Sunday, 10 June 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.16: "1912" Review

Alaric is arrested as a suspect in the murders and Damon recalls his time and meeting a vampire named Sage for the first time. Rebekah tries to grill Damon for info on the white oak.

Mystic Falls 1912 Sheriff Gerald Forbes (Lee Spencer) is worried about the safety of Zachariah Salvatore (Marcus Hester) after a councilman is murdered.  This fate soon befalls him too.

Carol Lockwood (Susan Walters) is worried about the present day sheriff  (Marguerite McIntyre) solving the murders.  Alaric (Matt Davis) wakes behind bars and he's a suspect.  Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) thinks he could have stabbed himself.  Only he believe she's being framed.  Damon (Ian Somerhalder) resolves to find out what happened and the sheriff suggests his involvement could just make things worse.

Matt (Zach Roerig) has talked to Bonnie, and Abby has decided to become a vampire and she doesn't blame Elena (Nina Dobrev) who disagrees.  All this was to save her life and it's her fault.  It almost always is about Elena and that won't really change.  Damon thinks he should "rip out Dr False accusations throat or tongue."  Elena wants him to show some compassion towards Abby.  "Should I send Lasagne?" She warns if he "keeps pushing people away he'll end up alone."

Damon: "You hate me the world is back on its axis."  Damon returns home to read one of Stefan's (Paul Wesley) journals and comments they could "activate our Wonder Twin power."  He wants to bond as brothers.  Damon recalls 1912 when Mystic Falls also had a serial killer.

Stefan was Zachariah's nephew as he speaks with Samantha Gilbert (Lindsay R Garrett) and Mariana Lockwood (Hannah Fierman).  No one is discussing Zachariah's death.  Samantha says he was murdered.  Damon arrives, "Have you been eating the relatives again?" he asks Stefan. The brothers haven't seen each other in 50 years.  Stefan turned him into a vampire and he's been spending time drinking peoples' blood.  Stefan has missed Damon.

Present day:  Stefan thinks Damon's bored and he agrees to help Damon solves the murders. Rebekah (Claire Holt) grills Carol about the tree records.  Carol assumes they were probably cut down as as the Salvatore's owned the logging mills.  Damon: "She-Devil 9 O' clock!"  That look Damon gives Rebekah was either enough to send shivers down someone's back but not in a cold way, rather seductively actually!  Damon comments Bill and Brian were all on the Founders Council.

Alaric doesn't have a motive for the killings and he spoke with Meredith for over an hour on that night, though he doesn't recall the conversation since he was drinking.  He doesn't have an alibi for Bill's murder.  Damon refers to Rebekah as "Blondie Bex" and if she wants more sex then she should just ask.  Stefan ponders the possibility a vampire could be behind the killings.  Damon thought it could be Stefan.  Charming!  There wasn't any other vampire around then.

Sage (Cassidy Freeman) was around in 1912. She was a boxer.  Flash to Stefan being able to show Damon how to survive without human blood.  He can't lecture Damon anymore.  Back in the present, Rebekah says she knew Sage and then Stefan suspects it could be Sage behind the killings.

Elena defends Alaric and Meredith questions what Elena knows about him - that Isobel got  a restraining order against him twice.  Elena dates vampires so she shouldn't be shocked Alaric is a murderer.  Damon then calls Rebekah "Lushy Pants" and that she's not invited to join their conversation.  Elena and Zach break into Meredith's apartment, since she'll have a skeleton in her closet.  She's got files on Brian, Bill and Alaric.

Damon doesn't believe Meredith could be a killer as she couldn't stab three men, but Rebekah says she could.  Stefan doesn't kill human beings anymore and Damon hated how Stefan used to be all self-righteous.  Damon reads from Stefan's journal and how he wrote about Damon continuing to waste his life.

1912  Damon doesn't want fun as the woman he loves has been entombed for 100 years.  Sage tells him his technique is all wrong, "bad vampire."  Women are for pleasure.  Damon's spoken for. He should relish the pleasure of being a vampire and look for the women who are buttoned up. They secretly crave seduction.  Damon's a vampire and it's all his for the taking.

Sage was obsessed with Finn over 900 years ago.  Damon wants Stefan to admit he wants to eat the staff.  Meredith has the Gilbert journal.  A letter from the Coroner's office states the TOD was wrong and Meredith returns home to catch them both hiding in her closet.  The sheriff already has the letter and has apologized for accusing Alaric.

Damon talks of Stefan's "eternally guilty conscience."  He's stubborn  and has opted for a life without drinking blood.  Rebekah offers to help Damon, as he feeds on a random woman.  Stefan stops him. It was just to lure Stefan and Damon's version of tough love.  He threatens to let Rebekah lose on the woman unless Stefan feeds.  Damon tells him he let blood control him and he must fight it.  Stefan feeds ravenously.  Damon wants Rebekah gone and Elena and Matt catch Stefan in the act.  Damon refers to Stefan's actions as an "experiment."

