Sunday, 24 June 2012

CSI: Miami - 8.23: "Time Bomb" Review

The plot thickens as to who planted the bomb killing ASA Rebecca Nevins, leaving Delko to come clean about his spying on the CSIs. Elsewhere the identity of the evidence thief is also revealed. Not as shocking as it could have been.

20 minutes earlier:  Calleigh (Emily Procter) agrees to meet Delko (Adam Rodriguez) for coffee and then follows him.   See there's hardly any trust demonstrated between them.   Calleigh freaks out, he's been lying to her and Delko's still working for ASA Rebecca Nevins (Christina Chang).   Calleigh demands the truth.   He admits he's working on the theft from the lock-up, only cos he was placed on the spot; and half a million dollars worth of heroin is missing.   Delko tells Horatio (David Caruso) this is Sully's (Brad Leland)  past case.   Horatio suspects the bomb could have been for Delko.  No one else knows what Delko was working on.   Horatio: "She was our friend, let's not forget it."  Horatio did have a relationship with her of sorts and as we know, anyone who has a relationship in this show has got to be killed off, or be a suspect.   Delko only told Sully about it and no one else.

Jesse (Eddie Cibrian) tells Calleigh he's here if she needs to talk.   Just like he eventually opened up to her about his wife.   Also sadly this relationship could have developed further, as friends and who knows maybe giving Delko a run for his money, but then there was no Jesse/Eddie next season.   Calleigh's found thin, grainy residue on the site and on the door panel from the car, which isn't dust.   Jesse notices the white residue smells of fuel from the bomb; contains ammonium nitrate and the bomb originated from the car.  They need to find the detonator.  

Natalia (Eva La Rue) asks Delko what he knows and he should "drop the act."  Calleigh overhears.   Everyone deserves to know.   Delko admits to wearing a wire for Rebecca.   Walter (Omar Miller) is completely shocked, "you were spying on us."  Though he shouldn't be really since he knows Delko blabbed to Rebecca about his bank records.  Delko in an attempt to cover his back says it was either him or someone who wouldn't protect them, well he didn't do a thorough job of protecting Walter or Ryan (Jonathan Togo) when it comes to it.   Natalia knew what he was doing.   Walter: "some team." Yes but he'll get over it.   He'd be twice as shocked if he discovered Natalia was also a mole once upon a time.

Jesse has to call Delko over, which he's relieved with since he can make his escape without any further recriminations from anyone.   As conveniently Jesse missed the 'reveal' about his 'spying' as he was actually working.   Jesse tells him every VIN was  stripped before the blast.   Delko analyzes the remains to find the car had an hydraulic suspension system and the serial number for it will be as helpful as the VIN.   The car was a 1986 Cutlass and was used in a bank robbery in 2008.   MDPD owns the car, it's in their impound yard.   Det.  Carmichael signed it out.   Tripp (Rex Linn) says he didn't bring it back.   Delko finds another car was signed out by Carmichael, so they need to begin with his last case.   Leading Horatio and Delko to prisoner, Tino (Ramon Fernandez) he was being investigated by Carmichael and disappeared.  Tino admits he killed him and Horatio doesn't believe him.  Tino says they're being played.   That was obvious.

Horatio talks to Rick Stetler (David Lee Smith) who tells him to go through all of Carmichael's files and inform him of his investigation, there are to be no interviews without him present.   At this point the writers were attempting to be sneaky as Rick, being IA would need to investigate Carmichael as he could have been a dirty cop.   On the other hand Rick would have his own ulterior motives for wanting to be kept in the loop, if he was somehow involved.  We have seen the worst of Rick's personal side, so anything's possible.  Walter still reeling over Delko's revelation, admits to Ryan he's never stolen anything in his life.   Delko doesn't know him that's why he went after Walter.  Ryan defends Delko in that he wouldn't just pick on him like that.   Well he has to prove himself right at the end of the episode.

Walter finds lots of metal sprockets which were part of the bomb.   Ryan works out the bomb was detonated remotely using a cell phone.   (How many times has that been done in both CSI:NY, season 2 episode Charge of this Post  and CSI 11.1 Shock Waves).  Walter thinks they can match the sprocket with the motor, which turns out to be used in golf carts.  Pollock ( Brett Rickaby) says he cooperated with Rebecca that's why he's out of prison.   Ryan accuses him of revenge against her.   ME Tom (Christian Clemenson) conducts Rebecca's autopsy with a digital fluoroscope, she suffered massive concussive injuries and scrapnal wounds were present everywhere on her body.  He also finds a GPS chip on her body, which was from the car.   If Jesse uses the chip to reverse journey, it should lead back to the bomber.

Calleigh asks Delko if he was wearing the wire when they were together.   He's hesitant when he replies but answers in the negative.  Though I wouldn't put it past him after what he did to Walter.  The GPS leads them to Ryan's house.   Ryan being the obvious Patsy of choice as he's been in so much trouble since he joined the team.   Jesse defends him in that no one can believe it would be Ryan.  Walter wants them to be careful with his things as he's one of them.

 Calleigh firstly tells them they have to do what they have to do, it's their job and then adds they have to exonerate Ryan by doing this.  As if to justify tearing his place apart.   Natalia isn't happy with it.   Ryan naturally would be angry and accuses Delko of investigating him now that Walter's investigation didn't get him results.  Delko finds the diamonds.   Ryan's being set up, but Rick says the diamonds aren't his because he stole them.   Again Rick being there to get in on the search and can't wait to arrest him.   He asks if Ryan had more gambling debts and if Rebecca was getting too close, and the evidence is leading them one way.

