Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Vampire Diaries - 3.11: "Our Town" Review

It's Caroline's birthday but she's not in the celebrating mood. Stefan wins one over Klaus but at Elena's expense. Jeremy says goodbye to Mystic Falls.

There, opening scene: Damon (Ian Somerhalder) naked in the shower. Like he said last episode about the someone having to get naked, well maybe it's not the same thing, but he wasn't having a cold shower either!  Elena (Nina Dobrev) trains with Alaric (Matt Davis).   Stefan (Paul Wesley) asks why Damon's in such high spirits.   Damon suggests he stays calm otherwise he'll lose his hair.   Elena didn't sleep and neither did Alaric, at which point I would say she was dreaming about Damon and that kiss, but since she was awake she must have tossed and turned and thought of  THAT kiss instead.   Elena is frustrated (some may add sexually).    Jeremy (Steven R McQueen) is packing.

Bonnie (Kat Graham) chants a spell but the coffins don't open.   Stefan is adamant they must protect the location of Klaus's (Joseph Morgan) family.   The less people who know the better and Damon hasn't told Elena about it either.   Damon hears a noise and then stakes a hybrid.   Damon: "Hybrids really bringing the neighbourhood down."  Elena needs to tell Bonnie about Jeremy leaving so she can say goodbye.   It's Caroline's birthday and they put balloons on her locker and a sign.

Damon says Klaus had six siblings so who does the lockbox belong to?   He comments the spirits of the dead witches can hide the coffins but can't work out how to open one.   Damon asks Stefan if he just expects Klaus and his hybrids to pack bags and leave.   Stefan refuses to go on the defensive since he has the upper hand with Klaus's family in his possession.   Damon knows Klaus will kill everyone Stefan values including Damon.   Klaus will only call Stefan's bluff Stefan must be "willing to lose everything if you're wrong,"  which gives Stefan an idea or should I say, plan.

Jeremy truly believes he'll have a better life in Denver and Bonnie tells him that's exactly what Elena said.   Caroline (Candice Accola) refuses to speak to Tyler (Michael Trevino).   He's helpless against Klaus's sire bond and he can't ever put her first.   He gives her a charm bracelet for her birthday.   Stefan pays a visit to Klaus and tells him he lives here.   If Klaus wanted to argue the point, he could say that he was here first.   Stefan hates his hybrid friends, they're like fleas and he wants them gone.   Klaus says Stefan's on vervain now.   Stefan: "Friends don't strip friends of their free will."  Klaus demands the return of his family.   Stefan gives Klaus an ultimatum and Klaus threatens to kill people but Stefan is beyond caring, but Klaus may care if he puts Elijah in the Arctic.

Klaus is willing to lose a brother if it means he'd get to kill Damon, so Stefan lops off Mindy's (Kimberley Drummond) head and that's what you get for being inn the wrong place at the wrong time.   Or that was in response to Klaus's bad joke/comment of Stefan leaving and failing to make his point.   Elena, Bonnie and Matt (Zach Roerig) bring the party to Caroline who says she's "stuck in a filler year."

Klaus wants to use Tyler in revenge and he has lost his friends and girlfriend.   Klaus wants him to bite her since a hybrid's bite is deadly to a vampire.  Tyler refuses so it's not clear if Klaus compelled him in some way cos of his sire bond or whether Tyler just gets carried away in the moment later on.   Presumably Klaus was relying on Tyler's emotions getting the better of him as far as Caroline is concerned.   Knowing how intense their feelings are towards one another, Caroline and Tyler that is, not Tyler and Klaus.   Klaus is testing Tyler's loyalty.   Yet somehow Klaus knows he will always return to Caroline in the end.

Alaric asks Damon if Stefan is willing to risk his life after he was the one to save him.   He asks if he still has his humanity.  Damon likens him to a dimmer switch and can't predict how far Stefan is willing to go, thus he didn't see what was coming with Stefan and Elena, but like I said Damon did kind of put the idea into his head.    

Damon has a small list of people he'd like to protect.   There's another council meeting.   Elena has a 'funeral' for Caroline to say goodbye to her old life and move on, which is what she should have been doing for herself.     Alaric comments on the model of the bridge where Elena's parents died.  Meredith (Torrey DeVitto) is there and knows of the town's vampire problem.   It's more a hybrid problem right now, or a Klaus problem even.    She's on the founder's council as her family goes back generations.   She says the Brit guy promised to pledge a dollar for every dollar raised.   Klaus plays nice to Carol (Susan Walters).

She's so taken by Klaus that she doesn't even listen to Damon when he tells her he turned Tyler into a hybrid, was she compelled.   Klaus has promised to protect the town and Damon asks from whom.   She's agreed so it doesn't appear she was under his compulsion and Damon must control Stefan or the council will take action.   Should have seen that coming, if Klaus can't get his way being bad, then he'll worm his way into their good books and take them down from the inside.   That's how it appears cos this episode was trying to show there's another side to Klaus and eventually they'll see the consequences of being taken in by him.

Caroline texts Tyler and Bonnie is angry that Elena shouldn't be able to control everyone all the time.   She's wrong to take Jeremy's choices away.   The sheriff (Marguerite MacIntyre) won't let the town be held hostage.   Damon thinks she's "all strong and sheriffy." Meredith fights with Brian, (David Colin Smith) her prom date and the town ME.   He warns Alaric he should get to know her first cos she's psycho.   Which doesn't seem to bother Alaric, since she's new in town, he still wants to play hero.   Stefan's at the meeting too and Damon prevents him from killing another hybrid.   He asks if Stefan wants to see Elena as a blood bag forever and has to use his brains.   He doesn't care about Elena.   Stefan has to be the better bad guy in order to beat the bad guy.