Matt doesn't see why Elena  has a "thing" with them.  After her parents died she wanted to feel safe and being with Stefan felt this way.  He'd always love her and never die like her parents.  As for Damon, he "snuck up on me." He gets under Elena's skin.  Matt comments once you're in love he doesn't know if you can "ever shake 'em."  Then he and Elena have a moment of closeness. Obviously he's talking about their past relationship.  Matt stole the journal for Elena.  He's "invisible in a town of vampires," being human.

Damon believes Stefan did fine and Elena will understand.  He's not bothered with what she thinks but why does Damon care?   He thinks he's getting Elena to hate Stefan so he can go back to hating him. Damon's trying to help.  Last time Damon tried to help in 1912, he convinced him to drink human blood.  Sage reminded Damon it was worth it to drink human blood and Stefan picks out a woman.  Stefan drinks and can't stop, eventually killing her.  Stefan then became the "Ripper of Monterrey."

Damon watched Stefan go over the edge back then and didn't stop him.  Stefan doesn't think Damon could have stopped him.  Damon didn't want to, now he does cos he's the only one he has left.  Alaric doesn't want Elena to get into trouble for him.  She has to since there's no one else around to get into trouble for.

Samantha was as crazy as Jonathan Gilbert.  Stefan found the archives from 1900 and a confession ten years later.  Samantha was locked up in an asylum and her trail ends.  Damon had killed her.  Meredith forged the Coroner's letter to clear Alaric's name, that was apparent.  The sheriff was easily fooled.  The journal had extracts of "not feeling like myself" and "losing time." Stefan wonders if Samantha is still alive since she was a Gilbert and had a ring.

Alaric had black outs, his weapons were used in the murders.  Meredith asks, "How many times can you die before it changes you?"  The same thing happened a hundred years ago.  Elena hated to say it but Meredith was right.  Samantha had a ring and she was the one who killed Zachariah and the others back in 1912.

Great twist the way they had us going as Meredith being the killer.  Turned out to be Alaric.  Talk about heading head first into murky depths.  Never pegged Alaric as the killer, though there were obvious signs, like his weapons and not being able to recall.  The clues were there, especially since no one knows the effect of using the ring so many times.  So what now with Jeremy (Steven R McQueen)?  He's used it once only and they have to let him keep it, as Elena sent him away to be safe.  Also good to see Damon made the same discovery about Alaric at the same time too.

Damon's and Stefan's flash to 1912, where Damon was going to teach him how to live without human blood was so reflective of today.  Here Damon enticed Stefan with human blood in order to help him control it.  Trust Elena to appear when she did.  Caught in the act. If ever that phrase was so relevant, it's here.  Damon didn't want to know Stefan back in 1912 and he didn't want to help him either as he walked away .

This now changed dramatically as Damon wants to help.  Would've thought that would have still been the case back in 1912; seeing as Katherine was entombed.  also the parallels here between Elena saying she didn't want to be alone and that's why she felt safe with Stefan; then telling Damon he'll end up alone if he keeps pushing people away.

Stefan's journals transported us back to season 1 of the show.  As well as Matt wanting to know why Elena got involved with Stefan and Damon to begin with.  Didn't expect her reply to have been so enlightening and also selfish in a way.  Stefan would always be around, even when she would eventually grow old and would leave him alone, just as she lost her parents.

The reveal that Alaric's ring was the cause of his changing personality, whilst interesting, as it drew parallels to Samantha Gilbert (Elena's cousin) who suffered the same fate as him by using the ring many times over.  Still has along way to go in terms of storyline.  What is interesting is that the ring is a Gilbert family heirloom and Alaric kind of 'inherited' the ring as he married into the family and as such is now left to face this consequence.  Seems like a Gilbert family curse in that wearing the ring ensures life, but at the same time, it takes away the user's faculties.  Wonder if Jeremy will endure the same fate.

One thing I didn't like was how Alaric was introduced as having a tainted past.  A violent one too. This was probably just introduced as adding some sort of weight to the mix of Alaric being someone of questionable character and predisposed to violent tendencies.  (Think they're mistaking him for Damon, ha.)  This isn't the case shown by the love he has for Elena and Jeremy. Hey the guy even likes Damon, now that's saying something about the man.

Stefan's flashback's were amazing and I know the Vic's head falling from her body could be viewed as a funny moment in a macabre way. Yet the desperation in Stefan trying to piece it back to her body was sad.  Illustrating how the frenzy he showed here was going to turn him into a killing machine and earn the name of "Ripper."

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