board.  Funny moment, the Doctor not realizing he's taken Brian with him and doesn't notice him until they're out of the TARDIS and thinks he snuck on board and was sent by someone for nefarious purposes.  Amy tells him he's been away for ten months this time (that wasn't long considering how long he was away from her in the season 5 opener.)

They come across dinosaurs on the ship.  Leaving him to exclaim, "dinosaurs in space."  Then mentions he's brought the others along too, a gang and he's never had one of those before.  He accesses the ship's computer to find the engines and accidentally transports himself, Rory and Brian to the beach, or so it seems.  Brian asks if he sees a kestrel.  Well seeing as we're in dinosaur territory, it'd be a Pterodactyls.)  The beach isn't earth as the Doctor sticks his tongue out to find the air is too metallic for earth.  There's something below them and Brian gets out his trusty trowel and digs.  He's always prepared.  They are still on the ship as they're attacked by a swarm of Pterodactyls (is it a swarm, well I've called them as such).

Amy, Nefi ad Riddell explore the ship and come across an area of flora, where Amy finds the computer and accesses the ship's database, something she learned from the Doctor.  She also tells Nefi she's famous and she studied her and she's also a queen.  Though not to tell Rory she's his queen.  The ship is Silurian as they abandoned their home, bringing along dinosaurs.  Amy calls it a "Silurian Ark."

The others come across a Triceratops after they are found by two 'tantrum throwing' robots.  The Triceratops licks Brian's face, as he has some sort of floral trace on him.  I.e his balls as Brian says, with the Doctor giving him a funny look.  They are taken to an old man who was waiting for a Doctor to arrive to fix his leg after he was attacked by a dinosaur.  He's not a medical Doctor but obliges.  Solomon (David Bradley) took over the ship, being a black market trader and jettisoned the original inhabitants which the Doctor knows were Silurians after Amy's call to Rory.  The Doctor abhors his actions, as Solomon deals in "piracy and genocide."  He refuses to help him but the robot is ordered to attack Brian.  Rory helps Brian with his first aid kit he carries around, allowing him to see his nursing skills in action.  Something which he hasn't done.  Solomon knows the Doctor will have a price but he's not identified on the system, he "doesn't exist;"  which pleases the Doctor no end.  They make their escape via Triceratops ride and the use of Brian's last remaining golf ball.

Solomon arrives and demands Nefi instead as she's just as valuable.  She agrees to accompany him.  Indira (Sunetra Sarker) refuses to abort the missiles, so much for needing the Doctor's help.  He reaches the control room of the Silurian ship, which needs two people with the same genes to fly it, cue Brian and Rory, as Brian tells him they can do it.

The Doctor and Amy thus have a chance to have a moment, or an intense conversation about her giving up her work (modelling).  She hasn't seen him in so long and doesn't want that, cos something may happen to him and she'll never know, as she'll always be waiting for him to arrive, or something may happen to her.  That was ominous and that look on the Doctor's face, as if she's hit the nail on the head and said something he may already know.  Rory and Brian can't believe they're flying a spaceship.

The Doctor cunningly magnetized Solomon's ship so he can't fly.  Now did he really think he'd just let him leave with Nefi like that.  He comes to rescue Nefi and leaves behind an orb which the missiles will target.  Solomon begs to be saved and the Doctor asks, coldly, if the Silurians begged him for the same?  That look on his face where he shows 'mercy' is not his middle name.  So "don't mess with the Doctor."  Of course, some will say he shouldn't have done what he did , but it was his version of justice, vengeance, whatever you want to call it.  Solomon displayed no mercy towards the Silurians and to all the others he must have peddled in misery for the highest price.  The missiles attack his ship and he's blown to kingdom come.

Brian asks for a favour, to see earth from space.  (Wasn't that like wilf??)  Amy asking if Riddell and Nefi are "the new us?"  Doctor: " thought we might need a gang. It's new."
 Riddell was disappointed he didn't make it into the history books.

Not sure if the Doctor being 'obsolete' is a continuation from last season with him wanting to disappear and making everyone believe he really is dead (well the ISA know.)  Or whether they're making everyone forget about him.  Re the Daleks, last episode. (7.1 Asylum of the Daleks.)

The Doctor once again demonstrating his outright refusal and defiance to do what he's ordered to do (not with a gun to his head or anyone else's) and then displaying such sad emotion at the same time when the Triceratops is killed.

Amy listening out for the sound of the TARDIS, being unable to sleep and he tells her, "you'll be there 'til the end of time."
"Or vice versa" Amy responds.  Cue long pause, lingering looks.  Then when the Doctor stood behind them as Brian watched the earth, something seemed to concern him.  He appeared sad when "the Ponds" wanted to return home.  Well, they've been together for a while and obviously he knows what's coming.  He has to, right?  He's the Doctor - considering he knew of his own fate, he has to know about theirs.

Nefi being left with Riddell; the choice being a "sleeping drug for a man" or 'one with a big weapon.'

The Doctor kissing Rory on the mouth and Amy only on her forehead!!  Ooh er!  The Doctor may be a Sagittarius.  Doctor: "You don't have any vegetable matter in your pants, do you?"
Brian: "Just my balls."

Amy and Rory receive postcards from Brian, who has caught the travelling bug and one from the Doctor after he returns the dinosaurs to Siluria.

The Doctor's dark side on show with Solomon, demonstrating he sent him to his death cos he could.  Since in the past or on other occasions he hates killing, a last resort and when there are no choices.  He killed out of necessity, remember the Time Lords).  Here he he has a choice but chooses not to exercise it.  This episode was meant to be fun and light hearted, but was interspersed with darker moments, what better way to add those.

Solomon was based on a "well known nightclub owner with long hair."  David Bradley was Argus Filch from the Harry Potter movies.  Mark Williams was Arthur Weasley also from the Harry Potter franchise.
The beach scene was once again filmed at Southerndown, Wales, as seen in Doomsday as Bad Wolf Bay and Journey's End.  Also in The Time of Angels and Flesh and Stone.

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