Matt wants them all to be happy in the life they're stuck in.   Elena doesn't want to lose anyone else she loves, which we already know.   Tyler turns up and won't let Klaus control him, he loves her  They kiss and he bites Caroline, so instead of helping her he runs away cos she tells him to, how is that love.    Stefan attacks Matt and takes Elena.   Stefan has Elena's phone and asks what Klaus would do if he can't make anymore hybrids.   Damon warns Klaus to listen to Stefan but he thinks he's bluffing.   Damon suggests he should believe him cos he knows Stefan and doesn't know how far he'll go.   That was either stupid or arrogant of Klaus to think Stefan wouldn't carry out his threats.   Klaus has seen Stefan at his worst, courtesy of putting him through it all and yet he still thinks he won't go ahead and kill Elena.  

Elena asks Stefan's plan, ugh there's that word again.  Will he lock her up, Stefan may just turn her into a vampire.   Klaus wants his coffins and Stefan threatens to drive Elena off the bridge.   He feeds Elena his blood.   Klaus calls his bluff and agrees to his demands.   Elena is angry with Stefan for almost killing her in the place her parents died.   Stefan was the one who saved her and he had to make it look convincing.   If Stefan knows Klaus's weakness he can destroy him.   That's all he has left.   He lost Elena when he left town, but she was still his and he kept ignoring that cos he wanted to keep her safe and maybe part of him still does, since that word humanity was used again.   Stefan doesn't care what Elena thinks of him.

Klaus turns up to help Caroline, his blood will heal her and he's invited in.   He wants the sheriff's support which he'll get cos she'll be indebted to him for saving her, so much for standing by Damon.   So Stefan may have won this battle, but Klaus also won too and the war isn't over yet.   As Klaus gets everyone on side.   Caroline thinks he'll kill her but she has plenty to live for.   He thought about dying over the centuries.  "There's a world out there, waiting for you."  She drinks his blood.   So what's the difference between a hybrid's bite killing vampires and Klaus's blood, also a hybrid, which can save them?

Elena calls on Damon again to pick her up, why not Matt or anyone else, like Alaric?   Damon thinks Stefan won the round and he's proud.   Damon can't kiss her again, it's not right.   Damon: "It's right, just not right now."  Klaus leaves a gift for Caroline, an even better bracelet than the one Tyler gave her.   Elena feels stuck holding onto the girl that was meant to have died.   Matt doesn't believe that's her and she let her go.   He throws flowers in the water and says goodbye to Elena.   Brian is found staked in the woods and Damon says he's not a vampire.   Probably Meredith did it, well she was probably the last to see him alive, she has motive of not liking him and he called her a psycho in front of Alaric.   Plus she didn't come right out and tell Alaric she's a founder's ancestor and wanted to appear all mysterious.   Also the "lost a patient" line she used and what was it with telling Alaric he's a day drinker too, as opposed to a night drinker.

Lots of free will being spouted and spread around.   Everyone was talking about it, Klaus to Stefan, to Tyler.   Bonnie and Elena.   Thing is no one was really exercising much free will - at least not for the right reasons anyway.   Except Stefan got one over on Klaus using his free will, which had been stifled by Klaus for so long and using Elena as bait.   Which negated her free will cos she didn't want to go along with it and really was afraid Stefan would crash the car.   Oh Stefan - my how you've grown so insensitive and callous in your darkness.   He can't argue compulsion anymore - only revenge.   He had the chance to change - he still does but he is blinkered when it comes to Klaus.   So much for vampires talking about free will when they resort to using compulsion, double standards, 'ey?

More funny moments from Damon and he also believes Stefan did a great job as far as Stefan is concerned and you know what? Elena doesn't hold that against Damon; for thinking that way when Stefan held her life to ransom.   Heck she's so besotted with Damon she doesn't even shout at him after what she's been through.   Maybe they had it out in the car and we didn't get to see it.   Didn't Elena in a way, get a taste of her own medicine.  Bonnie called her controlling but Elena sent Jeremy away to protect him (like Klaus can't find him if he had the inkling).   Stefan was doing the same; trying to control Klaus, the situation and Elena at the same time.   She couldn't see that.

Hey one plan that actually worked, although it may have been a spur of the moment decision; fuelled by Damon's earlier comment.   Not liking Meredith Fell - she seems to have an agenda and is too sneaky for my liking.   Caroline so heading towards a 'friendship' with Klaus, however the producers have said there won't be any romance on the cards which is a good thing.   I mean can't let Caroline go after the entire male population of the town, ha.   We're meant to believe (see) for ourselves that Klaus has some humanity when he saves Caroline - yet it's all a ploy in getting people on his side and driving a wedge between the town and the Salvatore's.   Oh come on Klaus only cares about himself and his family - when the need or fancy strikes him.   He's keeping Rebekah on ice.   Klaus has flashes of 'humanity;' of other worldliness in that he gets lost in the past, like he did with Caroline before he healed her, kind of childlike and innocent.   But he's far from that.

Damon finds himself increasingly in Stefan's shoes when he had to reign Damon in and control him once upon a time, which is fun to watch.   It was Elena's 18th at the season's start and it's Caroline's birthday halfway through the season, yet she hasn't aged or added another year.  She will remain forever 17 and she hates being stuck.   The point Matt was making about being stuck.   Caroline knows it and hates it so maybe when Klaus helps her, his plan all along, and leaves the gift for her, she might see a way past the rut.   The sheriff trusting Klaus so completely, first she invites him in and them leaves him alone with her.   As does Matt.   Then she gets Damon to the CS, she can't have it both ways when she's going to be called upon for her services from Klaus.   Did anyone tell Elena what happened to Caroline, or Bonnie for that matter?   They were so friendly and now it seems the three friends are moving further apart.

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