Tuesday, 18 September 2012

CSI:NY Personal Relationships in Season 9

Isn't it great when you can predict the future, ha, or at least what will happen with your fave character, glad to see I was right on both counts, especially with Flack (Eddie Cahill) and the upcoming new season 9.  In my last blog entry about CSI:NY season 9 stories, I mentioned a new detective Lovato (Natalie Martinez) and that hopefully she wouldn't become Flack's new love interest, agh, I'll eat my words!!  Cos that's exactly what is happening.  NOOOO and I also said she'd be like Angell (Emmanuelle Vaugier) and she is, even in terms of looks.

It's not fair maybe I should keep my mouth shut, but where's the fun in that?  Come on, the poor guy needs to get away from work and meeting women at work in a romantic capacity.  Anyway, Pam Veasey told XFinityTV.com exactly what I wrote!   Saying, "There may be a hot, little fire going on between these two...he can't resist what is just inevitable."  Yeah he can, by meeting someone else, ha.  Yes I did write my blog entry before reading this article if anyone's curious.  Also that Lavato would be Flack's type.  Oh well isn't that just transferring what feelings he still had for Angell to her instead as she is similar to Angell.

This was in response to the show taking a more in depth look at the character's personal lives, well they didn't have to get so personal with Flack, ha.
She added, "this year we thrown caution to the wind, and take a left turn - either on the concept of the episode or the lives of our characters - so the audience goes, 'Wow!  That is satisfying.'"

Also re Mac (Gary Sinise) and his shooting, he will have psychological scars from his shooting and the fallout from that to deal with.  As for his relationship with Christine (Megan Dodds) Veasey said, he needed to move on from Claire (Jamie Ray Newman) and now he will be "making a continued pursuit, driving toward that relationship.  He did need Claire to say, 'Go, don't give up on this.  Don't give up on the hard stuff.'"

Let's hope the producers and writers also do this and make the season as good as the other 8 seasons!

Actually what about poor Adam (AJ Buckley) when's he going to get a love interest, it'd be great to see him stumbling and bumbling about in his lovable character trait, trying to balance everything at once and still be the Adam we know and love!  He misses out yet again, especially since he is an important part of the show as well.  He needs to be shown some appreciation!

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