Horatio practically orders Ryan to back off.   Ryan counted the diamonds and signed out with an officer.   Horatio concedes this is procedure and it's still an active investigation.   Rick cuffs Ryan and when Horatio says they're not necessary, he repeats what he said, "By the book, Horatio." Walter sees what's happening and gets the others to look, this isn't right.   Jesse says they don't have any DNA or usable trace to help Ryan.   Natalia adds they don't have any human DNA, since she read an article about leaving behind a bacterial signature when any object is touched.   This signature remains for two weeks and doesn't match 87% of the population.  They need elimination samples from the workers.

Delko tries to bring a case against Pollock and Sully worked it, he was also the only one he told about the investigation, well more fool him.   That's why he got Rebecca killed, he didn't have to tell him about it so soon and thought he was suspecting everyone there, which should have included those no longer working there, as the drug case was Sully's.   If Sully's dirty he'd want Delko and Rebecca dead.   Horatio questions Sully and tells him it's his chance to come clean.   Lots of that happening here.   Including the writers also clearing the Miami house.   Sully pulls a gun on Horatio in the hopes he will be shot since the other alternative was too dire for him to face.   I.e telling him who was behind it.   Horatio concludes they're looking for another cop.

Orlansky (Rashawn Underdue) worked the impound yard, so knew Carmichael.   He wasn't in the lab when the diamonds were stolen and admits he didn't call Tech Services when the cameras lost their feed but instead went there in person.   Horatio asks him who signed the cars out.  Rick gives Delko Ryan's file, so unbeknown to him, Natalia can check out his bacterial signature, which matches Rick.   Tripp gets Ryan released.   Rick: "So we got our man."

Horatio: "We do, Rick." There he spelled it out for him.   Horatio doesn't need Rick's DNA as they have Orlansky's testimony.   They can't wait to get their claws into Rick with Delko accusing him of always going after one of them, now he's the dirty cop.   Rick explains it began with one car.   Carmichael was missing and no one cared or noticed.  Everything remains in the impound yard and in evidence.   He threatened Orlansky with failing his next drug test unless he covers for him.   The diamonds were meant to be his last work and he didn't want to let years of work go to waste.  Rick:  Twenty years, "I gave my life for this." The only thing he'd have to show for it would be a pension and a cheap watch.   He only stole from thieves, which doesn't make it right.   The thieves stole from others.   As he told Ryan, the diamonds weren't his.   Horatio calls this "the nature of the sacrifice."  That Rebecca was one of them and he killed her.

Ryan takes pleasure in returning the favour and cuffing Rick.   Then thanks Delko for having his back, thereby proving my earlier point about Walter being wrong about him.   Delko and Calleigh get lovey dovey in their own cryptic way.   Delko calling her "quite a sight."  Flattery won't get him anywhere.   It will take a while for him to earn back her trust.  hey he could have meant quite a sight in a bad way! Ha.

Shame to see Rick go in such a way, yes he was always on their case and abused Yelina (Sofia Milos) but he was meant to be  a cop and one of the good, 'good' guys (cos he was IA, then again I suppose that says it all.   No one was watching IA watching the cops.) No one likes IA so true to form he had to have been stealing evidence.   It's always the last one big steal which brings them down.   As for framing Ryan he really should have known better since he's been working with Horatio and his team for so long, he knows how good they are.   Horatio goes to bat for them and would never see Ryan be accused of something he didn't do.

Over the seasons Rick proved to be a worthy adversary for Horatio and the rest of the CSIs, constantly breathing down their necks.   Pity they had to take him on this road.   Let's hope he reaches out from prison in a revenge attack.   Either that or they just may kill him off there instead.  You never can tell with CSI writers, they don't hesitate in killing off characters we get to like or love to hate.

Rick accuses Ryan of his gambling addiction leading to the theft of the diamonds; but who had the hidden addiction, including taking risks.  It started out with stealing one car and the way they showed the scenes where it escalated into another and another was a nice touch.   No one noticed which made it easier to come back and take another; but that he got away with it time and again due to his threats against Orlansky.   This made Rick bolder, upping the anty and graduating onto other evidence from lock-up.   It was also nicely demonstrated that when Orlansky was assigned to lock-up, that's when that evidence began disappearing too.   Probably Rick may have had a part in his transfer.  

At least Ryan got to get angry this episode and never got the chance to make silly comments.   He blew his top at Walter especially, as well as Delko, who has known him for a long time and is the closest to.   Ryan's neck was on the line yet again.   He also would have loved putting the cuffs on Rick as he sacked him in 5.22 Burned when his secret gambling addiction was discovered and that he was gambling on the job.  But back in season 5, the writers had no idea they would turn Rick into a dirty cop and in doing so now, just felt so rushed and an afterthought.   (Can't help but wonder why Warrick (Gary Dourdan) wasn't fired in CSI - with the amount of betting and gambling he got up to , also whilst he was on the job.   Especially early season 1.   Guess most of the CSIs were into making bets with each other, if not at the casinos or with bookies etc.   They still do.   Maybe it's cos they're in Vegas.  Anyway, that's moot point now.)

So they took out plenty of birds with the old proverbial one stone in this episode, Rebecca, Rick, Sully.   The three shows never fail in 'recycling' stories, plots and dialogue from each other.   In CSI:NY 7.21, Life Sentence, Hunt (Peter Fonda) Mac's (Gary Sinise) former partner, used the same justification for his stealing the money from a  drugs bust.   Saying he'd get a measley pension, he's divorced, after so many years of service with nothing to show for it.   He even mentioned the obligatory cheap watch being handed out.   Which was no excuse for being corrupt, as Horatio said here, them's the 'perks' of their job.  I.e you don't get any benefits.  It's good old fashioned work all the way, the pay sucks, it's lousy hours but if you can't hack it, you shouldn't be in it.

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