Thursday, 24 May 2012

Merlin - 3.1: "The Tears of Uther Pendragon"

The first episode in series 3 and the search for Morgana, with new reveals along the way and the battle for Camelot coming to a head.

Arthur (Bradley James) and Merlin (Colin Morgan) chance upon a battlefield of dead soldiers in their search for the missing Morgana (Katie McGrath).  It has been over a year since she disappeared.   Uther (Anthony Head) is determined the search will continue, regardless of how many men are lost.

Arthur jokes about Merlin being on a horse all day and his bottom being sore.  To which Merlin replies, "I may be a wimp, but at least I'm not a dollophead."
Arthur: "There's no such word."
Merlin: "It's idiomatic."   We all know what he means by "idiot" there.

 Merlin tells Arthur he should be more in touch with his people.   They are attacked and Merlin uses magic causing one of the attacker's helmet to fly off.  It appears Merlin causes the sword to become magnetic, however, when watching, it doesn't seem that obvious this happens.   Arthur tells Merlin they're "not playing hide and seek."  Since as always, Merlin is never observed when using magic, that would be self-defeating.  Merlin calls Arthur a "dollophead" again.  As soon as the attack is over, they coincidentally find Morgana; I should say, she stumbles across them.  Though in a change to her normal demeanour, she looks dishevelled.  She's examined by Gaius (Richard Wilson) and appears to be fine, to Uther's relief.

Merlin questions Gaius as to whether Morgana's said anything about him -- she doesn't know Merlin has magical powers.   (Excuse me if I'm wrong, but in a previous episode, Morgana did find out Merlin's secret and he was always concerned she would reveal this to Uther.)  Here the writers have him say he's worried she'll tell about how he poisoned her at the end of last season.   Gaius reassures him he had no other choice and she had to be poisoned so that Camelot would be saved.   Morgana was the source of the enchantment.  Merlin is warned that Morgana will tell Uther of her poisoning, but why would she, when she hates Uther, the only reason for this would be if she wanted Merlin out of the way.  Then there'd be no show!  Merlin wonders what Uther will do if he finds out he has magic.

Arthur wants to see Merlin in Morgana's chamber, where she tells Arthur she escaped about a week ago.  She thought she would gain her freedom when she saw Camelot's army, but they were killed and she escaped whilst her captors were distracted.  Morgana finally has a chance to speak to Merlin and reveals she knows he poisoned her but adds she understands why he did it and she would have done the same if need be.   (By now, Merlin should realize she's not being honest with him and he's naive to believe she would understand his attempt to kill her.)  Telling him she didn't comprehend what he was doing, but now she's a "new woman" and can see the evil Uther has to fight and she regrets what she did in the past.   (Of course when she mentions evil, she refers to herself.)  Merlin's sorry for her ordeal.

Another scene in Arthur's chamber with him shirtless!  Merlin questions Arthur on how he could possibly know how doing Merlin's work feels, when he's never done a day's work.  In another comedy scene, Arthur uses the bucket and pours water over Merlin's head.

Morgana and Uther's first meeting since she got back is almost like a dream sequence.  Uther cries he never gave up on her and loved her like she's his own daughter.  (Clues already here as to what will soon be revealed.)  Morgana promises to show him the love and respect he deserves and has an evil smirk on her face.  Morgause refers to Uther as a "snivelling dog."   Morgana tells her Merlin believes she's a different person now, "Soon he will see exactly how much!"  Morgause (Emilia Fox) congratulates her, commenting that "the tears of Uther Pendragon have only just begun to fall."  She boils mandrake root and the screams from it are heard by both.  Only people who possess magic can hear these screams.   Morgause weaves her evil spell saying Uther's kingdom will mean nothing to him when he goes mad.   All I can say is that Merlin should have heeded the Dragon's words all those times he said the witch, Morgana, must die.

Uther recalls Morgana inherited her bravery from her father (yet another clue).  A feast is prepared in her honour.  Merlin and Arthur continue their friendly rivalry, as Merlin comments he's seen better sword-fighting than Arthur's.  He helped rescue Morgana and wasn't hiding behind a tree.  Merlin mimics Arthur in a girly voice, "I'm Merlin, don't hurt me."

Uther still persists in telling Morgana how much he missed her and that losing her was like "a blade to his heart."  Morgana wishes it really were.  Uther walks to the well, where he sees the ghost of his dead wife.  He takes a turn for the worse and has to be dragged away.  Morgana places the mandrake root under Uther's bed.  Gaius reassures Arthur they will just tell the people that Uther was unwell.   Cenred tells Morgause, he wants to please her.   No one catches Morgana sneaking out of the castle at night, until now, when she kills a guard who thinks she's been hurt, when the mandrake root leaves a trail on the ground.  Gwen (Angel Coulby) checks on Morgana, who abruptly dismisses her, as she's hiding the root under her cloak.

Morgause informs Cenred (Tom Ellis) of Uther being ill and Camelot being vulnerable.  Taunting him by calling him a coward.  But Cenred doesn't "think with his sword."  Cenred puts together an army of mercenaries, ready to invade Camelot.   Morgana laughs at Uther's dismay.   As Gaius sums up for newcomers to the show, that Uther drowned anyone he suspected of using or having magic, when he purged the kingdom.  Most of those killed were children, which is why he is now haunted by their ghosts.  (Merlin was saved.)  The sentry is found.

Gaius mentions the "Citral of Bloodguard," i.e a dagger, they were sworn to protect the old Priestesses.  Morgana finds the recovering sentry in Gaius' chamber and poisons him.  Merlin feels Uther's agony and finds droplets from the mandrake root on the floor, spotting the root under the bed, just as Morgana enters to remove it and replace it with a fresher one.  He later follows her to the woods.  (Why doesn't anyone do that more often -- as he will do later on.)  Cenred will march on Camelot and it will find itself without a leader, but it still has Arthur.  Once more, Morgana and Morgause are aware of Merlin's presence.  Morgana asks where his magic is now, as he can't escape them.  See, she does know he has magic.

Gaius informs Arthur he must take over Camelot, but Arthur calls this treason.  He swore "allegiance to my King and as long as there is breath in my body -- it is my duty to uphold that."  Morgause wonders why Merlin, a servant would risk his life for Camelot.  Merlin believes in fairness, but since he poisoned one of her own, he can die with his secret.  (It took Morgana a year to hone her evil grins!) as shown when Gaius tells her that Merlin is missing.  Morgana comforts Arthur at Uther's side.

Merlin can't escape his chains and rid the giant scorpions with his magic either.  He calls to the Dragon, Cenred rides on Camelot.   Morgause watches in her crystals.  The Dragon saves the day, or rather, night and carries Merlin away after saving him.

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